2013年10月28日 星期一
Daily Mail, London, Alex Brummer column
Source: Daily Mail, LondonOct.self storage 26--It is the easiest thing in the world to pick holes in Britain's robust upturn. The jump in output has taken a long time to arrive, above target inflation has eroded living standards, output is still below where it was in 2008 and it is unbalanced.But all of these points can be challenged.The fact that the UK's recovery took longer than expected is hardly surprising.Mark Carney, new broom at the Bank of England, explained it on Thursday night when he pointed out that the assets of the UK banking system are four times the size of gross domestic product.So until the financial sector was restored to health recovery was bound to be delayed. The clean-up was far from complete when the Coalition arrived in office.Labour insists that the real issue of the moment is not growth but the cost of living. It is doubtless right that people have been hurting. But it was inevitable, after the boom and bust of the Blair-Brown years, when people became artificially wealthy on credit, that there would have to be a severe downward adjustment in living standards.The remarkable thing about the change that has taken place is that it has been relatively painless, in terms of unemployment, when compared to most of our neighbours on the Continent.Britain has actually created 1.69m new private sector jobs since the last quarter of 2009. It has a largely disciplined workforce ? Honda workers at Swindon provide a shining example ? that modified work patterns and accepted lower rewards to make sure that factories were not mothballed.The unbalanced economy is also something of a myth. Yes, the services sector that accounts for 75pc of output is the driving force behind this upturn, and it has climbed beyond its 2008 peak by 0.4pc. The tendency is to regard this sector as unproductive ? people buying haircuts and dining out.That is ill-informed. Business services, legal, consultancy, engineering and architecture, are an enormous part of this and contribute to exports and job creation. It includes successful companies such as the international recruiters Robert Walters and Harvey Nash.Moreover, no one is quite sure the output of all business services, such as the creative industries, is currently being fully captured by the Office for National Statistics.Which brings us to charges of an unbalanced recovery. Anyone tuning into Radio 4 early yesterday will have heard business people from the North-East, the Midlands and th迷你倉 North-West confirming an upturn in the industrial heartland.Indeed, manufacturing output was up sharply in the third quarter by 0.9pc and exports are responding well, given the slump in the eurozone. The overall growth numbers also have been distorted by energy issues. Output from energy supply slipped by 6.8pc in the third quarter, almost certainly as a result of the warm summer.If we also take into account the secular decline in North Sea oil and gas then the overall shortfall would have been far smaller.Economist Simon Ward of Henderson says that non-oil output was 1.6pc below peak in the third quarter ? not the 2.5pc that is screamed from the rooftops ? and this figure could fall to 1pc by the end of the year.The lost ground is being rapidly made up. Construction, both housebuilding and commercial, is picking up momentum and that is before the much criticised Help to Buy scheme comes on stream.The supply side effect may not be as rapid as the government wanted as planning restrictions and capacity constraints can make the market inelastic. However, you only have to look at the new home numbers from the residential builders to recognise not all the additional finance is heading into the London bubble.It is only too easy for Labour to see the glass as half empty. But as output and productivity pick-up so will pay and living standards.Patience, dear reader, patience.___I am being reassured by the global book builders for the Royal Mail offer that 90pc of the shares were allocated to 'long only' UK investors, not to the hedge funds and other clients. This despite the fact that several trusted City houses saw the allocation differently.The message from the book builders is that the likes of activist shareholder TCI, with 5.8pc of the stock, only put their chips on the gaming table after the offer.But even if this is the case then UBS, Goldman Sachs et al were hopelessly wrong on pricing.The shares offered at 330p were trading at 555p on Friday. Broker Panmure Gordon, in a 37-page note, has placed a target price of 570p on the stock.If honourable the global book runners would apologise to Business Secretary Vince Cable for an embarrassment. They should also consider returning their advisory and commission fees to the taxpayer as recompense for making a pig's ear.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Daily Mail (London, ) Visit the Daily Mail (London, ) at .dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
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