2013年9月26日 星期四

Corbett: the chairman they couldn't detail

Source: Daily Mail, LondonSept.迷你倉 26--Gerald Corbett resigned as chief executive of Railtrack well over a decade ago, but despite chairing a clutch of household name firms, he is still probably best known for his troubled time at the last and least popular of the privatisations.Having survived that bruising episode, and a stint at Woolworths, an early retail victim of the downturn, the 62-year-old went on to carve out a busy boardroom career.Corbett, who now chairs Britvic, Moneysupermarket.com and Betfair, is a stocky, forthright man who gives off an air of indestructibility.His current portfolio of jobs might not be quite as eventful as Railtrack, but there has been no shortage of action.Britvic recently abandoned an attempt to merge with Irn-Bru-maker AG Barr, Betfair has just seen off a bid from private equity player CVC, and Moneysupermarket.com went through a sharp downturn during the financial crisis.Corbett seems to relish the challenge. 'Being a chairman is the easiest job in the world when things are going well. You only get tested when something happens,' he says.'It might be something like CVC launching an opportunistic bid for Betfair, then suddenly you are in the trenches with your chief executive, and it becomes very intense.'It was the same last year at Britvic. We had a disastrous product recall that cost pounds sterling 25m, the share price sank and it was clear we had to change the management. Those are the moments when you earn your corn.'Plans for Britvic to merge with AG Barr were derailed when the pounds sterling 1.4bn deal was referred to the Competition Commission. In the end, Britvic decided to pursue a solo future under new chief executive Simon Litherland.Corbett says he was surprised to be referred to the monopolies watchdog, given that Coca-Cola is so much bigger, 'but it is part of the chairman's job to have a Plan B and to see around corners'.At Moneysupermarket.com, Corbett came on board to lead the company's pounds sterling 700m stock market float in 2007, but the path was not smooth. 'We had a really tough time in 2008 as mortgages and secured lending were a big part of profits, and that market just crashed. And in truth, we weren't run that well, it was an entrepreneurial company.'The company has seen something of a slowdown recently but Corbett reckons that as the UK's biggest comparison site it still has good growth prospects. 'One weak quarter is not necessarily a trend.'Having spent most of his executive career at large businesses including Grand Metropolitan, Corbett says he enjoys chairing mid-caps, because 'you can make more of a difference' helping companies make the transition from an entrepreneurial business to a listed company that has to meet all the formal demands of the stock market.He gives the impression of being able to take most things in his stride.But then, he might well feel nothing he may face now in his business life is likely to be as tough as Railtrack, which had suffered years of under-investment and faced instinctive hostility from the Labour government when it took power in 1997.In 1999, Corbett survived pressure to resign over the Paddington rail crash, only to fall on his sword a year later in the wake of the Hatfield disaster. Shortly after he left, the company was controversially taken back into state ownership by New Labour.'It was a terribly botched privatisation. Looking back on it, it was the perfect storm. One rode the bucking bronco for as long as one could, and did as well as one could. By and large, though, the other privatisations have worked, they have been efficient and they have not been burdens to the public purse.'Some former bank bosses have whined and com自存倉lained when they stepped down due to corporate disasters or disgrace. But Corbett believes it is right for directors to take responsibility when things go wrong. He does not betray a trace of self-pity, though many thought he was unfairly scapegoated.'At Railtrack I resigned and accepted responsibility. That is not the same thing as it being your personal fault, but if you are a director, you are responsible. If it goes wrong on your watch you cannot escape that,' he says.'Any position of responsibility carries those risks, whether you are in charge of a hospital, or a chief constable, or a headmaster, or whatever.'We have the responsibility, but we are very well paid, very privileged and have all the advantages that go along with these positions. That is the reward we get for taking the risk. You can't get one without the other.'The fact things can go wrong and you might get panned is not a good reason to spend your life mowing the lawn.'Very high pay in the banking sector, he believes, has contributed to a more punitive public attitude towards business people.'The financial rewards have gone too far, and the banks have let us down. When you look at what happened at Barclays, the sense of entitlement that pervaded the boardroom there is terrible and has not helped the cause of business. But 99pc of companies are paying their executives appropriately for doing a demanding job,' he insists.Corbett, who is married with four children, began his corporate career at Dixons in the 1980s during a period when it bought Currys and bid for Woolworths.His next stop was finance director at building materials group Redland, then a stint at drinks giant Grand Metropolitan where he worked on its merger with Guinness to form Diageo.As chairman of SSL, whose brands ranged from Durex to Scholl sandals, he led negotiations for its takeover in 2010 by Reckitt Benckiser in a pounds sterling 2.5bn deal, a price he describes as 'huge', bringing shareholders a 400pc return over five years.Despite this, he thinks there is a tendency for boards to succumb too easily to bid approaches. 'It is the easy thing to do. Seeing a bid off then delivering better performance is harder than saying yes, and sneaking away to the hills,' he saysCorbett seems to have plenty of energy for his prolific chairmanships. He thinks, however, that the job is becoming harder 'because of globalisation, because there is far more information than there ever was and because it flows more quickly'.'There is more regulation and shareholders are becoming more demanding in terms of governance and performance.'They are more intrusive, and that is positive. The good old days when you were invited in by a big investor once a year for a boozy lunch went years ago. It is much more demanding now.'A S a vigorous figure in his early 60s, Corbett clearly still has plenty of appetite for the corporate world. So does he hanker for a FTSE 100 chairmanship?'It's a question of opportunity. I could sit there thinking I want to do that, but the call doesn't necessarily come. The market places you ? water finds its own level. Not that many jobs come up, and there is strong competition.'People leave their executive career and get very grand about their aspirations, when they might be better off chairing a FTSE 250 or 350 company and cutting their teeth that way. If they don't do that, then soon two or three years pass and they are forgotten about.'There does not seem much danger that the redoubtable Corbett will slip into oblivion for a good while yet.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Daily Mail (London, ) Visit the Daily Mail (London, ) at .dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

