2014年1月27日 星期一
印傭被虐打案昨日有突破性進展,涉案姓羅女僱主企圖潛逃離港,在機場被截停拘捕;與此同時,警方與勞工處六名人員昨已抵印尼爪哇向尚在醫院留醫的被虐女傭錄取口供,特首梁振英也首次就事件開腔,對虐打惡行表示絕不會容忍、必依法追究。事態發展至此,不少市民都感到抒一口氣,大快人心。事實是自印傭Erwiana被虐事件周前曝光後,社會反應是強烈和震驚的,儘管不少市民家中也有僱用外傭,有時工作及相處上也會頗為「激氣」,但「人心肉造」,看見Erwiana被打到遍體鱗傷、眼青臉腫的慘相,都不禁嚇了一大跳,感到不可理解、難以想像:就算當事人再蠢再懶、工夫交唔準,也用得�把人打成這個樣子嗎?這樣不把人當人看待,還稱得上什麼文明社會、法治之都?事實果然如此,印傭被虐事件傳開後,香港馬上成了十目所視、十手所指,印尼民眾上街遊行抗議,當地及外國傳媒輿論怒斥惡行之餘,更質疑香港人的質素以及當局的監管責任,在港工作的印傭姐妹也聯袂到政府部門及印尼駐港使館交涉,要求查明真相、為Erwiana討回公道。一時間, 「好事不出門,壞事傳千里」,香港淪為國際社會話柄,港人僱主被譏為「奴隸主」……。在此情形下,全港市民及絕大部分家傭僱主都感到很不安、很不滿,一方面關注事態進展,另方面也擔心家中外傭情緒不安會影響工作,同時更傳出印尼當局可能不再批准印尼婦女來港工作,港人家庭今後僱請女傭會更困難。因此,此次虐傭事件,必須在特區政府以至全社會引起高度重視和關注。而事態焦點在於兩個方面:一是本港是文明、法治社會,不能容忍任何人以暴力、兇殘手段去對待他人,涉案女事主必須被依法懲處,而對被虐印傭,則要給予足夠的同情與支持。試想,一個年輕女子,自食其力、離鄉別井來港打工,有什麼錯?在港八個月的非人生活,身心都將留下難以磨滅的傷痕,其父母目睹女兒慘況更是心痛和氣憤,誓言要追究到底。按照本港法例,涉案女事主將會被控以暴力傷害他人身體罪,這是一項嚴重的刑事罪行,量刑可以由數年至終身監禁不等。而根據法庭要求,Erwiana有可能要回港作供,但她傷勢看來不輕,醫生指她頭部曾被長時間猛力撞擊,影響語言與表達能力,在這方面,本港警方、勞工及醫療部門應為她提供額外的協助,不能讓「惡婆」僱主逍遙法外。此外,案中的女傭中介公司,是否知情不報?是否只為收取介紹費佣金而置外傭安危於不顧?也必須要查明其責任。二是特區政府在事件中的反應和處理手法,昨日,特首梁振英高調回應,當然大有必要,但事件曝光至今已逾一個星期,Erwiana回印尼後躺在醫院病床上的照片也在電子傳媒和報章上不斷公開,為何政府相關部門遲遲沒有關注及跟進?據悉是在印尼政府有關部門提出嚴正交涉後,政府才馬上採取行動。對此,勞工及福利局局長張建宗前天承認,政府的反應是「遲了一點」。這「遲了一點」,不是小事。事件涉及印傭安危、涉及社會公義、更涉及本港文明法治之都的整體聲譽,只應分秒必爭,及時處理,又焉可「有遲沒早」?希望特區政府認真汲取經驗教訓,不要再「遲」了。Abuser of maid must be punished in accordance with the lawThere was a breakthrough yesterday in the alleged case of abuse of Indonesian domestic helpers: the suspect surnamed Law, was stopped and arrested at Chek Lap Kok airport when she attempted to flee from Hong Kong.迷你倉 At the same time, a six-member special task force consisting of police and immigration officers yesterday arrived in Java, Indonesia, to take statements from the alleged victim recovering in a local hospital. Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying yesterday also commented on the case for the first time, saying that the government would "not tolerate physical or mental abuse in the community" and would deal with such evil bahaviour in accordance with the law.Seeing the new development in the case, many citizens feel a glow of satisfaction . In fact, the whole society was shocked and reacted strongly when the alleged torture of Indonesian maid Erwiana Sulistyaningsih was exposed about a week ago. Many people also hire foreign domestic helpers and sometimes also feel annoyed with them,but "all human hearts are made of flesh" and they all were shocked on seeing Erwiana beaten black and blue with her whole body covering with wounds. They also felt puzzled and found it hard to understand: no matter how stupid and lazy the maid concerned might have been, no matter how she might have failed to work as required,there was no reason to beat her like that. How could Hong Kong live up to its name as a civilised society, a capital of the rule of law if a person is not treated like a human being?As a matter of fact, after the alleged case of abuse of the Indonesian maid was exposed, Hong Kong immediately became a target of criticism internationally. In Indonesia, some people took to the streets to protest, and local and foreign media even questioned Hongkongers' quality and Hong Kong government's supervision as they indignantly condemned the brutal abuse of the maid. Indonesian domestic helpers working in Hong Kong also took up the matter to relevant government department and the Indonesian consulate,demanding a thorough investigation to find the truth and render justice to Erwiana. "For evil news rides fast, while good news baits later." Suddenly, Hong Kong became a laughing stock of the international community, and Hong Kong employers were ridiculed as slaveholders…Under such circumstances, citizens all over Hong Kong and the absolute majority of employers of domestic helpers felt rather disturbed and resentful. While keeping a close watch on the development of the case, they also worried that their house maids, alarmed and ill at ease, might not keep their minds on their works. At the same time, news spread that Indonesian government might stop granting permission for Indonesian women to come to work in Hong Kong,which would make it even more difficult for Hong Kong households to hire house maids.Th新蒲崗迷你倉refore, this abuse case of maid deserves high attention and concern of the SAR Government and whole society. There are two highlights in this case. One is that Hong Kong is a civilised society with the rule of law which tolerates no violent and brutal treatment of a person. Hence, the suspect must be punished in accordance with the law. On the other hand, the abused Indonesian maid must be given sufficient sympathy and support. Just come to think of it, a young woman left her own family and hometown coming to work in Hong Kong just in order to make a living on her own, so what was wrong with that? But the eight-month inhuman life in Hong Kong had left her physical and psychological wounds that could never be healed. On seeing their daughter's misery, her parents felt pain in their hearts and indignant, vowing to pursue the case to the end.According to Hong Kong's law, the suspect in this case will be charged with wounding and inflicting bodily harm with violence.This is a serious criminal offence and a violator is liable to imprisonment from several years to life. As required by the court,Erwiana may be asked to come back to testify. But her wounds look serious, and her doctor said her head had been hit violently for a long period of time which might affect her language and expression capability. In regard to this, Hong Kong police, labour department and medical care authority should give her additional assistance, so as not to let her "evil-lady" employer get away unpunished. Moreover,did the maid's recruitment agency fail to report the abuse? Did it just care about earning commissions but completely ignore the safety of foreign domestic helper? Investigation must be conducted to see if the agency should also be blamed.The second is about the SAR Government's reaction over and handling of the abuse case. Yesterday, Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying took a high-profile stance in his reaction, which was surely necessary. However, more than one week has passed since the exposure of the case, and pictures of Erwiana lying in her hospital bed have been repeatedly shown on electronic and print media. Why hadn't any government departments given attention and followed it up earlier? It is learned that, it was not until Indonesian authorities made solemn representations did the SAR Government began to take actions right away.On this, Secretary for Labour and Welfare Matthew Cheung Kin-chung admitted the day before yesterday that the government's reaction was "a bit late". Such "a bit late" is not a trivial matter. The case concerns the safety of an Indonesian maid is mattered, social justice, and Hong Kong's overall reputation as a civilised city with the rule, so it should have been dealt with promptly in a race against time.There is no excuse for being late. It is hoped that the SAR Government will draw a lesson and never be "late" again.21 January 2014WORDS AND USAGEConsist of sb/sth – To be made of or formed from some people or some things.(由組成)Examples: 1.The U.S. Senate consists of two elected officials from each state.2.It's a simple dish to prepare, consisting mainly of rice and vegetables.Feel a glow of satisfaction (idiom) - If you feel a glow of satisfaction, you have a strong feeling of pleasure because of something that you have done or that has happened.((感到)心滿意足,大快人心)Examples: 1.Exercise will give you a warm glow of satisfaction at having achieved something.2.She felt a glow of satisfaction at her son's achievements.Black and blue (idiom) - If a person or part of their body is black and blue, their skin is covered with bruises.(青一塊紫一塊,遍體鱗傷,體無完膚)Examples: 1.He was beaten black and blue at boarding school.2.After the fight, he was black and blue all over.Live up to sth (phrasal verb) - To be as good as what was expected or promised.(無愧於,不辜負,達到)Examples: 1.One ought to live up to what he knows to be right.2.The class lives up to its reputation of being exciting and interesting.Keep one's mind on sb/sth (idiom) - To concentrate on someone or something.(專心於……,專注於……)Examples: 1.You must keep your mind on your study.2.I find it hard to keep my mind on my reading.迷你倉
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