2014年1月21日 星期二

City, county announce new 'green' challenge

Source: Dayton Daily News, OhioJan.迷你倉 21--Dayton and Montgomery County officials have created a strategy to meet the goals of the Dayton Regional Green initiative while challenging local residents and businesses to help in the effort.Joined by representatives from other municipalities including Kettering, Centerville and Miamisburg, Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley and Montgomery County Commissioner Judy Dodge said their respective jurisdictions have plans to pass resolutions challenging residents, businesses and government to work toward environmental and sustainability efforts during the next three years.Five Rivers MetroParks and the Miami Conservancy District have also pledged to adopt similar resolutions, according to a release."By mobilizing our business and residential communities along with formal government actions, these ambitious goals can become a reality in making the Dayton region greener, healthier and more sustainable," Dodge said.Whaley said Dayton's commitment to sustainability "permeates every level and department" of the city government."By acting as better stewards of our natural resources, we'll also attract and retain young professionals, enhance our competitive edge concerning 文件倉reen issues with other regions and capitalize on cost-saving opportunities," Whaley said.Specific measurable goals as part of the initiative include the certification of 1,500 green businesses, the planting of 100,000 trees, a goal to acquire 30,000 Facebook fans, 50 new community gardens and three new bike trail connections.The governments want to reach a 25 percent recycling diversion rate for the entire county, as well as introduce recycling pickup for businesses."It's not necessarily things the government is going to do by itself, but its going to encourage people," said Dayton city manager Tim Riordan. "My belief is that, when people start to look anymore at a community they might want to have a business in, or have a family in, more and more people want to be in a community with an attitude that's green and sustainable."Riordan called the announcement a significant step for Dayton and local government collaboration."I think its another statement to the community about how well people can work together," he said.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) Visit the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) at .daytondailynews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉

