2013年10月29日 星期二

Tourism takes center stage

Source: Cape Cod Times, Hyannis, Mass.迷你倉Oct. 29--SANDWICH -- Tourism and the arts are big money makers statewide, but a legislative committee came to Cape Cod on Monday to figure out ways to further leverage the industries in a highly competitive market.The Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts and Cultural Development held a public hearing at the Heritage Museums and Gardens in Sandwich. The group, led by state Rep. Cory Atkins, D-Concord, and state Sen. Kathleen O'Connor Ives, D-Newburyport, have been holding the meetings across the state since this summer."In my opinion, it's a stable part of the economy," Atkins said at the hearing.The committee provided statistics, including Department of Revenue data, showing that tourism accounted for nearly $17 billion in direct spending during the last fiscal year, generating $1.1 billion in state and local taxes.The committee's statistics show that $1.2 billion is spent directly on goods and services in Massachusetts' arts and culture industry.But the competition for tourists dollars continues to grow. "The competition is fierce," said Betsy Wall, executive director of the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism.Wall said the state hopes to tap into emerging tourist markets internationally, including China, India and Brazil. "If we don't into those markets, other states will," she said.Wendy Northcross, executimini storagee director of the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, said the state of New York is increasingly targeting New England residents in its marketing.Massachusetts currently budgets $13 million for marketing the entire state to domestic and international travelers, Atkins and her staff said, which is less than a quarter of what the state of New York spends.Wall said one way her office helps local businesses and attractions get attention is its website, .massvacation.com, doesn't charge for advertising."You can post your own listings," she said. "You can post your own photography."At Monday's hearing, some speakers brought up ways to improve tourism spending -- through something as simple as improving signage.Sign restrictions at the federal, state and local levels make it tough for tourists to find attractions after arriving in the area, the speakers said."We have to do something about it, it's a tragedy," said Kevin Howard, executive director of the Arts Foundation of Cape Cod.Creating a consistent and easy-to-understand sign and icon system statewide could go a long way towards keeping tourists on the right paths towards attractions, he said."I see it as a marketing opportunity," he said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Cape Cod Times (Hyannis, Mass.) Visit the Cape Cod Times (Hyannis, Mass.) at .capecodonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

