2013年9月30日 星期一
【香港商報訊】國慶節來臨之際,迷你倉澳門特區政府及社會各界今日亦舉行多項活動,熱烈慶祝中華人民共和國成立64周年。澳門特區政府今日將舉行隆重升旗儀式和招待酒會。升旗儀式早上8時在新口岸金蓮花廣場舉行,行政長官崔世安將主禮升旗儀式。中央人民政府駐澳門特區聯絡辦公室、外交部駐澳門特區特派員公署、解放軍駐澳部隊的代表,以及特區立法及司法機關負責人,特區政府主要官員及社會各界代表將出席。上午9時30分,特區政府將在澳門旅遊塔會展中心舉行大型酒會,與社會各界共同慶祝國慶。 此外文件倉特區政府多個部門也將於今日舉辦一連串慶祝活動。緊接升旗儀式之後,由特區政府體育發展局籌辦的2013「澳人齊賀國慶」世界步行日歡樂跑隨即將在金蓮花廣場前起步,行政長官將主持開步禮。下午2時,「澳門特別行政區政府國慶體藝匯演」將在東亞運動會體育館舉行,屆時將有多名著名歌手及組合傾力演出,與市民同度國慶。特區旅遊局主辦的第25屆澳門國際煙花比賽匯演的大軸戲,將安排在國慶日夜�上演,法國隊、意大利隊及中國隊將先後於晚上9時、9時30分及10時在旅遊塔對開海面點燃璀璨煙花。存倉
FCPC and the Toronto Region Board of Trade Host Food & Beverage CEO Discussion
Industry Cluster aims to catalyze innovation and growth in the GTA's Food & Beverage SectorTORONTO, Sept.儲存倉 30, 2013 /CNW/ - Today, Food & Consumer Products of Canada (FCPC) and the Toronto Region Board of Trade are proud to have hosted an industry strategy session to support the advancement of innovation and growth in the GTA's food and beverage sector.More than twenty-five senior leaders, representing the small, medium and large food manufacturers in the region, participated in the FCPC-Board of Trade CEO Strategic Discussion, to map out strategies to leverage the potential of the GTA's food and beverage manufacturing sector. The aim of the food and beverage cluster is to partner across the industry to help secure future growth and innovation in the sector. The discussion focused on priorities such as selling the region, technology, workforce and local business climate.The meeting was attended by senior leaders in the Food & Beverage sector, Ontario Premier and Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Kathleen Wynne, Ontario Minister of Economic Development Trade and Employment, Hon. Dr. Eric Hoskins, and Ontario Minister of Rural Affairs, Hon. Jeff Leal.The GTA enjoys all the qualities to support a globally competitive food and beverage cluster with a strong urban core complimented by connections to nearby rural agricultural and food production sites.It was also announced today that FCPC will be leading the development and implementation of the cluster, working closely with the Toronto Region Board of Trade, industry and other important stakeholders.QUOTES"FCPC is extremely pleased to be asked by the Toronto Region Board of Trade to lead the implementation of a food and beverage cluster in the GTA. The strength and economic impact of our industry are huge and has been one of the best kept secrets," says Nancy Croitoru, President & CEO, FCPC.? "This initiative is an important piece of advancing our industry in the GTA, Ontario and across the country to grow, create jobs and succeed.""At a time when manufacturing is often viewed as a 20(th) century endeavour, manufacturing in the food and beverage sector contin迷你倉最平es to grow," said Carol Wilding, President and CEO Toronto Region Board of Trade. "The Toronto region's growing Food and Beverage cluster is the second largest in North America. Further developing this cluster by fostering its businesses to collaborate and compete, will allow the industry to flourish."FACTS-- The food and beverage processing sector in the GTA is the second largest cluster in North America. -- 75% of agricultural production in the rural area surrounding Toronto is processed locally. -- Food and Beverage Manufacturers are the largest manufacturing employers in the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area - providing 18 per cent of manufacturing jobs in the area.About Food & Consumer Products of Canada (.fcpc.ca) Food & Consumer Products of Canada is Canada's largest industry association representing the companies that manufacture and distribute the vast majority of food, beverage and consumer goods found on store shelves. Our members provide jobs to almost 300,000 Canadians, operate 6000 facilities across the country and include small and large; multi-national and Canadian-owned companies. Learn more at .fcpc.ca and follow us at @FCPC1.About Toronto Region Board of Trade (.bot.com) Founded in 1845, Toronto Region Board of Trade is the chamber of commerce for Canada's largest urban centre, connecting more than 12,000 members and 200,000 business professionals and influencers throughout the Toronto region. The Board fuels the economic, social and cultural vitality of the entire Toronto region by fostering powerful collaborations among business, government, thought leaders, and community builders. Toronto Region Board of Trade plays a vital role in elevating the quality of life and global competitiveness of Canada's largest urban centre. Learn more at .bot.com and follow us at @TorontoRBOT.Food and Consumer Products of CanadaCONTACT: Adam GrachnikSenior Director, Communications & EventsFood & Consumer Products of Canada(416) 510-8088adamg@fcpc.caScott BrownriggDirector of Public AffairsToronto Region Board of Trade416-862-4514sbrownrigg@bot.com儲存
昨日上午,迷你倉最平市文體旅遊局發佈深圳歡樂穀、世界之窗、野生動物園等12家A級景區的遊客人數最大承載量。當入園遊客達到最大承載量的90%以上時,景區須向轄區政府和市文體旅遊局報告,當超出最大承載量時景區應立即停止售票。據瞭解,深圳此舉是全省首次明確規定A級景區的遊客承載量。景區須公示最大承載量深圳此次核定各A級景區的遊客承載量,是按今天正式實施的《中華人民共和國旅遊法》採取的相應措施。《旅遊法》第45條規定"景區接待旅遊者不得超過景區主管部門核定的最大承載量","遊客的過量湧入將給景區帶來負面影響,旅遊設施過度使用容易引發旅遊安全問題,遊客擁堵勢必降低舒適度,也不利於旅遊資源保護。"市文體旅遊局副局長楊永群表示。該局委托深圳生態旅遊開發研創中心對深圳旅遊景區的承載量進行核定。通過資料分類對比、實地考察、專家訪談和問卷調查等方式,建立計算不同類型主題公園的人均空間容量數學模型,從而得出景區的遊客最大承載量。昨日首批公佈的為全市12家A級景區,其中5A景區2家,分別為觀瀾湖休閒旅遊度假區、華僑城旅遊度假區(含歡樂穀、錦繡中華民俗村、世界之窗)。根據《旅遊法》規定,旅遊景區在其官方網站、售票處、入口處等明顯位置,須公佈遊客最大承載量的核定數據,並制定園區旅遊者流量控制方案。及時發佈園區遊客動態數據、園區影像等信息,指引遊客遊覽行為,有效疏導和分流遊客,實現景區智慧化管理。超承載量或罰停業整頓此外,市文體旅遊局要求,當旅遊景區預售、預約門票及現場購票遊客量達到最大承載量的80%時,景區要向社會和即將入園遊客發出預警提示,採用園內疏導等應急措施,保障遊客在園內遊覽的舒適性。當遊客達到最大承載量的90%時,景區須向轄區人民政府和市文體旅遊局報告。當遊客超過景區最大承載量時,應立即停止售票。根據《旅遊法》,"景區在旅遊者數量可能達到最大承載量時,未依照規定公告或者未向政府報告,未及時採取疏導、分流等措施,或者超過最大承載量接待旅遊者的,由景區主管部門責令改正,情節嚴重的,責令停業整頓一個月至六個月"。據介紹,目前全國並沒有旅遊景區遊客最大承載量的系統測算辦法,而深圳此次由市文體旅遊局核定景區遊客最大承載量也算是開了先河。楊永群表示,深圳旅遊景區以主題公園為主、遊客參與性強,該局本著穩健原則,將以分期、分批核定發佈辦法,嘗試性開展景區遊客最大承載量核定。國慶期間,該局也將跟蹤已核定遊客最大承載量的景區情況,完善相關測算指標。後續將研究建立不同類型旅遊景區承載能力指標體系,制定核定標準及管理辦法。另外,也將開展深圳旅遊景區開放條件等研究。 本版採寫:南都記者 王燁 湯蕊妍焦點仙湖遊客承載量 不足最高峰兩成值得注意的是,在此次核定的12家旅遊景區中,8家景區的歷史最大日接待量均低於此次核定的遊客最大承載量,而觀瀾湖休閒旅遊度假區、明思克航母世界和仙湖植物園等4家景區的歷史最大日接待量均超出了此次核定的遊客最大承載量。對此,觀瀾儲存度假區行政部負責人李立新解釋,其8494人這個歷史最大日接待量為舉行賽事時的高峰人數,其實平時最大接待量也僅為5600人;明思克航母世界相關負責人也表示,歷史最大日接待量37596人是最初開業時航母遊人爆滿那幾年,而現在基本達不到那個人數,此次核定的17000人比較合適,"遊客前來也會比較舒適。"這位負責人表示。仙湖植物園(不含弘法寺)此次核定的最大承載量為33300人,而其包括弘法寺在內的歷史最大日接待量高達205000人。對此,市文體旅遊局旅遊推廣處處長陳標表示,雖然入口只有一個,但仙湖植物園其實和弘法寺是相對獨立的兩個單位,如果不是宗教日或春節上香,仙湖植物園的遊客人數不會超出此次核定的33300人這個數據。對此,該局也將進一步和羅湖區相關部門溝通,商討更為合理的解決辦法。另外,對於東部華僑城和大小梅沙此次未列入核定承載量的問題,陳標表示,因東部華僑城目前仍不是A級景區;而大小梅沙不屬A級景區,屬於市政公園,而且鹽田區對入園人數已有控制,所以此次未納入核定範圍。但陳標同時表示,這些景點肯定會放在下一期核定範圍,目前也是研究對象。相關新聞市消委會發佈"十一"旅遊消費提示"野馬"旅行社或有更大市場空間《旅遊法》在制度設計上強化了對旅遊消費權益的保護,增加了許多傾向性保護消費者權益的內容。深圳市消委會提醒消費者,"十一"長假期間在外遊玩遇消費糾紛時,要知悉《旅遊法》賦予的權益,事先預防消費陷阱,主動依法維護旅遊合法權益。市消委會也提醒,《旅遊法》實施後,對合法、正規經營的旅遊者的規範進一步嚴格,經營成本在一定程度上上漲,旅遊價格也隨著上漲,這對於消費者的旅遊需求將會產生較大的影響。在這種背景下,也可能給一些非法經營的"野馬"旅行社更大的市場空間。從以往的消費者情況來看,消費者受騙上當的大都是因為貪圖便宜而受騙上當。特別是很多消費者選擇在網上報團、參團,給了不法分子可乘之機,消費者通過網上搜索的很可能是"冒牌"的知名旅行社,上當受騙後很難找到"經營者"進行維權。建議消費者在準備出行前,先通過市文體旅遊局的官方網站、深圳市市場監管局的企業信用信息網站查詢經營者的信息。其中,市文體旅遊局(http://.szwtl.gov.cn/)公佈了合法旅行社網站的鏈接。《旅遊法》第九十二條規定,旅遊者與旅遊經營者發生糾紛,可以向消費者協會、旅遊投訴受理機構或者有關調解組織申請調解。市消委會表示,消費者權益受到侵害,與經營者協商無法解決時,可以向旅遊監管部門(12301)或消委會(12315)投訴,也可上門或寫信至市消委會尋求解決。市消委會還將在手機A PP應用軟件"消費投訴通"中開發旅遊投訴功能模塊,消費者通過手機可全天候投訴,消委會針對旅遊投訴的特點進行快速處理,確保遊客的權益得到保護。深圳的消費者在外地旅遊發生消費糾紛,回到深圳後可就近向深圳市消委會投訴,由深圳市消委會移轉被訴方所在地消費者保護組織進行優先處理。mini storage
資訊科技發展 改變商舖市道
近年科技迅速發展,文件倉互聯網及個人電子產品的普及化令生活及消費模式不斷改變,發展至現時消費者可利用電腦及手機透過網上商店購買如電器、衣履及各式消費貨品等極為普遍。 互聯網及網上商店的興起,正逐漸改變傳統的消費模式。網上宣傳增 銀座商廈轉旺 毫無疑問近年流行的網上消費模式跟傳統的消費模式有明顯差異,與此同時,商舖物業市場的需求亦因此出現變化。由於二三�街舖的租金水平在過去數年升幅顯著,對承租能力較弱的商戶構成壓力,因此不少商戶已選擇遷移到呎租較廉的商廈以樓上舖形式繼續經營,減輕經營成本,造就市場持續對樓上舖的需求,而銀座式商廈更成為近年商舖市場的主流供應之一。 除了零售業之外,亦有眾多高級餐飲食肆租用銀座式商廈經營高尚食府,甚至出現米芝蓮推介餐廳。由於近數年間的飲食文化尤以精緻的美食料理極為盛行,到高尚餐廳消費堪稱成為潮流的一部分。目前市面上的高檔食肆眾多,不少亦選擇落戶於銀座式商廈,相信除了優質地舖供應緊絀及租金高昂外,亦考慮到互聯網作為重要的宣傳渠道,食客可透過各飲食網站輕易取得餐廳的推介及食評等相關資訊,亦可紓緩地舖高租金的壓力,而租用銀座式商廈舖位的優點在於位處消費旺段存倉看準主題商廈食肆帶來的協同效應。 事實上,銀座式商廈持續受市場所追捧,如較早前掀起的商廈拆售熱潮,當中的尖沙咀H8及旺角金鑽璽等銀座式商廈拆售部分均全數售罄,由於租金回報極為理想,充分反映市場的龐大投資需求;按此估計,由乙級商廈改裝及新建的銀座式商廈仍會持續成為商舖買賣市場焦點之一。大品牌垂青 一�舖租企硬 相反,一�地舖所受到的影響較輕微。基於消費旺段的一�街道人流旺盛,可承擔高昂租金的高端零售及國際奢侈品牌仍會選擇進駐如尖沙咀或銅鑼灣等優越地段;如市場消息指PRADA最近以每月900萬元預租羅素街2至4號地下及1樓部分商舖物業,除了看準高消費力集中此路段之外,在核心地段設據點或旗艦店必具龐大廣告效應。由於高端零售品牌對進駐一�街道商舖需求不斷,願付高昂租金的情況仍會持續,其租金水平仍會得到支持。 目前傳統購物區一�街舖的供應緊絀,加上仍見個別國際奢侈品牌以高價承租舖位,相信優質購物地段的租金仍有實質支持。此外,對於遊客必到的一�地段乙級商廈內的樓上舖,得到高消費客群支持,此類型物業因此有一定市場價值。以目前形勢而言,不排除一�街舖相比二、三�街舖以至主題商場出現兩極化的現象。儲存
為了打造幸福城市,文件倉我們必須揪出潛伏的公害!根據《大北馬》讀者提供的情報,以及新聞特改隊歷經數周"追蹤"──今天,《大北馬》社區民眾怒指的10大公害,悉數"落網"!這10大公害,其中4大屬全國性公害,另6大是頻惹民憤的區域性公害,是被大多數讀者公認為對北馬區域帶來最大破壞力,而且也是各相關單位、人等最迫切需要去正視的問題!全國公害榜首:"決策失誤者"區域公害榜首:屋價首4大全國性公害當中,位居榜首的,是政府機構內"決策失誤者"!因為他們的決策失誤或頻頻出現紕漏,導致人民蒙受極大的損失!位居第二的,是擾亂社會治安的黑社會分子,他們的破壞力雖然沒有劫匪這麼明顯,但是他們暗地裡包娼庇毒,破壞了很多美好家庭,斷送了很多年輕人的前途,所以被列為第二公害。北馬區域民眾也極度關注環境課題,每有重大環保議題,北馬人都會參與網上議論,甚至支持、加入環保簽名運動等,破壞環境份子因此名列第三大公害;第四,是自私人!北馬區域性公害當中,高居榜首的,屋價也!何以如此?因為,北馬新一代,就要沒屋住了,誰害的?"垃圾蟲"也上榜了!北馬社區民眾也痛恨製造垃圾分子,包括非法焚燒、黑煙排放、地方垃圾蟲等,這次通緝公害行動上,"垃圾蟲"也上榜了!其他上榜的北馬區域性公害,包括人人喊抓的摩哆掠奪匪、住宅區居民煩不勝煩的閃電水災、頻傳砸壞財物甚至奪人命的高齡樹木及城市基設對殘疾者不便之害。十大公害─通緝名單出爐!全國公害1-決策失誤者2-黑社會分子3-破壞環境分子4-自私人區域公害1-屋價高攀2-摩哆掠奪匪3-住宅區閃電水災4-製造垃圾分子5-高齡樹木6-城市基設對殘疾者不便公害1/決策失誤者記憶中,有哪些政府投資的計劃讓您嗤之以鼻?耗資2億9千200萬建成頂蓋坍塌的登嘉樓州蘇丹米占再納阿比丁體育場?耗資2億5000令吉建立而令國家蒙羞的國家養牛中心?還是耗資2億4000萬令吉發展的金鎗漁業計劃?我們來看看全國關注的"失敗計劃":●前朝雪州國政政府耗資2000萬令吉,在八丁燕帶打造的"養牛暨宰牛場"計劃步上國家養牛中心的命運,如出一轍,以失敗告終。●吉隆坡第二國際機場工程多次展延,建築成本從20億令吉倍增至40億令吉,但當局卻找不出應該負責的單位。這個機場工程被人調侃為"世上其中一個神秘事物"。●檳城國際機場2010年由首相納吉主持提昇工程動土禮,耗資2億5千萬令吉展開第一期提昇機場終站。施工期間多次發生令檳城旅遊形象蒙羞的事件,包括終點站內漏雨、遊客席地用餐、飛熒航空候機室淹水等,第一期提昇工程的竣工期前後展延了5次,才於今年8月正式完成。對於豆腐渣工程問題,人民不禁會問:"這些工程到底有沒有受到專業人士嚴格的檢驗及監督?"至於被遺棄的工程如同棄嬰,市民又不禁的問:"這些景點建來有甚麼用?"這些問題請交由政府回答吧!公害2/黑社會分子黑社會擾亂社會安寧是不爭的事實,他們涉及的都是恐嚇、毒品、走私、賭博、淫業等不法活動,所以從8月中旬開始,警方實行"除暴特別行動",打擊黑幫歹徒。目前有49個私會黨被政府列為非法組織,尚有超過1千個私會黨,被逐一進行取締。根據警方的記錄,全國有超過4萬名黑社會黨徒中,西馬印裔有2萬8926人,佔總數的71%。其實在古代動盪不安局勢下,黑社會的角色是凝聚人民的力量討伐政府。在17世紀,華人從中國遷移南洋,而在這片土地開枝散葉時,當時派系眾多,多以地緣和方言群為組織脈絡,最初以團結同鄉勢力和互助為宗旨。後來在物質生活的洗禮下,淪為爭奪利益和地盤的幫派組織,也是無惡不作的犯罪組織,近年更惡化成為印裔犯案的根基。公害3/破壞環境分子我國人民為萊納斯稀土廠感到困擾時,另一個讓環境帶來禍害而令居民不知所措的是——垃圾焚化爐。中央政府決定建立4座垃圾焚化爐。垃圾問題日愈嚴情況下,我們不知北馬幾時會建、要建焚化爐。只知,明年初在甲洞柏令京園(Taman Beringin)興建全馬首座垃圾焚化爐後,將會引起民眾的憂慮。耗資約6億令吉的甲洞垃圾焚化爐,竣工後,一天可處理高達1千噸垃圾。你可知道,在燃燒廢料過程中會釋放毒氣如二惡英。有些固體垃圾,如聚氯乙烯膠含有添加劑,在被焚化時,也會轉變為有毒氣體。至於塑膠若遭焚化,則將產生包括特氟隆及氯乙烯等具刺激性的毒氣,如氯化氫。而當罐子、瓶蓋、電池等經焚化時,裡頭有毒金屬如鈹金屬元素、鎘、鉛、水銀等也會隨之釋放,這將影響居民的神經系統。此外,世界環保組織也曾公佈,有調查顯示,住在焚化設施附近的居民易患癌症、呼吸系統疾病、生殖問題等。非法工廠林立,在生產過程中排放不少廢料,不僅污染空氣,也污染了水源。8月31日,雪隆逾百萬住戶斷水,經過調查發現是一家位於萬繞的非法工廠惹禍。這個發生在雪州的個案,足以警愓全國民眾,包括北馬亦曾在8月30日發生一起工業廢料污染柔府河,導致萬魚翻肚,魚屍漂出海口的悲劇。大馬許多非正式的環保工廠,卻沒有使用恰當的方式處理再循環物品,讓工廠製造循環物品時,排放出許多有毒物質污染環境和河流。在大馬,超過70%的人民瞭解環保的重要性,可是當中卻只有少於10%的人在實踐環保。請問在這10%的人數中,您會是其中一分子嗎?公害4/自私冷漠人民眾行為自私,主要原因是自我保護意識過度的後遺症,這是社會普遍看到的心理病態現象。過去淳樸的社會可以高聲大喊"人人為我,我為人人",現今社會的口號則是"人不為己,天誅地滅"。導致國家頻頻出現社會問題的真正原因是自私自利,人因為自私而變得冷漠,甚至破壞他人的一切而讓自己從中得到利益。有些為了瑣碎事情與鄰居衝突、破壞公物、為方便自己隨地丟垃圾、吐痰、搶匪事件等等,其實我們這裡談的所有公害都和自私息息相關。撞後逃事件是最明顯例子,一位身兼三職的單親媽媽,上班途中被一輛車撞倒,更遭隨後的一輛車碾斃,兩位司機不但沒有下車查看,反而先後離開。另一例子,淡江國際山莊土崩慘遭活埋的會計師黃義頻,家人控訴拯救人員不但見死不救,還在他們的房內床上抽煙喝酒,家裡大部份財物不翼而飛,損失慘重。消拯員只丟給死者的丈夫一把鏟子,要她自己動手救妻子。消拯員的行為比殺手更殘忍。自私是存倉形的殺手,只關心自己的事物,對外一切冷眼旁觀,因為這個態度隨時會奪走人命。如果,有一天當你發生事情時,沒有人願意向你伸出援手,還想從你身上謀取利益,你會有何感受呢?公害5/屋價高攀屋價高攀買不起,誰害的?整個北馬,收入永遠追不上屋價飆漲之勢,令越來越多市井小民沒能力擁有自己的產業;嚴重區域如檳島,對收入一般者來說,可謂一屋難求,要組織小家庭的新生代,也只能向他人租屋,欲哭無淚矣!以檳島為基準,真正的"廉價屋"已成過去,是一場追不回的夢了。今日檳島,屋價高得叫人咋舌,很多原價7萬2千500令吉的中廉價組屋單位,附上停車位和基本裝修配套後,以超過10萬令吉售價出售,變相起了價。不出兩年,這類單位身價即飆漲,有些單位的二手價衝破20萬令吉,甚至直逼30萬令吉。同時,市場上嚴缺售價25萬令吉至35萬令吉之間的住宅單位,這也可能是中廉價單位屋價被炒高的因素,以"填補"市場上25萬令吉至35萬令吉單位的空缺。中收入家庭沒能力購買四五十萬令吉或以上的公寓,要是一個月的家庭收入超過3千500令吉,他們也失去購買中廉價組屋的資格,因此一屋難求。與此同時,卻有很多中廉價單位被濫用,充作外勞宿舍、"民宿"出租,或將中廉價單位視為投資項目。州政府計劃興建可負擔房屋,填補市場需求,也在整頓中廉價單位的批准程序。在檳州的房屋問題上,誰是公害禍首?這見仁見智,但低收入和中收入階層,肯定是受害。公害6/摩哆掠奪匪劫匪猖獗,人心惶惶!"我們受夠了!"這是民眾對社會敗壞、治安不靖感到無奈而吶喊。幾乎每個月都會從報章上閱讀到民眾遭劫攫奪而喪命的案件,每閱讀一次,神經細胞就會緊繃一次。民眾為了自保紛紛組織民間自願巡邏隊和自救會,或是自己住家和商店裝上數十架電眼,視為安全措施之一。如果防盜系統裝了、門窗鎖好了,要做的都做好了,我們還能做些甚麼?整個北馬,檳州最慘。兇殘的印尼匪徒Alias,上週三凌晨闖入83歲陳聯旺和71歲鄭玉枝老夫婦在浮羅山背的住家,用木板先打死老夫再打傷老婦,兇徒至今仍逍遙法外,浮羅人到現在仍安心不了,擔心成為下一個受害者。喬治市古蹟區的罪案,隨著喬治市成功入遺後也逐漸增加,遊客也成為匪徒下手目標,近日才發生一宗香港女遊客被駕車的攫奪匪搶走掛包。治安敗壞到,連外國人也搖頭。治安敗壞的公害,已經威脅所有人,就算警方不斷強調罪案率已大幅度下降,但相信民眾也感受不到安全感。民眾除了還是只能繼續信任警方,也必須謹慎自保,時時提高警惕,不要成為匪徒下手的目標。公害7/住宅區閃電水災住宅區閃電水災,苦不堪言!閃電水災是公害?如果您的住宅區,一下雨即成水患區,那麼您就知道這算不算公害了。溝渠一阻塞,雨水無法順利排出,遭殃的就是居民,閃電水災所帶來的不便,非親身體驗的人也想像得到,身歷其境的人,更是有苦自己知。隨著今時今日,建築業的蓬勃發展,許多樹林被砍伐,山地被開伐,天然蓄水池日愈減少,只要一下起大雨,多處住宅區會發生閃電水災,已是預料中事。居林的斯里居林花園和巴東布洛,雙溪大年的甘榜拉惹創景花園、二條石廣播村、明德村和雙溪峇都,大山腳的阿兒瑪和馬章武莫區,都是閃電水災經常光顧的地區,當然,不只這些列出來的地區,環顧整個大北馬,實在還有太多經常發生閃電水災的地區。要解決閃電水災的問題,除了政府當局和發展商必須好好治水,也取決於人民的生活態度,不要亂丟垃圾,也是預防閃電水災的方法之一。公害8/高齡樹木危及居民北馬各區路旁枯樹多,風大雨大時,一有樹倒,就有可能壓死人!"到底(地方)政府幾時才要來處理這枯樹的問題呀?難道又要等到再發生悲劇了才來處理?"這聽起來很熟悉,是居民看見屋前高齡樹木時,總會發出的聲音。深怕這些長得又高又大的樹木,有一天會砸下來。居林在通往魯乃路的雙溪里茂,在2010年4月11日發生路旁大樹的枯枝斷落肇交通意外,復有轎車駛過撞到翻覆摩哆車後揚長而去,造成1華裔中年婦女當場喪命案件。當然,此非單一個案,每每刮風下雨,樹倒砸屋毀車之事,到處有之。但是,公家的樹木,卻是百姓不能擅自修剪或是砍伐的,望著這些重則奪命,輕則損財物的高齡大樹只能興嘆。往往,居民作出投訴後卻未見下文,所以只能一盼再盼說;即使樹倒,也不要砸中自己就好。公害9/霸佔殘障人設施四肢健全的人,無法體會輪椅使用者的痛苦!無法讓四肢健全的朋友看到其重要性的無障礙設施,其實是決定傷殘朋友是否有機會出門的關鍵。往往"有障礙的無障礙設施",就是他們外出最大的絆腳石。當殘疾朋友,尤其是輪椅使用者出門,經常會面對的三大困難,即溝渠的鐵蓋縫隙太寬導致輪椅的前小輪容易被"卡住"、垃圾桶或障礙物設置在行人道中央阻礙輪椅通行,及斜坡不完善或淪為虛設。此外,無障礙停車位經常被缺乏公德心的人"霸佔",也是剝奪開車或駕駛殘障人專用摩哆車人士權益的一種。原本這類停車位都已經很少了,若被不需要者佔用,對傷殘人士而言是非常不公平;無障礙公廁狹窄讓輪椅無法進入,也是傷殘人士出門會面對的不便。由於設置無障礙設施的只是為了符合條例需求,卻沒有真正考慮到使用者的感受和需要,故此若能夠更有效傾聽傷殘人士的需要,再增設無障礙設施,或許這更能夠符合傷殘人士的需求。公害10/製造垃圾分子垃圾分子-焚燒垃圾、黑煙排放、垃圾蟲!每個人活著,每一口吸入的空氣,已經越來越不夠清新。如何在如此稀薄的健康空氣中,一起保護環境,讓自己和別人活得更健康,其實每個人都有責任。所謂"要求別人前,先做好自己本份",公眾本身其實有必要加以自我檢討,包括簡單如問問看自己是否會公開焚燒垃圾、汽車有無排放黑煙,或是否隨手丟垃圾,成了垃圾蟲?甚至,大家是否會仿效行動黨武拉必區州議員王國慧,"多管閒事"出言阻止一名婦女公開焚燒垃圾?若公眾仍不正視環境污染問題,這會影響人體孩子健康、煙霾影響駕駛者視野之餘,也將導致國內旅遊、經濟、農作物、及生物的生長,禍延下一代。根據環境局法令,任何人是不被允許在任何公開場合進行焚燒的活動。任何人一旦觸犯有關法令,每堆垃圾最多可被罰2千令吉罰款,或有關案件被交予法庭處理,最多可被判50萬令吉,監禁不超過5年,或兩則兼施。;儲存
Real Estate Foundation of BC Announces 2013 Land Champion, Finalists for Land Awards
VANCOUVER, Sept.自存倉 30, 2013 /CNW/ - The Real Estate Foundation of BC (REFBC) today announced that Vancouver-based social entrepreneur Carol Newell is this year's recipient of its Land Champion award.The REFBC's Land Champion is honoured for outstanding work in sustainable land use in the province. Ms. Newell has strategically invested her wealth to conserve millions of hectares of land. On Cortes Island, she worked with the local community to make land available for housing, parks and trails, and conservation."Ms. Newell's innovative approach to philanthropy and investment has provided BC residents with a lasting legacy through her work in conserving land of high ecological, cultural and recreational value. For that reason, we are proud to name her as the 2013 Land Champion," said Jack Wong, Foundation CEO.The Real Estate Foundation of BC - a philanthropic organization that funds projects that advance responsible and informed land use, conservation and real estate practices - also unveiled the finalists for its fourth annual Land Awards Gala. The awards honour companies, non-profits and governments leading innovative land-use projects that contribute to sustainable communities.Finalists are selected on their ability to demonstrate innovation, leadership and collaboration in sustainable land use in BC and are chosen in three categories: private sector, public sector and non-profit sector.Private-sector finalists:Net Positive Housing Project - Lanefab Design/Build Laneway housing presents an alternative to suburban expansion and development by creating small-scale, high-performance houses built in laneways and behind existing homes.? Following a City of Vancouver bylaw change in 2009, Lanefab developed both the city's first laneway house and its first solar-powered laneway house. Lanefab continues to work to advance green building practices in the sector.Tinhorn Creek Compost Program - Tinhorn Creek Vineyards As Canada's only carbon-neutral winery, Tinhorn Creek identified a need to sustainably manage waste from its Miradoro Restaurant in Oliver, BC, when it opened three years ago. The approach took into consideration neighboring properties and wildlife as well as methods to divert waste from landfill. The result is a program that combines food, grape/filtration and landscape waste as compost that is then used on the vineyards. It serves as a model for wineries all over the world.Non-profit sector finalists:Kin Park Youth Urban Farm - Cowichan Green Community Society Cowichan Green Community Society transformed underused green space at North Cowichan Kinsmen Park into the region's first ever youth-led urban farm. The farm has transformed a public space into a social enterprise that increases access to local food and engages and educates the community in sustainable food production.Recycled Shipping Container Housing Project - Atira Women's Resource Society Atira Women's Resource Society mini storageecycled shipping containers to build 12 self-contained studio suites on a small lot in downtown Vancouver. An environmentally sensitive solution to the need for affordable housing, the use of repurposed shipping containers also reduces construction costs and timelines.Shifting Growth - Shifting Growth Garden Society Shifting Growth works with landowners, developers and neighbourhood residents to transform vacant urban land into temporary community gardens. The projects work to address the issue of underutilized land and brownfields and the growing demand for community gardens and greenspace. Shifting Growth now manages over $21 million worth of vacant land and community engagement ensures that the gardens are at full capacity when they open.Public Sector Finalists:Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund - Regional District of East Kootenay In 2008, residents in the regional district and local municipalities voted to create the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund. The newly created bylaw requires property owners to pay a parcel tax each year towards a dedicated fund for conservation projects in the area. This provides a sustainable funding model for projects, which can be replicated in other regions.Solar Colwood - City of Colwood Solar Colwood aimed to demonstrate whole community change in reducing energy consumption and costs, and creating clean energy solutions. The project, working with 14 partner organizations, includes, for example, home energy retrofits, electric vehicle charging stations, and public education programs. This model is influencing other municipalities that are seeking to reduce energy costs and invest in renewable resources.Frequent Transit Development Areas Project - Metro Vancouver Through the regional growth strategy, Metro Vancouver developed the concept of Frequent Transit Development Areas, that is, areas that support higher density, mixed use development. Municipalities are working with Metro Vancouver to identify these areas in their own plans in order to coordinate transit improvements with overall community development. This will allow more people to live close to employment and services, reducing transportation costs and carbon emissions.The winner from each of the three categories will be announced at the Land Awards Gala hosted by REFBC on October 25.Ms. Newell will accept her award at that time as well.About the Real Estate Foundation of BC: REFBC is a philanthropic organization that provides funds and information to groups dedicated to the stewardship of BC's land and natural resources. It supports real-estate and land-use practices that contribute to healthy and sustainable communities. Its funding programs support research, education, and law and policy reform. Since 1988, the Foundation has approved more than $64 million in grants.Real Estate Foundation of BCCONTACT: CONTACT: Celina OwenReal Estate Foundation of BCcelina@refbc.com604.343.2623儲存
Nokia Lumia 1020 vs Sony Xperia Z1 手機鬥強攝
近兩年傻瓜DC 銷量直線下降,self storage原因是智能手機的攝影功能實在太強。例如NokiaLumia 1020 像素高達4100 萬,還有光學防震功能;Sony Xperia Z1 則有2070 萬像素加27mm 廣角鏡頭。到底哪部攝力最強呢?立即比一比!統籌:一鋒文:Gary 圖:林俊源、陳淑安 4.5 吋手機Lumia 1020 一亮相即受注目,因為其影相功能實在太「屈機」:PureView 技術、4100 萬像素1/1.5 吋CMOS、6 組蔡司光學鏡頭和元件、4級光學防震技術、F2.2 大光圈,還有Xenon 閃光燈,功能令傻瓜DC 完全無反擊之力,直逼Prosumer DC 級數。 3 倍數碼變焦不失真 為配合Lumia 1020,Nokia 特別推出一個名為Nokia Pro Camera 的App,以相當易用的環形操作界面,可設定閃光燈、白平衡、對焦、ISO、光圈等,類似數碼相機的多功能環,基本上一兩分鐘就上手; 手機另一絕招是Oversampling 影像處理技術,可以將7個像素合成1 個「超級像素」。雖然相片會降至500 萬像素,但清晰度和銳利度大幅提升,能消除大部分雜訊,所以Lumia 1020 在不設光學變焦鏡頭的情�下,亦可以做到3 倍無損變焦,即單靠數碼變焦放大相片亦不會變朦。攝錄功能方面,則可拍攝30fps 的1080p 影片。 Lumia 1020 還有不少特別的拍攝功能,例如同步拍攝3800 萬和500 萬像素的相片,前者可用作編輯和儲存,後者則方便分享。由於Lumia 1020 的影像感應器的像素,遠超拍攝相片所需,所以可以記錄大量額外影像,用戶甚至可以先拍攝後再Zoom Out,完全顛覆傳統的拍照方式。 相機鏡頭設計設實體拍攝鍵 為強調Lumia 1020 的攝影功能,手機造型亦花了一點心思,機背突起的黑色圓形包含了鏡頭、閃光燈和補光燈,感覺似足相機鏡頭,機身亦設實體拍攝鍵。至於附送的攝影把手,雖然感覺「膠膠地」似玩具,但設有較大型的拍攝鍵,突起的把手也方便取景,下方亦有三腳架孔;把手更內藏1020mAh 電池,讓你多拍攝285 張相片。 體整來說,Lumia 1020 攝力強勁,清晰度毋庸置疑,但記者試用時發現戶外拍攝時飽和度太高, 「味精」較多而顯得較假;反而暗位拍攝非常理想,影像夠光之餘亦無雜訊。 Nokia Lumia 1020 規格網絡:mini storageG系統:Windows Phone 8屏幕:4.5 吋AMOLED處理器:1.5GHz 雙核記憶體:2GB RAM、32GB ROM電池:內置式2000mAh售價:$6298查詢:Nokia(2136 6338) e 同級 三防配靚鏡頭Xperia Z1 另一邊廂,Sony 接連推出多部三防手機,最新作品是Xperia Z1, 賣點是採用27mm 廣角G Lens 鏡頭、1/2.3 吋影像感測器及F2.0 大光圈, 配合BIONZ 影像處理器,拍攝速度快、感光度高及雜訊少,於昏暗環境下仍能拍攝清晰影像。 至於Xperia Z1 的屏幕,則採用5 吋全高清IPS TFT,且配備Triluminos 新技術, 像真度更勝上一代Xperia Z。Sony 又首次在Xperia Z1 機身加入實體拍攝鍵。其他新增攝影功能,還包括連拍模式「Timeshift burst」,2 秒可拍61 張相, 以及類似GoogleGoggles 的認相搜尋資訊功能「Info-eye」。 Sony Xperia Z1 規格網絡:4G系統:Android 4.2屏幕:5 吋IPS TFT處理器:2.2 GHz 四核記憶體:2GB RAM、16GB ROM、支援microSDXC 卡電池:內置式3000mAh顏色:黑、白、紫售價:$5998查詢:Sony Mobile(8203 8863) e 比較 Lumia 1020 / Xperia Z1 /iPhone 5s 實拍測試 Lumia 1020:色彩略偏暖,對比度偏高,景深效果最佳。 Xperia Z1:色彩略偏冷,景深及立體感一般。 iPhone 5s:色彩最準確,景深及立體感一般。 背光測試閃燈補光 Lumia 1020:以閃光燈補光,效果理想,但色彩同樣偏暖及濃。 Xperia Z1:以LED 補光燈補光,效果理想,色彩依然偏冷。 iPhone 5s:補光效果不理想,效果跟未補光一樣。 環形界面Nokia Pro Camera環形界面易用,轉上轉落即可調校不同功能。 實用把手連機附送的攝影把手, 乍看像玩具,其實非常實用。 Nokia Lumia 1020 有黑、白、黃三色機身選擇,機背的仿相機設計部分有少許突出。($6298) AR 虛擬效果透過SmartAR 技術, 可將人物或實景與手機預載的虛擬場景結合,非常好玩。 迷你倉
【本報消息】澳區全國青聯委員昨參觀最後一站"湘潭昭山示範區"後,mini storage結束湖南交流行程返回本澳。團長馬志毅總結時表示,交通便利成就湖南省旅遊業發達,建議澳門四條步行路線,加強各景點之間的交通接駁,並加大力度宣傳。訪問團昨早參觀湖南省湘潭昭山示範區,先後考察中建仰天湖綠色養生示範城、江蘇國信"昭山晴嵐"項目等,並與當地領導舉行交流會。昭山示範區區黨工委書記楊曉軍接受訪問表示,該示範區主要發展旅遊會展業、文化創意產業及生態產業等,不發展房地產,歡迎國際企業加盟。該示範區最大特點是重視生態保護,楊曉軍指出,近年來將不符合兩型社會(資源節約型和環境友好型)的二百多個項目拒諸門外,並開展全民植樹造綠活動,使全區綠化覆蓋率超過五成。馬志毅認為,昭山示範儲存經驗證明瞭城市規劃的重要性,城規決定了綠化覆蓋率、建築覆蓋率等。澳門土地資源稀少,認為現時綠化覆蓋率低,應適量提升比例。但每個地方綠化覆蓋率都不同,不能盲目跟從,需根據澳門社會實際情況,科學研究,制訂最低綠化覆蓋率。近日參觀多個湖南省景點,他認為發展旅遊業的關鍵是交通便利。澳門旅遊局現推出四條步行路線,希望鼓勵旅客到各區遊覽,起分流作用。他認為各旅行路線之間的交通接駁不便,建議利用電動車作交通工具,循環景點接載旅客;並建議深入搜集景點過往歷史資料,以深化景點的文化內涵。善用科技加強旅遊服務水平,如推出景點名勝資料的手機應用程式,並於景點旁附設二維碼,以便旅客可用手機瞭解景點歷史。訪問團隨後乘車前往機場,大約傍晚七時返抵本澳,結束四天行程。儲存倉
過往國慶長假期都被內地各行各業視為搵錢的黃金周,迷你倉不單只旅遊景點人山人海,高級酒店食肆更一座難求,機場亦擠滿出國旅遊人潮,一片喜氣洋溢氣氛,被視為國家經濟繁榮的象徵;但今年中央提倡節約風氣,嚴打三公消費,為免殃及池魚,各單位能夠不做慶祝活動就不做,再加上「十一」旅遊法實施,影響之下,整個國家的消費意欲突然變得低落,昨天國慶前夕,在深圳市面,大街小巷絕難找到慶祝國慶的橫額,懸掛國旗的單位也很少,歡樂氣氛與去年相比有天淵之別,有人形容今年是近30年來消費情緒最低落的國慶節,也有人表示是因為今年是建國64周年國慶,無人願意將這個「敏感」數字寫上橫額懸掛有關。新報專題組報道 市面上的歡樂氣氛是否濃厚,從民眾的消費情況可以反映出來,根據商務部的統計數字,2012年中秋及十一國慶雙節期間,全國零售業餐飲業營業額達到8,000億元人民幣(下同),其中尤以餐飲業最為旺盛,菜式愈貴愈搶手,今年的經濟大環境無甚改變,但消費情緒卻起了一百八十度轉變,記者在昨日國慶節前夕到深圳一間酒樓用膳,見到酒樓標價,時令大閘蟹,蟹�25元一隻,蟹公30元一隻,絕無因為國慶黃金周而臨時加價,在深圳市面及消費場所更連半點節日氣氛也感受不到。 大節消費水平低於閒日 這股消費淡風自中秋節開始變得明顯,往年中秋節正日內地各家飯店都在忙�準備中秋團圓宴,以應客人需求,但內地傳媒在今年中秋節走訪安徽多地,發現中高檔飯店生意反而有些冷清,在安徽馬鞍山,當地中秋節至國慶節期間,高中檔酒店的預訂並不理想。 一間國際酒店餐飲總監表示,他們酒店今年中秋宴推出的最低消費優惠套餐每桌只需400元,甚至比平時消費水平還要低一些。今年的馬鞍山市及三縣中秋國慶雙節餐飲市場,一改過去以商務宴、政務宴高規格貴價菜式預訂為主的情況,變成以普羅市民消費為主的格局,大多訂餐者都是家庭過節聚餐,價格方面今年也調低了許多,馬鞍山市餐飲市場今年「雙節」市場最貴的套餐價僅為2,888元。 今年中秋國慶雙節同儉 馬鞍山市餐飲協會秘書長陳志明文件倉內地傳媒表示,今年受經濟大環境及中央「節儉令」等因素的影響,商務宴請預訂比去年同期減少了大約60%左右。餐飲企業的貴價訂單大大減少,高端菜式餐飲幾乎絕�,魚翅燕窩等高端食材很難賣出去,今年的節前商務、政務高端酒席寥寥無幾,大眾化消費已成為內地現在消費的主流。 在安徽蚌埠市一家高檔飯店,在中秋節前一個多月已經推出了宣傳廣告,但入座率也沒超過八成。跟往年動輒上千元一桌卻經常訂不到座位的興旺程度不能相比,這家飯店為求保住客源,今年自降身價,推出288元、388元到688元幾種套餐,價格下降了百分之三十以上。 在山東,不少酒店的中秋家宴都空�很多座位,濟南濼文路上的幾家飯店早早地就張貼出了中秋家宴的宣傳海報,價格優惠還有贈品,但是在中秋節正日仍然是人影寥落,業界對國慶節也不敢樂觀。 長春方面,今年中秋、國慶晚宴市場,尤其是中高檔酒店方面的預訂情況多少有點冷清。買賣不好做,不少酒店選擇歇業,而營業的酒店中秋節當晚的餐位勉強達到三四成,明顯不如往年。 湖北武漢飲食服務管理處對20多家高端的酒樓進行的調查顯示,今年1至2月,武漢高端餐飲較去年同期下降了60%,中端市場基本持平,低端市場還上升了3%。 抓浪費運動免惹禍上身 慘淡的業績讓很多酒店在這個傳統旺季大呼吃不消,事實上,除了今年中秋國慶兩節期間,多地嚴查八項禁令外,消費者的消費理念也正在悄然轉變。 面對打擊浪費的浪潮,經營小菜館的陳先生表示:原來往中檔酒店消費的客人,現在都改到小店就餐及消費,以免在「抓浪費」的運動中惹禍上身,這種消費氣氛令到小店生意有顯�增長,但這些小店絕少會在店舖裝飾上投入資金,他本來想在店前拉一橫額祝賀國慶,但有朋友提醒他,今年是建國64周年國慶,這個「敏感」數字掛在店前,非常不妥,所以最終不作節日裝飾,昨日在深圳市面看不見慶祝國慶橫額,未知是否與64周年敏感數字問題有關,但肯定的是今年多種因素影響下,以致內地城市節日氣氛不濃,令今年國慶節,可能成為國家改革開放後消費情緒最低落的一年。 存倉
蘋果公司自2007年iPhone 2面世以來,自存倉至今已推出8款手機,每次推出新機都聲稱較舊型號更快速,表現更卓越,但果迷網站EverythingApplePro進行測試,發現「新不如舊」。 該網站同時間測試8款iPhone在關機和開機,以及開啟Reddit.com和蘋果官網所需的時間,發現關機速度以3GS最快,其次為3G和4,之後到最早期的2G,最新的5S反而比不mini storage舊機款。至於開機時間,2G比iPhone 4還要快,最慢為3G。澳賠償WiFi過敏症患者 另外,澳洲聯邦科學與工業研究組織(CSIRO)的科學家麥克唐納因工作時使用Wi-Fi和電腦,引起頭痛、噁心及頭暈。他在每次電腦開機的數分鐘內感到難受,在2至12小時後遭受嚴重偏頭痛,甚至好幾天感到不適,最後獲保險公司賠償每月工資75%。 ■《每日郵報》/News.com.au儲存
Petition asks Wisconsin court to expand lawyer appointments for poor
Source: Milwaukee Journal SentinelSept.自存倉 30--Much of Wisconsin's civil justice system is fundamentally unfair to poor people, and Wisconsin's Supreme Court should take the lead in changing that, according to a new petition filed Monday with the court.The petition, filed by Legal Action Wisconsin and 19 other lawyers, seeks a rule allowing a judge to appoint lawyers for indigent parties in certain kinds of civil actions when necessary to ensure fairness.It also asks the high court to finance a pilot project in Jefferson County, where two judges and the county have agreed to study the impact of giving lawyers to low-income litigants in evictions and foreclosures, termination of parental rights and loss of benefits such as food stamps.A similar petition two years ago drew unanimous philosophical support from the court, which nonetheless denied it as too expensive.Are proponents more confident this time?"The only thing I can say is, you only fail when you quit," Legal Action executive director John Ebbott said Monday from Madison, where he had filed the petition with the court."You can't just say, 'Oh well, there's systemwide fundamental unfairness in our trials. Too bad,'" Ebbott said. "This court has been very assertive in its independence to address such problems in past cases. It needs to lead again."Ebbott and other proponents seek a so-called Civil Gideon rule, referring to Gideon v. Wainwright, the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case that established that indigent criminal defendants are entitled to a lawyer at public expense.But thousands of poor people slog their way through various civil court proceedings without the benefit of a lawyer. Critics say that leads to expensive, unfair results and bogs down the courts as officials try to deal with parties unfamiliar with the law.Volunteer lawyer programs and legal aid programs with patchwork funding can't meet a significant portion of the need, advocates for the poor say.Many in the legal system believe poor people who find themselves in some kinds of civil court proceedings -- where basic needs like sustenance, shelter, cmini storageothing, heat, medical care, safety, and child custody and placement are stake -- should also have lawyers appointed. Courts could not appoint attorneys for people bringing personal injury or other non-essential claims.The proposed rule would not require appointed lawyers in every such case. Judges would consider the skills of each party, the complexity of the case and whether the opposing party has a lawyer.Two years ago, more than 1,300 people signed a petition asking the court to adopt a rule to provide appointments in such situations. The court held a public hearing and in January 2012 turned it down.Though the court supported the concept, it said mandating a lawyer for everyone who needs one would be too costly -- an estimated $50 million a year. Proponents say it would save that much in social service costs incurred as a result of so many unrepresented people getting knocked around the legal system with bad outcomes.But given fiscal reality, the new petition reminds the court of the testimony it heard the last time, the extensive research and planning done by the Access to Justice Commission and how the Jefferson County trial project could get rolling with just $100,000.The petitioners say a pilot project would collect information on the kinds and number of cases for which judges decide to appoint a lawyer, the judge's rationale for appoint in each case, the cost of the lawyer, and some efforts to measure the outcome in both appointment and non-appointment cases.The latest petition notes that several other less-expensive alternatives to paying appointed lawyers in civil actions that were discussed favorably in 2011 never came to pass. They included clearer direction to circuit judges that they have authority to make such appointments, offering Continuing Legal Education credits to lawyers for pro bono work if appointed, paying for other pilots and tracking where, when and how the limited appointments are made.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visit the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel at .jsonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
我在青海湖邊拍下了這張照片:兩名藏族少年騎著馬走向天高雲黯的遠方。 我攝影技術一向低劣,儲存這張照片從攝影技巧上看也無甚可取之處,但我把它傳給了好幾位朋友。他們有的不予評論,有的直言不諱置疑:「這照片有甚麼特別?」 是呀,有甚麼特別?一時間我也給問住了。 今夜蛙聲咶噪,院牆外建築工地轟響了一天的賣樓叫囂也好像被它們壓下去了,我夜不成寐獨坐燈下,又拿出這些青海湖留影瀏覽,我的目光又停留在了這幾張藏族少年照片上。當日遇見他們的情景,頓時閃回心中。 我們從西寧包了輛出租車去青海湖,六百元。出發前我們一再叮囑司機:「不要管甚麼旅遊點,我們主要想看看自然風景,草原啦,牧群啦,油菜花海啦。」 司機一徑點頭:「好的好的。」 他是一名身強力壯的漢子,年紀看上去不到四十,本地話和國語都說得字正腔圓,他說他老家在河南,五歲就被父母帶到西寧來支邊,在這裡上學在這裡工作,「看,我以前就是幹那個的。」他指著遠處山丘上的高壓線鋼架道。 「架線工?」 「對,那些架子都是我們一截一截人工背上去的。」 我趕緊舉起相機拍下了那一排有灰黯雲天作背景的高壓線架,線架下的山坡也跟那天空一樣黯然,草木蕭瑟,卻意外地散佈著一群綿羊。車從西寧開出來到這裡有上百里地了,這還是我看到的第一群羊。在新西蘭奧克蘭,我們出市區不遠就不斷地看到羊群牛群在一望無際的大草原上延綿;在澳洲悉尼,我坐郊線火車去南部高原,一路上都看到風吹草低見牛羊的美景,我把這些都跟司機說了,意圖再次向他解說我的旅遊目的。他哈哈一笑:「人家那兒跟咱們國情不同,遊客少;咱們這兒的牛羊都給你們這些遊客嚇跑了。你要想看到真正的牧場,那還得往深裡跑。至少還得再花上六百元。」 不過他答應,一定讓我們看到真正的青海湖,沒有遊客咶噪的、地老天荒的原生態青海湖:「咱不走景區關卡,咱從藏人的牧場進去。」他道。 果不其然,當天邊隱現出青海湖青灰色的光影時,路邊就出現了一個個的岔道口,每個道口都有個人坐那兒把守著,多是婦孺老者。有的人手裡還拿著一面旗子,見有車駛過就起勁地揮動著。「哈,挺熱情的!」我道。 「當然熱情,收錢吶。」mini storage機說。 「應當給他們多少錢?」 「我來跟他們講價。放心,肯定比景區門票便宜多了。」 前面一個岔道口沒人坐路口,卻有個身著彩格衣服的少年騎在一匹棕色大馬上,神情淡漠,朝我們望過來。他旁邊還有匹小白馬,栓在牧場圍欄的木樁上。 「多少錢?」司機停車用本地話向少年問道。 少年伸出三個手指。 「二十吧。」司機道。 少年把馬頭往旁邊一讓,我們的車過去了。 這是一條坑坑洼洼的泥巴路。伸展在一片荒漠中。說是牧場,一路人草枯地乾,連牛羊的影子也不見,更別說人跡了。正詫異間,驀地,從地平線那邊,飄著灰白色雲彩的天空下,閃現出一道青藍色的光帶,越來越寬,越來越亮,青海湖!幾乎與此同時,我看見了那些鳥,黑的白的,棲集在湖邊的沙石上。不知是見慣不怪,還是少見不驚,鳥與我們遠遠對峙,聞風不動。啊,可惜相機沒在手裡,多麼難得的一個定格!題名躍然腦中:天。地。鳥。 突然聽見了一陣馬蹄聲,忙回身一看,啊,是剛才那名紅衣少年,他身後還跟著一匹小白馬,馬上是一黑衣少年。說時遲那時快,沒等我搞清狀況,毛茸茸的馬頭已經伸到了我的肩旁:「騎馬?」發話者是那棕馬少年,他說的是生澀的國語,以至我一時都沒反應過來,我本能地往後一跳。我這人甚麼動物都怕。 司機趕過來時,我跟那名少年騎士,正僵持在那裡面面相覷,我不知道他此時的感覺:輕蔑?嘲笑?懊喪?失望?無奈?從他們茫然的臉色上甚麼都看不出來;我也說不清我自己在那一刻的感覺, 心中也跟他們的神色一片茫然。 「謝謝!我們不騎馬。謝謝!」 司機話一出口,只見紅衣少年一拉韁繩,眨眼間便從我身邊跑開,遠遠地,他在我的對面從馬上俯瞰著我。他伸長一隻手緊拉韁繩,我伸長雙手舉起相機。 我沒拍下這個畫面,我拍下的是他打馬跟他的伙伴緩緩離去的背影。 天蒼蒼,野茫茫。 路在何方? 路在腳下。 孤獨的人覺得到處都是沙漠。 這都是我心中接之而來的感覺。但都不足以描述我當時的心境於萬一,那份蒼涼感,那片空曠感,那一種無奈的寂寞。即便天地間只剩下你和我兩個人,即便我們近在咫尺四目相對,我們也還是心靈永遠無法相通的兩個人。 self storage
黃金周貴客 無晒影
近年撐起本港豪宅及高檔零售的內地「豪客」,self storage過去每逢十.一假期均來港豪購。然而,今年料將「金」非昔比。內地《旅遊法》在今年十.一假期起實施,有分析指受新法例及節日假期分開影響,料今年十月訪港內地旅客增長將跌至單位數,零售銷售增長亦按年減少近三個百分點。香港零售管理協會指出,訪港內地旅客已開始由一線城市轉為二線城市為主,消費力亦由高中檔轉移至中低檔。逾半內地客不過夜根據香港旅發局昨公布最新統計數字,八月份總體訪港旅客達535.8萬人次,按年增長9.4%,當中主力的內地旅客訪港人次達422.5萬,按年更增長13.3%,並創有紀錄以來新高。不過,數字並顯示,訪港內地旅客中,僅約47%留港過夜,其餘均選擇即日來回,與昔日來港過夜的內地旅客,每人平均消費金額普遍由萬元起,明顯有所不同,故對本港帶來的零售消費效益日漸降低。中央今起推出新《旅遊法》打擊零團費,規定旅行社不得以不合理低價成團,誘騙旅客,或安排到指定購物場所購物或另行付費旅遊項目,亦導致十.一假期訪港內地團亦勢大幅減少。香港零售管理協會主席麥瑞�表示,相對去年,今年十.一假期的總零售金額可望綠得雙位數字升幅,約升12至15%,惟僅僅中低檔消費品為主的零售商戶會從中受惠。她稱:「今年黃金周將有不少旅客來自非一線城市,令中低檔商品的需求增加,尤其以化妝品、百貨及中價服飾最能受惠。」六福(00590)主席及行政總裁黃偉常表示對今年十.一假期銷情樂觀。他指,去年十.一假期較今年長,不少內地旅客都轉戰國外消費,預計今年內地旅客會選擇短線旅遊如香港和澳門,對銷情有正面影響。莎莎(00178)主席及行政總裁郭少明早前亦預測,集團於十.一假期檔期可望錄得雙位數同店銷售增幅,但公司不評論新法例對業務的影響。大和料零售增僅1%不過,券商則看淡今年十.一檔期對本地零售的增長,大和報告指出,內地政府於今日起實施新《旅遊法》,旅行社不得以低價組織旅行團,有業內人士預料,新法例將令透過旅行團訪港的內地遊客減少三至五成。加上今年國慶煙花匯演取消、中秋迷利倉及十.一假期分開,大和預期十月訪港內地旅客將由去年的20.6%急挫至8%,而十月零售銷售增長則由3.9%放緩至1%。內地客買港樓要「硬啃」雙辣招後,今年十.一假期內地客問盤及預約睇樓銳減,尤其曾受熱捧的中上價豪宅物業,情況更加嚴峻,長沙灣西九四小龍內地客查詢個案,亦按年大減約80至90%;而九龍站上蓋豪宅,內地客問盤比去年同期大跌一半,假期間暫未錄內地客預約睇樓;各大發展商亦未有安排內地客睇樓團來港參觀新盤。九龍站未見約睇樓九龍站豪宅屋苑向來是內地買家入市首選,中原余倫鋒稱,內地十.一長假期間,內地客問盤已按年跌約50%,未來數天罕聞內地客預約睇樓;九龍站九月份只錄11宗二手買賣成交。西九四小龍屋苑以往曾獲內地客掃貨收租,但「雙辣招」下,內地客入市成本增加,香港置業鍾嘉欣稱,近日區內屋苑內地客問盤量減少達80至90%,而直至昨日為止,假期間暫未錄內地客到區內屋苑預約睇樓。新界區方面,粉嶺、屯門及天水圍屋苑,位置鄰近內地,去年同期深受內地客追捧,美聯蔣曜名指近期粉嶺二手屋苑內地客查詢較去年減少80至90%,未來數天內地客佔區內預約睇樓客比例由去年佔逾50%減至今年只佔約20%,減幅達30個百分點。祥益袁思賢稱,買家印花稅措施推出後,屯門二手屋苑內地買家比例減少,部分內地家長客為方便子女留港上學,寧願轉買為租,目標主要為市中心樓齡較新如瓏門等屋苑,昨晚已有數組租客來港參觀。中原王樹明稱,天水圍二手屋苑未來數日只錄數組內地客睇樓。消息稱,嘉湖山莊景湖居7座高層兩房戶售價達280萬元。新盤無安排參觀團新盤方面,今年十.一假期各大發展商亦未有安排內地客睇樓團來港參觀新盤。信置(00083)營業部聯席董事田兆源表示,旗下大埔海鑽.天賦海灣近期睇樓客均以本地客為主,內地客佔少量。長實(00001)高級營業經理封海倫日前說,荃灣昇柏山買家以本地客為主,暫僅少於10伙由內地客購入。去年同期不少發展商有安排內地客睇樓團來港參觀,有大型發展商更安排兩至三團共逾百人睇樓團來港參觀新盤示範單位。自存倉
Li praises foreign experts for contribution
By Ding Qingfen and Lei Lei Premier Li Keqiang had high praise for the work of foreign experts in China and their efforts for the country, and he emphasized that China will continue to invite more of them to work here.self storage "Through the foreign experts, we have got the opportunity to learn about the advanced technology and administrative experience of developed economies," Li said while meeting the winners of 2013 Chinese Government Friendship Award on Monday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. "Inviting foreign experts has aided China in opening up. It benefits the Chinese people and the whole world," Li said. Fifty foreign experts form 20 countries received the 2013 Friendship Award, the Chinese government's top honor for foreign experts. The annual award was established in 1991, and it has since been bestowed on 1,299 foreign experts from more than 60 countries and regions. More than 550,000 foreign experts were working in China last year. Li said China will continue to invite high-end foreign experts during a "critical period of China's modernization construction". He also encouraged more foreign experts to work in western China, which is less developed. The honorees at the event at the Great Hall of the People were encouraged by Li's words. "It's great that China and the Chinese gov迷利倉rnment appreciate our help and recognize what we have done," said Eberhard Lell, 86, of the Austrian Senior Experts Pool, an association of experts that offers help to developing economies. "I will do my best to send experts to China and to help China develop. We are willing to give experience and knowledge to developing countries like China," Lell said. John Naisbitt, founder of Naisbitt China Institute, was also impressed. "The premier is very generous and knowledgeable," said Naisbitt, 84. "I'm especially impressed and excited about his mentioning western China. The west of China is growing rapidly. We foreign experts should go there." To more efficiently introduce foreign talents to China, an official from the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs announced that the country will publish a list of the work skills most in demand to aid overseas recruitment next year. "We'll do research with human resource departments and employers to learn what types of workers they feel are hard to find," said Liu Yanguo, deputy director of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs. Contact the writers at dingqingfen@chinadaily.com.cn and leilei@chinadaily.com.cn Inviting foreign experts has aided China in opening up. It benefits the Chinese people and the whole world."LI KEQIANGPREMIER 自存倉
2013年9月29日 星期日
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/繼達州分行、遂寧分行開業後,迷你倉最平成都農商銀行資陽分行于昨日正式開業,這是該行設立的第三家異地分行。開業當日,成都農商銀行還同資陽市政府簽訂了銀政戰略合作協議,力爭3年內在資陽轄區實現信貸投放60億元,支持資陽地方經濟發展。據瞭解,2011年底,成都農商銀行引進戰略投資者,資本實力不斷增強,截至今年8月末,全行資產總額突儲存3400億元,各項存款餘額超過2500億元,各項貸款餘額超過1200億元,全行資本實力、資產規模和盈利水平躋身全國農商銀行前列。與此同時,該行跨區域發展步伐不斷加快,目前已有達州、遂寧、資陽等三家異地分行開業;在江蘇、山東等7省發起設立的39家村鎮銀行已陸續開業。成都農商銀行相關負責人透露,下一步,還將在四川省內積極推進異地分支機構建設,擴大成都農商銀行區域影響力。 成都商報記者 吳宇宸mini storage
股基業績分化空前 首尾收益相差100個百分點
基金理財專家支招,儲存擇基不能只看短期業績,不把雞蛋放同一個籃子今年來基金業績分化情況注:數據截至9月27日 數據來源:天相投顧 朱景鋒/制表 張常春/製圖證券時報記者 朱景鋒在A股呈現結構性大分化的情況下,主動偏股基金業績在今年也出現史無前例的分化格局,截至9月27日,今年表現最好的偏股基金收益率已經突破80%,而表現最差的某資源行業基金淨值下跌21%,首尾相差達100個百分點以上。據天相投顧統計顯示,截至上周五,511只主動偏股基金今年以來平均收益率18.13%,收益相當可觀,而基金之間業績分化同樣可觀。其中有99只基金收益率超過30%,占主動偏股基金總數的近兩成,特別是有16只基金收益率超過50%,是結構性行情的最大獲利者。而依靠對TMT股的成功布局,景順長城基金投資總監王鵬輝管理的景順增長貳號和景順增長兩只基金收益率雙雙突破80%大關,分別達到80.69%和80.62%;中郵新興產業則以78.56%的收益率緊隨其後,銀河主題、匯豐科技、農銀消費、匯豐先鋒和華商主題等基金收益率也在60%以上。然而,也有不少基金收益率大幅跑輸平均水平,甚至還有的虧損。據天相投顧統計顯示,截至上周五年內收益率為正但低於10%的基金總數達到110只,占基金總數的21.53%,其中有43只基金收益率低於5%,東方龍、東吳嘉禾、方正紅利、興全模式、大成mini storage值、交銀穩健等基金收益率不足1%。此外,還有37只主動偏股基金今年以來收益為負,其中表現最差的10只基金虧損幅度均在10%以上。兩只資源行業基金易方達資源和華寶資源單位淨值分別下跌21.49%和19.43%,非行業基金中,東吳行業、交銀主題、中歐小盤虧損幅度均超過15%,分別達16.99%、15.33%和15.03%,持續而且嚴重超配金融、採掘、地產、金屬、機械等表現不佳的周期股是這些基金虧錢的主要原因。不僅不同基金公司基金表現差異大,即使是同一家基金公司旗下的偏股基金,由於基金經理投資能力和選股偏好以及基金風格的不同,同門基金業績分化也相當驚人。雖然景順增長貳號收益率超過80%,成為領頭羊,但景順能源基建基金卻下跌了7.62%;中郵新興產業收益可觀,但規模較大的中郵成長基金收益率僅為3.76%;另外,上投新動力收益率達54.63%,但上投優勢卻下跌12.61%。股市的劇烈分化對基金經理投資構成極大挑戰,而對普通投資者來說,在選擇基金時同樣面臨較大困難。基金理財專家支招,一方面投資者不能僅根據短期業績判斷基金好壞,而應該將短期業績和中長期業績結合起來考慮,只有短、中、長期業績持續好的基金才能證明基金經理能力較高,具有投資價值;另一方面,為應對基金風格不同造成收益偏差,應該分散投資于某幾只風格不同的基金,即不要把雞蛋放在一個籃子里。self storage
科隆自貿區 西半球最大的自由貿易區,文件倉同時也是全球第二大轉口站。科隆自由貿易區所批發的商品大多來自亞洲地區,採購客戶主要來自中南美,這些客商不必赴亞洲採購,只需來到科隆自由貿易區,從而節約了時間和費用。 德國漢堡港 歐洲經濟自由區的典型。它依托漢堡港建立,陸上通道關卡有25個,海路通道關卡12個,面積約 16.2平方公里,可開展貨物轉船、儲存、流通及船舶建造等業務。漢堡港的優勢在於其物流效率,對進出的船隻和貨物給予最大限度的自由,這種自由貫穿于貨物卸船、運輸、再裝運的整個過程中。 美國自由貿易區 它的設立是適應轉型需求的重要代表。20世紀60年代末70年代初,美國在全球經濟中的地位開始下降,美元貶值,失業人存倉增加。為了刺激對外貿易發展,各州紛紛設立對外貿易區,從1970年全國的7個增至1994年的199個。在此期間,美國對外貿易占GDP的比重及經濟開放度均持續提高。 香港 亞太地區最重要的國際金融、貿易、航運、信息服務樞紐之一,是跨國公司雲集的地區總部。香港實行對外完全開放的自由港政策,大多數貨物進出香港自由,僅需提前14天報關,外國人也可以自由進行投資、生產。如今,金融服務、貿易物流、旅遊、專業服務已成為香港服務業的四大支柱產業。 新加坡自由港 新加坡在海關法、進出口商品管理法等基礎上制定了自由貿易區法令。如今,新加坡自由港已發展成為一個高度開放的貿易自由港,並逐漸向更具科技含量的綜合性自貿區靠攏。 (據新華社)儲存
冀青年居安思危共建特區 澳區青委緬懷毛澤東
【本報記者吳惠珊長沙廿九日電】適逢毛澤東誕辰一百二十周年,mini storage"澳區全國青聯委員訪問團"今重點開展"紅色"行程,參觀毛澤東故居、圖書館,並到毛澤東銅像前獻花籃。有團員參訪後感受頗深,有感澳人生活安逸,亦不應忘記窮苦生活的奮鬥史,應居安思危,共同建設特區。訪問團一行早上乘車到長沙市韶山縣參觀毛澤東故居,並到毛澤東銅像前獻花籃、鞠躬,表達敬意及懷念。下午參觀毛澤東圖書館,瞭解毛澤東生平業績。適逢毛澤東周年誕辰,韶山景點到處都是旅客身影。團長馬志毅建議,當地可增設旅遊景點,分流旅客。第二次參訪的團員陳秀釵則稱讚,各景點旅遊管理服務,如景點安排、遊客秩序,均較前進步。陳秀釵表示,參觀紅色聖地,有感革命並非易事,只有抱著堅定信念,才有可能革命成功。指出近年澳門社會浮躁,致使青年急功近利,意志薄弱,處事易放棄。勉勵青年做好生涯規劃,堅持理念,走self storage自己的路。團員陳澤和表示,澳門近十年經濟向好,居民生活環境大幅改善,有條件"食好、住好、玩好",耽於安逸生活,少居安思危。他指出,毛澤東堅持冷水澡培養毅力,澳人應學習毛澤東"捱得苦"的精神,並培養"三多",多讀書長知識;多學習專業技能,增強競爭力;多做運動,培養毅力及靈活度。在參觀毛澤東圖書館時,馬志毅巧遇爺爺馬萬祺墨寶,是一九六五年馬萬祺受邀參訪湖南時留下的詩作,後作為展覽品。相隔四十八年,馬志毅薪火相傳,參訪當地發展。他表示看到爺爺寶墨,感覺親切,亦喚起不少童年回憶,想起爺爺講的改革故事。訪問團午宴時與共青團湘潭市委員會書記白雲峰,韶山市人民政府副市長蕭澤輝交流;晚宴則與中共湖南省委統戰部常務副部長譚平,共青團湖南省委副書記湯立斌,湖南省政府台灣事務辦公室副主任丁學新,湖南省青聯副主席廖良輝、高山等嘉賓聯歡,交換兩地發展意見。mini storage
當飛赴法國的班機和香榭麗舍大街上都擠滿了中國人的時候,儲存8000多公里的距離正在輕易地被經濟效益忽略。2012年,中國企業新增對法投資項目較2011年增長了35%,成為在法投資的主要亞洲國家之一。 2013年,在這份成績單上又添上了重要的一筆,聖元集團與法國索迪亞集團簽署協議,將投入約1億歐元在法國布列塔尼省建立一座生產嬰幼兒配方奶粉和乳清的工廠。這也將是法國近年來金額較大的一筆跨境投資。 作為這次合作的重要見證者,中國銀行巴黎分行總經理潘諾表示,中國銀行巴黎分行不僅將對合作提供融資支持,更將在此後的合作過程中提供綜合金融服務。 "其中當然不排除人民幣業務。"在接受《中國經營報》記者專訪時,對於這個熱門的話題,他的態度是肯定的。同時作為在法中資企業協會的會長,潘諾認為,盡管法國市場歐元仍是主流,但人民幣接受度越來越高,而人民幣國際化的實質應是中國企業的國際化。中法合作正升溫 《中國經營報》:目前,法國政府正在大力鼓勵吸引企業"投資在法國",力圖爭取將法國打造成為中國企業登陸歐洲的"橋頭堡",在你看來,近年來法國的中國企業對金融服務需求有哪些變化,特點有哪些? 潘諾:今年有兩件事情表明法國政府正在極力爭取中國企業到法國進行跨境投資,一個是法國總統奧朗德今年4月在愛麗舍宮接待了40多名中國著名的民營企業家,與他們長時間座談交流看法,這樣的禮遇非常少見;另一個則是法國外長任命了一名中國事務特別代表,並且由社會黨前第一書記奧布里夫人擔任,這都表明原來還在職能部門間推進的中法合作,已經提速上升至法國的國家層面。 中行巴黎分行在2008年已經感受到了中法合作在升溫。最開始可能是一些能源類的項目,但目前我們發現,現在來法國進行投資或者合作的項目開始逐漸集中在新興行業,例如農業、食品加工以及環保等行業。法國具有技術含量的中小型企業開始越來越多成為中國企業的合作對象,這對銀行來說,他們除了貸款之外,有了更多綜合金融服務的需求,尤其是本地化的金融服務。例如前年為一家中資企業在香港市場上運作了5年期6億美元的擔保發債,這也是中資銀行在海外進行增信擔保發債的第一個案例。而最近為國內一家中資走出去企業歐洲分公司設計了集合委托信保融資方案,利用其在法國的歐洲資金平台,與當地信保公司合作,為其歐洲各分公司的應收賬款辦理信保融資,這是中資銀行為走出去企業在海外辦理的首筆當地保險公司信保融資業務。 《中國經營報》:今年5月,中行巴黎分行與國內銀行合作,為貴州茅台酒廠(集團)有限公司設計"跨境人民幣內保外貸+外幣並購貸款"組合,協助茅台集團子公司于4月下旬在法國成功完成紅酒項目收購。在常規的信貸業務之外,類似幫助中資企業"走出去"方面還有哪些創新之舉? 潘諾:與茅台酒集團的合作,包括近期聖元集團在法儲存倉的合作項目,背後的共同點都是中國銀行全球聯動機制在發生作用,而中國銀行海外網點多也是顯著優勢。在茅台酒集團的這個項目中,中國銀行巴黎分行不僅僅是作為一個貸款方,我們為其設計的是一個結構性的金融方案,這其中包括通過與中國銀行國內網點的合作,幫助企業減少利率和匯率的損失。 類似的"微創新"並沒有一個既定的方案,更多的時候我們是按照企業的具體需求來為其設計一個金融服務方案。例如,目前一些跨國企業可能製造在法國,但是主要市場仍在中國,它有大筆的人民幣流動性需要管理,那麼我們為他提供的方案中就會包括人民幣結算,甚至用人民幣投資的內容。 另一方面,出于地理位置和語言的優勢,法國仍然是中國企業到非洲投資最重要的"跳板"之一,面向非洲市場的業務也是巴黎分行的優勢之一。與成熟的歐美市場不同,非洲市場的整體風險和單個國家特點均比較突出,例如當地幣貶值和外匯管制等。針對這些現狀,我們在這些地區與中外保險機構進行了合作,提供合適的風險分擔方案,目前為31個國家有業務的超過420家企業提供資金的離岸管理,這部分的業務規模均保持了兩位數增長。未來人民幣結算是趨勢 《中國經營報》:根據法國中央銀行的統計,目前中法貿易中約有10%的貿易是以人民幣結算,在歐元主導的歐洲市場上,海內外企業對人民幣業務的接受程度如何? 潘諾:目前僅中國銀行巴黎分行每年的跨境人民幣交易量就超過1000億元,而法國市場的人民幣存款也已經達到了100億元左右。3年前,提起人民幣可能知道得都比較少,但是現在這已經是個熱門詞了。 雖然現在都在談人民幣國際化,我還是覺得企業才是人民幣國際化的推動者和播種者。我們的客戶中,有跨國企業用人民幣貸款在中國市場進行投資,甚至有的跨國企業已經開始採用人民幣發工資。對於在中法都有業務來往的中小企業,目前我們還為他們設計了人民幣資金池業務,方便其貿易和投資。 《中國經營報》:人民幣國際化是熱門話題,在爭奪人民幣離岸中心的過程中,英國倫敦顯得非常高調,目前英國和中國已經實現了人民幣互換,你如何看待兩地的競爭態勢? 潘諾:在倫敦以外,歐元區應該產生一個或多個人民幣清算中心。中國銀行巴黎分行是較早就建立的海外分行,其主要的職責之一就是通過金融服務提高跨境貿易和投資的效率。 出于防範匯率風險的考慮,跨國合作中,未來的資產投資和現金流以人民幣來進行是一種趨勢。和倫敦可能更注重金融交易相比,中法之間近年來貿易增長很快,國內新型城鎮化建設讓中法之間在核能、航空等傳統領域之外的環保、醫療、食品等領域創造了一些新的合作機會。這個過程中,人民幣的應用率增加,反過來在某種程度也推進了中法之間的貿易往來。所以,歐元區內尤其是法國,人民幣的推廣使用將更多的服務于實體經濟。這個過程會出現競爭,最終展現的會是促進經貿關係的勢態。迷你倉最平
有「準香港」之稱的上海自貿區昨日甫成立,self storage便極速批准25家公司及11家金融機構開展業務,但市場最關注的資本項目兌換及利率市場化等金融創新項目,具體細則仍然欠奉,首批進駐的銀行更是內銀天下,外資要靠邊站。有銀行界指,自貿區勢將搶走香港有關貿易金融及服務的市佔率,但貨幣及其他金融方面低調保守,對香港衝擊暫時比預期小。正式掛牌 速批36機構上海自由貿易區昨日正式掛牌成立,可謂「雷聲大、雨點小」,儘管批出36家成立機構,包括8家內銀、1家金融租賃公司、2家外資銀行包括星展及花旗,但內銀可設分行,外資行只設支行,�豐中國等更是大熱倒灶,未能成為首批獲准「入區」的外資行,而獲批之一的星展中國自貿區支行初期擬服務企業客為主。其餘獲批機構有太保(02601)、申銀萬國(00218)及中信証券(06030)的旗下或合營公司等。中國5個國家級新區中,以上海自貿區最快「跑出」,反映上海市金融配套及人才的完善成熟,由國務院在七月三日原則上「拍板」通過至掛牌成立,前後不超過三個月。然而,美中不足的是自貿區發布迷利倉上未有交代如何推進資本項目可兌換的具體問題,亦無涉及任何稅項優惠,與市場預期有很大的落差。開通投資微型直通車另外,中證監允許自貿區合資格內地居民和機構雙向投資境內外市場,形式或類似「微型直通車」。人民銀行上海分行行長張新表示,自貿區的金融創新包括擴大人民幣跨境使用、在全國統一部署框架內穩步推進及先行先試利率市場化、在風險可控下穩步推進人民幣資本項目可兌換。張新更多次反覆強調改革都要以「風險可控」為前提,更特別提出要防止熱錢通過自貿區衝擊境內市場。另外,中銀監上海監管局局長廖岷表示,中銀監將調整自貿區內銀行貸存比率及監管要求,但他未言明具體細節。有財資市場人士解讀其論調,指是次金融措施非常之保守,上海自貿區與其他離岸市場相比無優勢,儘管自貿區不出現,利率市場化和人民幣資本項目可兌換亦早已在五年計劃中推進。對於市傳銀行透過分帳形式管理,即是銀行同時有在岸、自貿區和離岸帳戶,他認為做法倣效台灣OBU(國際金融業務分行)等形式,割斷在岸和離岸資金的劃撥和聯繫,意味政策根本無開放在岸市場和資本帳。自存倉
Jail escapee remains at-large
Source: The Portales News-Tribune, N.mini storageM.Sept. 29--Like most people who get surprised by late night visitors, Amanda Bonilla was suspicious why her cousin's ex-boyfriend and his friend were knocking at her door around 1 a.m. Saturday.Nothing about their appearance or actions suggested Abran Baeza, 22, of Portales, and Noel Webb, 32, of Tucumcari, had just escaped from the Roosevelt County jail, she said. And despite the unusual hour, Bonilla said the three listened to music and talked about tattoos for hours."Obviously if they were in orange jumpsuits I wouldn't have let them in," Bonilla, 29, said.It was when she got a thundering knock at the door around 4 a.m. that it became clear the two were using her to hide.Police, guns drawn and lights piercing her home, surrounded the house on North Avenue M Place and arrested the two fugitives.They were part of a trio that escaped the jail Friday night with another inmate.Robert Claudio, 31, of Portales, remains at-large, according to police. Roosevelt County Sheriff Darren Hooker said it was believed Claudio fled the area and may be headed to Colorado.The escape was the second in three months and police said the trio -- much like the last pair of inmates who escaped June 21-- used a metal bunk bed leg to punch a hole through the jail's ceiling and gain access to the roof. Once on the roof, the men made it to the ground, shed their orange jail jumpsuits and fled on foot, according to the jail's Administrator Dave Casanova.Asked how someone could pound through the ceiling and roof without being heard by jail staff, Casanova said, "Nothing has been told to me about the noise, if it could be or could not be heard. We are still looking into that..."Roosevelt County Manager Charlene Webb said the roof was repaired after the first breakout in June and that Friday's incident did not occur in the same area."We fixed the repairs on the inside and we had the same contractor come and repair it from the outside-in," Charlene Webb said.Casanova said since the first breakout, security has been heightened by increasing the numbers of walk-throughs, perimeter and roof checks done by jail staff.However, Casanova and Webb s儲存id they knew repairs would not be enough and proposed installing razor wire on the roof and perimeter of the entire jail. Their proposal was offered at each of the last two Roosevelt County Commission meetings. Both times Commissioners failed to act on the request, citing cost concerns.The estimated price was $265,000."We will probably reconsider and look at more options to secure the roof and do something in some phases," County Commission Chair Bill Cathey said Saturday. "We're just trying to look at some cheaper routes because it's so expensive from the proposal we got."Webb said the push for the security will be stronger at Tuesday's Commission meeting and it stands as the countyadministration's priority recommendation to end problems at the jail.Hooker said arrest warrants were issued for all three escapees that included escape from jail, conspiracy to escape and possession of a deadly weapon by a prisoner. The warrants were signed by District Judge Donna Mowrer and each carries a bond of $100,000.00 cash only.Baeza was being held on charges of battery upon a household member, two counts of trafficking controlled substances, resisting, evading, or obstructing an officer, larceny, interference with communications, failure to appear, and probation and parole violations.Webb was being held on charges of criminal damage to property and a hold, for unknown charges, out of Quay County.Claudio was being held on charges of aggravated battery and probation violation."I feel taken advantage of," Bonilla said. "I don't know why (Baeza) came to my house. He used to date my cousin but that's it."Bonilla said the pair did not tell her their whereabouts prior to arriving at her front door about four hours after they escaped .Bonilla gave officers permission to search her home and her cell phone was confiscated because she let Webb use it. Bonilla said she knew Baeza was in jail related to drug trafficking charges but assumed he had bonded out and she hadn't spoken to him in months.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Portales News-Tribune (Clovis, N.M.) Visit The Portales News-Tribune (Clovis, N.M.) at .pntonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉
Red Devils upend Huskies for fourth victory
Source: The Tribune-Democrat, Johnstown, Pa.自存倉Sept. 29--LORETTO -- Central Cambria didn't get its initial first down until the 6:54 mark of the third quarter and finished with far less rushing yardage (100 yards on 28 carries) than Bishop Carroll's Tyler Janosik (28 carries for 157 yards) Saturday night at DeGol Field.But the Red Devils figured out a way to get the job done, winning the fierce rivalry over the neighboring Huskies 17-7 in the Laurel Highlands Athletic Conference battle."Our defense saved us and we made enough plays offensively to be where we're at right now," Central Cambria coach Bill Corrente said after his team won their fourth straight to go 4-1. "The seniors deserved every bit of this because they worked their tails off. Nobody gave us a lick of respect and these guys just want to prove something. Big game and I thought they came through pretty well."Bishop Carroll held a huge edge in yardage over the Red Devils in the first half, 170-10, and had a 10-0 edge in first downs.But it was the Red Devils that took advantage of their opportunity.The lone scoring drive of the first half came after Central Cambria's Tanner Ambrisco intercepted a David Maruca pass near midfield and returned it to the Bishop Carroll 8.Kerry Kirsch took the ball down to the 1 and Red Devils' quarterback Will Seymour took it in for the TD at the 4:45 mark of the first. Colby Crimmins added the kick for a 7-0 lead.The Huskies had an opportunity to even the game right before the half.With 4:47 left, Carroll moved the ball from the Central Cambria 40 to the goal line on 10 plays but was stopped and without a time out remaining, the clock expired, ending the half.The Red Devils' Ambrisco and Scott Bauer teamed at the goal line to stop Janosik from scoring."We had assignments coming in there and we all did our assignments," Ambrisco said. "I just happened to be there. Coach (Wade) Klezek had a great game plan. Wemini storagewere in the right spots at the right time."In the second half, the Devils took the kickoff, but were limited to just two yards and punted the ball back to the Huskies (3-2). Carroll put together a seven-play drive, all runs, with Janosik scoring from the 2. The Alex Gruss kick evened the contest at 7:53.The Huskies scoring drive seemed to ignite the dormant Red Devils offense.Central Cambria marched 69 yards on seven plays, getting three first downs along the way, with Seymour scoring from the 6. The Crimmins kick put the Red Devils back in the lead with 4:47 left in the third.The Central Cambria defense stopped Carroll on its next series and took over with 1:17 remaining in the third quarter. The Red Devils then strung together an 18-play drive which ended with four minutes left in the game on a 23-yard Crimmins field goal.Again the Red Devils defense was able to contain the Huskies on two remaining drives before running out the clock for the win."We shot ourselves in the foot a lot today," Carroll coach Greg Snyder said. "We were down to the 1-yard line twice in the first half and we didn't punch it in. We just weren't ready and they were."Kerry Kirsch had 61 yards on nine carries and Seymour, who was slightly hobbled with a leg injury, finished with 12 carries for 42 yards."I've talked about this every week, it's called finishing," Seymour said. "We just know when we have to make plays and when we need a big drive. You can see the look in everyone's eyes. Everyone stepped up to make big plays at the right time tonight."It's a fierce rivalry between us two, a great game on both sides and they both battled. It's always great to get a win, no matter what team it is. It was a great win for us and we battled the whole way."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Tribune-Democrat (Johnstown, Pa.) Visit The Tribune-Democrat (Johnstown, Pa.) at .tribune-democrat.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
在紐交所上市的鳳凰網二季度交了份漂亮的成績單。截至2013年6月30日,自存倉公司二季度總營收同比增長了28.5%,廣告收入同比增長41.9%,淨利潤比去年同期翻番,遊戲業務爆發式增長。股價也遠遠跑贏大市,過去半年內增長近4倍,獲得多方投行的買入評級,是中國互聯網上市公司表現最好的之一。另一方面,鳳凰網首頁訪問量居全國第二,僅次于百度,在門戶流量增長接近飽和甚至下降的情勢下,鳳凰網仍保持與SNS(社交平台)幾乎持平的流量增長。從廣告增長與訪問數據上看,鳳凰網的轉型策略成效顯著。對比新浪網的開放化轉型,鳳凰網顯得更為審慎,堅持媒體定位的嚴肅新聞主義,加大以紀錄片、新聞視頻為主的短平快視頻內容投入,並開始嘗試為三億用戶提供包括遊戲在內的娛樂服務。在接受本報專訪時,鳳凰網CEO劉爽一再表示,我們相信我們是媒體。這家"門戶中的媒體,媒體中的互聯網"公司,在憑借優質內容晉身五大門戶之列以後,正有序推出覆蓋各領域多需求的產品,"做適當的加法,有所堅持,有所突破"。與此同時,去中介化的自媒體正在打破傳統媒介格局,已然成為互聯網標準配置的移動端領域激戰正酣,渠道和內容,誰能帶來更多流量?開放平台和專業門檻,誰最終將贏得觀�?互聯網領域的媒體《21世紀》:從二季報來看,鳳凰網經營的各項數據都超乎預期的好,取得這些成績的原因是什麼?同時,經營方向也在發生轉移,主要在哪些方面有變化?劉爽:簡而言之就是媒體差異化的運作,我一直強調,我們是互聯網領域的媒體。中國多數網站的創始人是工程師或技術出身,信奉所謂海量快速的信息堆積。鳳凰這些年走的路,是對於我們核心理念新聞專業的堅守,正是因為這種堅守,我覺得我們才殺出了一片天地。現代中國社會的大趨勢,一是碎片化消費問題,二是這個信息和觀點的爆炸。隨著微信、微博的出現,我們進入了一個"淺閱讀、淺文字、淺交流、淺思考"的時代,超過140字的文章大家都不願意看了。在這樣一個時代,新聞專業主義恰恰具有它的價值,新聞的專業在當代即是對信息的再篩選、做查證、再組織。另一個趨勢是,受�從紙媒向PC端正在向移動端遷移,我們接下來的重點就是擁抱移動互聯網。主要是做三個客戶端,鳳凰新聞、鳳凰視頻和鳳凰廣播。《21世紀》:移動端業務目前的發展情況如何,核心競爭力是什麼?與PC端產品有什麼不一樣?劉爽:坦率說現在市場佔有率我們不是最靠前的,但我不擔心,因為這個戰役才剛剛開始。新聞最後拼的是獨家的內容與用戶體驗,而非功能性或純技術的東西。這方面我們有深厚的積累、強大的品牌,有獨到的新聞編輯和整理的一套基因和方法,我們門戶能到今天的成績也是因為內容為本。由於用戶使用手機是大量碎片化的時間,我們的產品、專題、策劃、評論都是短平快,另外編輯在興奮點上有不同的選取。比如鳳凰視頻客戶端比起鳳凰視頻,增加了更多娛樂、體育、綜藝的內容,除了獨家的新聞視頻,也廣泛與製作公司和電視台合作,購買視頻版權。《21世紀》:鳳凰視頻的購買,像海外劇的版權,這幾年內容的價格都拼得很厲害,這一塊的成本會不會帶來很大壓力?優酷和騰訊在長視頻這塊大力投入,鳳凰網會考慮嗎?劉爽:我不會高價跟別人拼搶這塊內容,本階段不考慮長視頻。本身鳳凰衛視的強項不是電影電視劇,而且長視頻非常耗費帶寬且費用高昂。另外,長視頻建立起來的用戶缺乏黏性。我認為現在花這個錢是在教育市場,我們還是希望做一個跟隨者。多樣化產品探索《21世紀》:你們在社交化方向上有什麼新產品和運營模式?劉爽:鳳凰網這些年並沒有被社交化所威脅。有人說SNS一出來門戶就完蛋了,但我發現SNS恰好是一個有助于傳播的好渠道,從流量的發展就能夠看出來。以我的觀察,在SNS領域,不做第一基本上沒有任何意義,因為大社區、純技術驅動的即時通訊工具,如果範圍很窄,人家不會使用。而當微信出來,所有的東西都變得沒有意義。但媒體不一樣。因mini storage價值觀和理念不同,有很多是共存的。我們不把社交化作為一個主動的產品去推廣,而是很好與社交媒體合作,推廣和我們的核心內容。合作的方式仍在探索和討論的過程中,既不是股權,也不是一個特別硬性的合作,不排除在一些具有剛性需求的垂直領域進行嘗試。《21世紀》:今年你們在遊戲領域發展迅猛,未來會有大幅投入嗎?劉爽:我們要進入這個領域。中國的遊戲市場有上千億需求,我們有三億多的主流閱讀用戶。這半年來我們發現主流網民也非常具有娛樂需求,鳳凰網為全球的華人網民提供溫暖快樂,快樂也很重要。《21世紀》:隨著這個移動端的成熟,以及以遊戲為代表的產品形態的多樣化,經營模式跟盈利模式是否也會產生改變?劉爽:收入構成有很大不同。傳統的SP業發展會減速,但是遊戲收入的增長不斷彌補而且超過,流量會在新平台上保持高速增長。但基本上收入模式構成還是廣告模式與消費模式。《21世紀》:在大數據熱潮中,將來是否可能按照不同的人群習慣分析做一些定向的推送?換句話,你們在移動端做的東西,會是一個千人千面,還是千人一面的東西?劉爽:我認為千人千面是一個噱頭。人生活在這個社會里,看東西一個是看自己喜歡的,一個是看大家都認為重要的。前者是搜索驅動,後者是瀏覽驅動,瀏覽驅動一定是大於搜索驅動的。媒介重要的作用是定義什麼是大家都感興趣的,提供一個最有效率的平台。千人千面的極致是,你每天知道的世界頭十條和他認為的完全不一樣,這怎麼可能呢?平台化不要泛泛而談《21世紀》:新浪與搜狐的新聞客戶端都在陸續開放,做平台化產品,引入大量媒體、自媒體進入,就像做一個媒體界的淘寶。這個方向你們有考慮嗎?劉爽:我們不會將平台化作為主打。平台化的概念不要泛泛而談。這個平台化到底到什麼地步?對所有媒體開放,和對有選擇的媒體開放,這是完全不同的兩個概念。如果全都開放,這個平台我很難想象,讀者如何有效率閱讀,實際上等於沒有這個平台。我覺得任何一個媒體都有選擇的,我沒有聽說一個媒體再成為一個媒體的平台。《21世紀》:據你觀察,近期美國資本市場對於中國互聯網公司的看法是什麼?對於未來的預期是怎樣的?劉爽:我感覺,經過這兩年,美國已經發現中國治理最好的公司還是海外上市的公司,包括更嚴格的會計制度和信息披露制度,他們發現絕大多數都是優質的,所以他們才是理性的。第二點他會發現,中國互聯網是中國經濟中最活躍的一個。大型國企或快速消費品公司跟中國經濟的整個周期相對一致,但互聯網公司是完全不一樣的,中間有很多創新性的機會。由於美國的量化寬鬆可能會停止,現在整個大趨勢是利率上升,資金回流。但是恰恰有很多轉向中國的互聯網,就是行業的資金迴轉(sector-rotation)。我強勁地感覺到美國資本將來進入中國的這個市場。我們股票的成交量在過去的四五個月增加了3倍-4倍,每天將近幾千萬人民幣的成交額。《21世紀》:許多國有傳媒集團都在進軍新媒體,也有非常好的資源,為什麼你們能夠突出重圍?有沒有什麼短板,或者你覺得未來不足的地方?劉爽:中國互聯網發展的十幾年,我們在這個江湖里應該算是一個另類。首先,無論是報紙、電視、廣播電台,沒有一個傳統媒體孵化出的網站擁有這麼大的流量。同時,最大的門戶也沒有一家背後有這麼強勢的電視台支撐。再加上股東中國移動,我們站在一個無線、電視和互聯網的交叉路口。這個位置還是挺幸運的。另一個關鍵是人才,新媒體的激勵機制能夠激勵到願意幹高風險高回報的事的人才,新媒體公司底薪很低,但有期權,願不願意?注定互聯網是要冒險,那種釋放的荷爾蒙,一天當成兩天花,是不一樣。不足是缺乏產品技術上的人才,我們願意以最有競爭力的激勵機制尋找在移動互聯網技術和產品方面有的人才。另外,在新領域我應該更激進一些。前些年因為股價有一些波動,我們會謹慎一些。但現在我覺得要更激進一些去發現新的機會,為我們三年以後的可持續發展播下種子。儲存
New ownership has 'seismic' impact
Source: St.迷你倉 Louis Post-DispatchSept. 29--In 16 months on the job, Blues owner Tom Stillman has one regret regarding the operation of the club's 16-member local ownership group."I would like to have had more meetings with the group more regularly," Stillman said. "But it's been a whirlwind year and I think there's an understanding that we've kind of had our heads down, doing a lot of blocking and tackling."After taking over in May 2012, Stillman has been busy trimming off-ice expenses and authorizing the signing of several hefty player contracts. In all, 14 extensions have been granted, totaling 39 years and nearly $150 million.Blues general manager Doug Armstrong recently called the financial commitment of the new ownership "seismic.""You go to these press conferences when there's an ownership change, and there's a lot of patting on the back and a lot of rhetoric saying 'We want to win,'" Armstrong said. "The way they showed it is with their wallet."Entering the 2013-14 season, the Blues rank No. 8 in the NHL with a team payroll of $62.3 million. It's a jump of more than $10 million from last season's mark of $52.2 million, which ranked No. 29 in the league. No club can claim a sharper rise."We're in this year with the top-paying teams," Armstrong said. "One of the excuses that we don't like is that we couldn't afford to win a Stanley Cup, we can't afford to compete. That's been erased."Much of the credit has been heaped on Stillman, but he is quick to deflect the attention onto others, including his 15 co-investors.They are all local business leaders but not much is known about their hockey interests or how the group reaches the decisions that have been shaping the organization the last 1 1/2 years.Two of the team's top investors are Jerry Kent, chairman and CEO of Suddenlink Communications and co-founder of Charter Communications, and Donn Lux, chairman and CEO of Luxco.Kent has been a Blues' season-ticket holder since 1983 and was part of a group that once tried to buy the club."I've been waiting a long time for a Stanley Cup," Kent said. "That's what I keep telling Tom. I say, 'Tom, I want to keep reminding you ... the reason I made this investment is I want to hold the Stanley Cup.'"Lux attended the Blues' inaugural game in 1967, when he was just 7 years old, and he's been a season-ticket holder ever since. His family was friends with the first owners of the Blues, the Salomons.Stillman didn't know Kent prior to the ownership venture, but he's known Lux for more than a decade and he's been associated with others in the group longer. Stillman and Tom Schlafly, founder of "The St. Louis Brewery," go back 15 years, and a relationship with Steve Maritz, chairman and CEO of Maritz Inc., dates to 20 years. He's known former U.S. Sen. John Danforth 25 years, when he married Danforth's daughter, Mary."They're just great, great people," Stillman said. "And they're experienced business people who understand how businesses work, including the balance between investing in the right areas and yet controlling expenses in the right areas ... and obviously the need to build revenues to support it all."The group also understands the hierarchy of the ownership arrangement. Per NHL guidelines, the league mandates that one person have the ability to make decisions on the day-to-day operations of the franchise, and that person is Stillman."Leagues just don't want franchises in a position where they have to make decisions by committee," Stillman said. "But even though that's the case, I like to get a sense whether the group is comfortable with something. For specific developments, I will send out an email to the entire group. Then on some big issues, I will call a few members as sort of a sounding board."For example, the investors were notified before the Blues traded for defenseman Jay Bouwmeester and what remained of his $6.68 million salary last April. It was the same with the re-signing of Bouwmeester to a five-year, $27 million extension, the re-signing of Alex Pietrangelo to a seven-year, $45.5 million deal and the addition of Brett Hull to the front office."In most cases, I know what I think we should do before calling," Stillman said. "So I'm describing my views, but also expressing the contrary view, what are the downsides. Then I'm getting their perspective. I like getting their feedback."Kent said, laughing, sometimes Stillman follows his advice and sometimes he doesn't."I have a 30-plus year career in business and so I know about making acquisitions and hopefully I learned a little bit about managi文件倉g people," he said. "And so hopefully when Tom asks for advice, I can draw upon those skills and offer sound business judgment. Just rest assured no one there calls me to have me assess the hockey talent. I leave that to the professionals."That assignment rests with Armstrong, who receives his budget from Stillman. In the case of this season's payroll, the team has already eclipsed what it projected to spend. Stillman said he's sensed in meetings that Armstrong has been visibly surprised after gaining approval on a few pricey transactions."Doug was so used to hearing 'No, we can't do that,'" Stillman said. "So we're talking and there's a bit of feeling where Doug's going, 'Oh, OK!'""Tom will say, 'I'm in,' and before he can change his mind, I get up and leave the room," Armstrong joked. "His number has been predicated on wanting to win. It's very businesslike."Stillman's financial philosophy leading a hockey team isn't necessarily how he might run a business with regard to the bottom line."If you just look at a number in a vacuum and say, 'This is going to cost X dollars, you say 'Whoa!'" Stillman said. "But once you get comfortable with what that player brings to the table, you begin to appreciate what a different team we can be. The members of the (ownership) group want to have a contending team. They have been uniformly supportive."None of the owners is looking for a monthly dividend check. Lux remembers when the group was seeking additional investors and he was turned off by one looking to make a quick buck."One guy looked at the documents and said, 'How do I measure the return on invested capital?'" Lux recalled. "I just said, 'You know what, just send me the materials back if that's what you're interested in.' This is not a return on invested capital deal. It's a civic deal. One day we might make some money, but I think we're all very comfortable with being part of something really cool."One of the perks of being a Blues' owner is being alerted to a potential move before it happens."It's very exciting," Kent said. "It's done with strict confidentiality, so it's not tempting to say anything, although my son, Matt (23 years old) tries to pry a lot. Like any rabid fan, he wants to know what's going on with the team and what the plans are."For Lux, the Hull news was hard to keep inside. He and his wife, Michelle, have been longtime friends with Hull's family."When the news broke, my wife was like, 'What are you talking about, Brett is coming back?'" Lux said. "I was like, 'Yeah, he's coming back.' She said, 'And how long have you've known this?' I said, 'I've probably known for a while.'"Schlafly also enjoys the inside knowledge."It isn't something Tom has to do," he said. "He could be an autocrat if he wanted to but that's not his style at all. I think it's very gratifying that he takes the time to keep us informed."The excitement has led to some of the investors becoming more engrossed in hockey. That includes former Senator Danforth."I think he has seen the light, that hockey is a superior sport," Stillman said. "He takes pride in kind of throwing out things that he reads in the paper. I'll see him and he'll mention some detail from that morning's article and he'll have this grin on his face like 'I'm all over it.'"Schalfly now wears a Blues' lapel pin and a tie with the team's logo."I'll have to admit that I was kind of a fairweather fan beforehand and I think having an involvement in the team has certainly enhanced my interest," Schlafly said. "The Blues are just a tremendous asset for the community. Like beer, it's a business, but it's fun."Blues players have noticed the owners' enthusiasm."When we come into the locker room on the road after a win and you see Tom there congratulating us, it's gratifying to know that we have them behind us and they want it as badly as we do," defenseman Kevin Shattenkirk said. "They have a chance to make a difference, and they're doing all they can for us."It has been an exhilarating 16 months for the 16 investors."It's gone as well as we could have expected, trying to do what Tom did with a large ownership group," Lux said. "It's been great."Added Kent: "I want to point out that it's really all about Tom and Bruce (Affleck) and Doug and the management team. Everything that's being done should be attributed to them."Perhaps those sentiments could be conveyed at the group's next meeting, whenever that is.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Visit the St. Louis Post-Dispatch at .stltoday.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉
Q&A on the Affordable Care Act
Source: The Wisconsin State JournalSept.迷你倉最平 29--Three-and-a-half years after President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act, a key feature of the law -- an exchange, or government-run marketplace where people can shop for private health insurance -- will open for enrollment Tuesday.Most people, who get insurance through their job or government programs, won't use the exchange.But many people who are uninsured, buy insurance on the individual market or are being shifted off Medicaid are expected to use it. Small businesses can, too.They can apply online, by phone, with a helper or by mail for insurance plans with a variety of premiums and coverage levels. People who make up to four times the federal poverty level can get financial help to reduce their costs.Coverage begins Jan. 1, the same day most Americans must have insurance or pay a penalty.Despite legal and political battles over the law, exchanges are expected to operate in every state.Confused? Here are answers to frequently asked questions about the law and the exchange:1. Do I have to use the exchange, or marketplace?No, but it might offer the best coverage available for people who are uninsured, are losing their insurance, have a hard time finding affordable coverage on the individual market or have been enrolled in special high-risk plans.Private insurance plans will still be available outside of the exchange.Most people will keep getting insurance the way they have -- through their job, Medicare, Medicaid or programs such as veterans' health. People with access to employer insurance can use the exchange. But if their employer's insurance is considered comprehensive and affordable, with premiums less than 9.5 percent of the employee's salary, they won't qualify for subsidies.2. If I use the exchange, will my insurance cost more than it does now?It depends. In general, younger, healthy people -- especially men -- might pay more. Older people, especially those with medical conditions, might pay less.Insurance companies can no longer exclude people with medical conditions or charge them more. They have to provide 10 "essential health benefits" -- including maternity care and mental health services, which some plans don't offer today. Insurers also have to stop charging women more, and they can't charge older people as much more as before.So, younger people might pay higher premiums than they do today and older people might see lower premiums.People age 30 and younger or with very low incomes can buy cheaper, catastrophic plans.3. How do the subsidies work?People who use the exchange can qualify for two types of subsidies, or tax credits, to reduce premiums or out-of-pocket costs. They can use the subsidies up front, immediately reducing their costs, or through refunds after they file tax returns.The first type of subsidy will lower premiums. It is for people whose incomes are between 100 percent and 400 percent of the poverty level, or up to $45,960 for a single person and $94,200 for a family of four this year.The premium subsidy limits the percentage of income people must pay, on a sliding-fee scale, for a mid-level plan on the exchange. People at 150 percent of the poverty level won't pay more than 4 percent of their income, for example, and those at 400 percent won't pay more than 9.5 percent.A 40-year-old who makes $30,000 a year can get a subsidy of about $112 a month to reduce a typical monthly premium of $321 to $209, according to a Kaiser analysis. The same subsidy could be used for cheaper plans.The second type of subsidy reduces deductibles, co-payments and other out-of-pocket costs for people up to 250 percent of the poverty level if they buy a mid-level plan.4. If I have insurance through my job, does anything change?Most employers that provide insurance to employees today are expected to keep doing so. Some could eventually drop coverage and, starting in 2015, pay a penalty."I can't think of a single client that is dropping coverage" in 2014, said Karen Breitnauer, a compliance attorney in the Madison, Wis., office of M3 Insurance, a brokerage firm that works with many employers in the area. "The reason: Nobody else is. They want to be competitive and attract good employees."The cost of employer coverage could go up because of fees imposed by the law, Breitnauer said.Employer plans will have to comply with new rules next year, such as eliminating annual coverage caps and limiting waiting periods to 90 days. Already, the law requires them to allow children up to 26 to be on their parents' plan and have no lifetime coverage limits.Some employer plans that existed before the law was passed in 2010 are "grandfathered." They don't have to follow some rules, such as offering the 10 essential health benefits and providing free preventive care. If these plans make significant changes, however, they wi儲存l lose grandfathered status.Some employers self-insure, meaning they pay benefits directly instead of buying insurance coverage. Such plans must follow some of the new rules but not others.In 2017, states can let large employers start using the exchange to shop for employee coverage. In 2018, employers offering high-end "Cadillac" plans will have to start paying a tax.5. My employer doesn't offer insurance. Will it have to?No, but incentives and penalties will encourage employers to offer insurance.Businesses with up to 50 employees can use the exchange to shop for employee insurance next year. Those with fewer than 25 employees, whose average annual wages are less than $50,000, can get tax credits to help pay for coverage.Employers with at least 50 full-time employees (at least 30 hours a week) that don't offer insurance will have to pay an annual penalty of $2,000 per worker, not including the first 30 workers, starting in 2015. If employers offer coverage that isn't considered affordable, they'll have to pay $3,000 for each worker who gets a subsidy on the exchange.6. What are the 10 essential health benefits?They are benefit categories all plans must include: outpatient care, emergency services, hospitalization, maternity and newborn care, mental health and substance abuse services, prescription drugs, lab services, pediatric services, preventive/wellness services and chronic disease management, and rehabilitative and habilitative (gaining a function that was not already there) services.7. I'm on Medicaid. Does anything change for me?Most people on Medicaid won't see any changes from the law.8. I'm on Medicare. Does anything change for me?People on Medicare won't do anything differently. They'll still use medicare.gov, not the exchange, to sign-up for Medicare plans.Medicare enrollees have been getting additional benefits from the law, including free preventive services and a discount on some prescription drugs.9. If I want to use the exchange, how do I sign up?The best place to start is healthcare.gov. You can enter your information, shop for plans and fill out an application. You can also call the exchange at 800-318-2596.You can apply by yourself. But if you want assistance, you can find trained helpers. You can also check with your local library or public health department.A list of helpers will be available at healthcare.gov.Enrollment begins Tuesday and continues through March 31. To get coverage by Jan. 1, you must sign up by Dec. 15."It's good to explore options early," said Donna Friedsam, health policy programs director for the UW-Madison Population Health Institute. But you don't have to enroll right away. "Don't panic," Friedsam said.The next enrollment period, for coverage in 2015, will be Oct. 15 to Dec. 7, 2014. People can sign up between enrollment periods if they have life-changing events, such as death of a spouse, birth of a child, loss of a job or a move to another coverage area.10. What kind of insurance is available on the exchange?Coverage comes in four main tiers: platinum, gold, silver and bronze. Platinum plans have the highest premiums and cover 90 percent of health care costs. Bronze plans have the lowest premiums and cover 60 percent of costs. Cheaper catastrophic plans are available to people 30 and younger or with very low incomes.11. What if I don't want insurance? What is the penalty?Most people will have to pay a penalty if they don't have insurance beginning Jan. 1. The fine is $95 (or 1 percent of income exceeding the tax filing threshold, which was $9,750 for an individual for 2012) next year, $325 (or 2 percent of such income) in 2015 and $695 (or 2.5 percent of such income) in 2016.The penalties will be assessed through income tax returns, which will ask for proof of insurance.People exempt from penalties include those who don't make enough money to file income taxes, those who would have to pay more than 8 percent of income for insurance and those who would have qualified for the law's full Medicaid expansion.Other groups that don't have the pay the penalty are people with religious exemptions, members of Indian tribes and two groups that aren't allowed to use the exchange: undocumented immigrants and the incarcerated.12. What if Congress overturns or defunds the Affordable Care Act?The Republican-controlled House of Representatives has voted to repeal the law dozens of times, but the action hasn't gone anywhere in the Democrat-controlled Senate.Some House Republicans want to defund the law through negotiations over the government's spending authority and debt limit. But the Senate and White House are unlikely to allow that.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, Wis.) Visit The Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, Wis.) at .wisconsinstatejournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
建成20年,mini storage天河路商圈于2013年明確提出升級改造,欲打造成為世界知名的國際商圈。"再出發",政府官員及天河路商圈企業,想聽一聽來自國際知名商圈權威人士的意見。昨日,天河路商圈發展國際論壇在正佳萬豪酒店舉行。法國第十三區、新加坡烏節路商圈、台北及廣州等城市的政企代表及商業研究學者,共聚羊城探討天河路商圈發展。天河區長林道平透露,天河路商圈有一份"連廊計劃"有望在兩個月內獲得通過。欲將天河路商圈打造成為國際商業門戶,天河區此前曾邀請知名規劃設計企業美國A ECOM集團為天河路商圈設計整體策劃方案。昨日,該份整體策劃方案正式"出爐"。南都記者瞭解到,天河路商圈升級改造整體規劃提出"一核兩軸雙廊六主題"。交通方面計劃打通天河路—體育東路交叉口全方向的地下過街隧道,採用抬高路面等方式連接由於車輛進出而打斷的步行道,在體育中心設置旅遊集散中心供旅遊大巴集中上落客等。林道平透露,關於天河路商圈的"連廊計劃"近兩個月內有望在市規劃局的指導下通過,規劃通過後將會�動交通改造,包括路面智能交通系統的改造及停車場智能引導系統的完善。昨日的論壇是近年來天河CBD關於天河路商圈主題會議中,規模最大的一次會議,來自國內外政企及國際商圈的權威人士共同"把脈"。與會政企人士圍繞天河路商圈提升挑戰與應對策略對話,重點儲存討了天河路商圈在新定位下如何發揮資源配置力、集聚輻射力和國際競爭力,以及商圈在商貿功能載體、商業業態、支撐體系和商圈環境等方面的突破路徑。聲音烏節路有兩個閘門,一進一出,兩次收費。為了鼓勵不在烏節路購物的人不要行經這裡,政府實行了這個政策:繁忙時候電子收費最貴,每輛車自動徵收三至四元新幣。——— 新加坡烏節路商聯會執行董事吳令興香榭里舍大街每年都會舉辦各種節慶活動,周圍也有大量文化場所,可以為目標客戶群和購物人群提供文化休閒活動。香榭里舍大街還曾與旅遊局、行業協會、大使館等整合資源進行旅遊推廣。——— 法國巴黎第十三區副區長陳文雄每個周日,台北信義商圈沿路都有年輕表演者在演出。台北市長並不希望將信義商圈辦成傳統的CBD,而是希望在這個空間,有文化的展示地,市民可以在這裡慢跑,市長脫下西裝,與民共舞。——— 在台北當了三任市長顧問的方寶慶特寫區長連連拜托求支持昨日論壇上,天河區區長林道平的發言多次提到要有"危機意識",在提及天河路商圈的下一步升級改造計劃時,林道平更是兩次"拜托"規劃局,請規劃局大力支持,"商圈的連廊規劃,要拜托和辛苦規劃局的同志了,因為規劃是先導,規劃是龍頭,規劃沒有通過的話,硬件的改造是紙上談兵,拜托了,請規劃局給予大力支持。"採寫:南都記者 譚希瑩 通訊員 唐國華 田禾儲存倉
2013年9月28日 星期六
我們很難用TVB的劇集扮�,存倉除非是政客,想用一兩句台詞來扮親民。但無論如何,有些劇集你還是要看的,例如《天與地》,或者剛剛結束的《衝上雲霄》,因為這些劇集成了社會現象,就算對TVB的成見再深,我們也很應該為了一種社會學的興趣來觀察它們,看看香港人這麼喜歡討論它們的理由。有些社會學家的精力特別旺盛,例如呂大樂、趙永佳、和梁款,以我所知,他們真是連一部TVB劇集都不放過,幾乎到了汁都撈埋的地步。使我十分懷疑他們到底是真的愛上了TVB,還是太過熱愛香港(因為香港人很愛TVB,為了瞭解香港人,所以不得不愛屋及烏,連帶地愛上TVB)。不是開玩笑,有些TVB劇集還真的成了你對香港有多忠誠的試金石,特別是《天與地》。那一陣子,當人人都把「This city is dying」掛在嘴邊的時候,就有朋友指責我說:「未睇過《天與地》,你仲係香港人��?」嚇得我趕緊追了幾集。不過回頭再想,我為什麼要用一部電視劇來證明自己和這座垂死城市的關係有多親密呢?更何況它的收視率這麼低,我大可以儲存稱自己就是那沒看過《天與地》的大多數香港人中的一份子。哦?This city is dying?我�班「沉默大多數」一�都唔覺�。號稱是近年最有創意最好看的TVB劇集,居然得到了這麼一個叫好不叫座的下場。這是個什麼城市?思過半矣。好在我們這個時代花樣夠多,受夠了TVB劇集的罐頭音樂和不動大腦的場面調度,你大可以在網上尋找外援。當然還可以為TVB抱冤,他們天天趕製的低成本流水線產品,又怎能拿去和HBO這樣的美帝國主義比拼呢?人家用不�每天播出,人家耗資鉅大,人家佔有全球市場,我們呢?沒錯;可是我憑什麼體諒TVB?我只是想看電視而已,又唔係同佢有親,又不是社會學家。就好比你支持本地足球,我很尊重你對本地足運的熱情,但你也沒有理由阻止我迷上巴塞吧?還有人說,TVB的工廠製作再爛,也能磨煉出一個演員的演技。從梁朝偉到張家輝,哪一個不是天天演爛戲演出來的本領呢?但請相信我,他們全都想用今天的成就來讓你忘記他們在TVB的不堪過去。張曼玉也不會希望你只記得她演過《開心鬼撞鬼》。self storage
我們最幸福 順民心態澳門製造
兩周前,儲存我登上了往澳門的水翼船。這次旅程有點不一樣,以前只會到食店,豬扒飽、燒乳豬、水蟹粥,通通今次要照去,順路經過葡式古蹟,還要扮文藝青年留影。但不同的是,這趟我特意要求澳門朋友增加兩個景點:立法會選舉票站及候選人競選總部。我知道,這是一個莫名奇妙的「政治考察」。澳門選舉在港人心中,除了千奇百趣疑似「賄選」手法(如派發印有候選人頭像的薯片,託兒所寄學生手冊給家長時夾�競選單張,包起酒樓任飲任食,出動電單車載員工投票)。然後,就只剩下鄉親派商人惡鬥民主老手的老掉牙戲碼。簡單一句,香港人「看不起」澳門選舉。這一種「看不起」,是基於澳門政治局勢,整體比香港建制得多。香港廿三條引發二○○三年五十萬人遊行;澳門廿三條卻在二○○九年悄悄通過。香港政改明年或會引發劍拔弩張的佔領中環;澳門去年完成的政改,立法會直選議席比例沒加,特首選舉基本上還是小圈子。澳門民主派也曾就政改掙扎過,搞了一場數千人的民間投票,但瞬間愛國陣營卻可急召十萬份意見書力撐,可見澳門反對派猶如螳臂當車。今次澳門選舉民主派敗陣,也窺見澳門建制勢力牢不可破。澳門的和諧似乎輸入了電腦程式,自動埋位,叫阿爺安心,叫隔鄰港人震驚。與其說是震驚,更多是大惑不解。和內地不同,澳門人可自由閱覽香港傳媒,家家戶戶看香港電視新聞,而且原汁原味,不像內地遇到政治禁區會插播廣告。不少澳門的士司機收聽香港的電台;不少澳門人讀「反動」的《蘋果日報》。澳門人上facebook沒問題,不像內地要翻牆。但神奇地,澳門人大量飲用香港傳媒奶水,對民主抗爭信息似乎免疫。學者發現,澳門人不但比港人更愛國,亦較順從政府。我的澳門朋友多次說:「澳門人係怕事�。」學者也戲言,澳門猶如「半個解放區」。我跟身邊的港人談這事,大家闊佬懶理,更形容「澳門跟大陸一樣吧!」我聽到這�有點忐忑。明明只隔一小時船程,不少澳門人在港求學工作,收看一樣的傳媒,我不相信,香港人天生叛逆,澳門人基因�就是和諧。我認為,當香港媒體聚焦討論澳門賄選、民主派失利這些表徵,不如問一個更深層的問題:澳門這些疑似賄選,建制大勝的格局,即使不是澳門人主動選擇,也是澳門人默許的。我會問:為何澳門人如此馴服,接納這種社會現狀?抱�這個疑惑,我赴澳兩次,參加了一個「選舉檢討會」,訪問了澳門民主派人士和多位年輕人,透過學者介紹閱讀相關文獻。我發現,澳門人的「順民性格」源遠流長。澳門公民意識乾涸,源自多年政治文化土壤貧瘠。原來,香港和澳門像孿生兒,同樣經歷殖民,走的路卻近乎相反。連串事件,一環扣一環,孕育了一代又一代比港人更馴服的澳門人。( 一) 他們的「六七暴動」一九六六至六七年,受內地文化大革命影響,港澳均發生群眾運動,結果卻相反。一九六七年在港人記憶是「土製菠蘿」滿地、商台廣播員林彬被燒死。港英政府成功鎮壓,定性事件為「暴動」,事後左派經歷低潮,港人一般覺得左派人士「搞搞陣」、「思想偏激」。一九六七年前後,澳門同樣發生一場運動,卻是「反殖抗暴」勝利。一九六六年底,澳門華人因建校問題跟葡政府衝突,左派乘勢進行「反殖抗爭」,引發流血事件,八名華人死亡,是為「一二?三事件」(事件發生於十二月三日)。抗爭期間大量紅衛兵從內地準備入澳,反而中國政府不想於當時「收回澳門」,派解放軍鎮守邊界,再派廣東官員斡旋,最後葡國政府向澳門華人道歉,更賠款告終。自此澳門華人覺得「鬼佬唔夠華人鬥」、「祖國是保護華人的」。( 二) 他們的「調景嶺」被消失回歸前,十一和雙十兩天,香港街頭可見兩種旗幟,共產黨和國民黨在香港社會互相制衡,勢均力敵。老一輩記得,調景嶺寮屋區未拆前,聚居了親國民黨人士,山頭還有「蔣總統萬歲」大字。相反,澳門的親台勢力,早早被清洗。一九六○年代中「一二?三事件」後,葡政府應愛國社團要求,把澳門境內國民黨員全部驅走。澳門「關前街」一帶至今有不少丟空舊樓,據老澳門說,是國民黨員敗走澳門時留下的,業權不明,現儼如死城。故此,數十年殖民澳門,親台勢力幾近消失,親北京陣營獨領風騷。( 三) 他們沒有「陳日君」港澳同為殖民地,有深厚教會傳統,兩地天主教徒佔人口比例相近(6-8%)。然而香港天主教較多涉及政治,如回歸前教區公開支持彭定康政改,「天主教正義和平委員會」常參與社會行動。回歸後,前主教陳日君多次論政,教區近日亦表示,若公義不彰顯,可接受如佔中等公民抗命。相反,澳門天主教卻與中共關係友好。本身是修女亦是學者的梁潔芬分析,澳門教會自一九六○年代「一二?三事件」後,因在事件�受到左派人士衝擊,從此少涉足政治。到了一九八○十年代,澳門天主教主教獲邀為基本法草委,是唯一的宗教界代表;相反,香港這邊草委有佛教和基督教代表,唯獨沒天主教。梁潔芬形容,澳門教會傳統上和親中勢力關係「融洽」,相反香港教區偶與中共唱反調,教徒亦較多介入社會,擔當「社會良心及希望」的角色。(四)他們沒有「黃之鋒」和「華叔」被稱為「澳門社運女神」、本身為澳門小學教師的甘雪玲,今次替民主派助選,她留意道:「澳門年輕人收到傳單時眼神空洞,像不知道發生什麼事。」她估計,香港通識教育培育了一批關注社會的年輕人,卻難以想像澳門會孕育出一個像黃之鋒這樣的學生。余振等學者亦發現,澳門中學生「愛國」程度高,對民主政治欠深入了解。身為老師的甘雪玲解釋,澳門學校少談政治,即使有公民教育科,亦只談品德教育和愛國教育。兩地教育界風氣也不同,香港教師工會如「教協」有數十年爭取民主傳統,相反,澳門九成學校是私校,老師要每年續約,工作欠self storage障,教師對社會議題敢怒不敢言。即使大學也缺乏自由開放風氣。二○○八年澳門推廿三條,四間大學的學生會借澳門大學舉行論壇,主辦單位卻受壓取消活動。( 五) 殖民政府的能力港英政府在六七暴動後,改善施政,吸納民間意見,設立廉政公署,推行免費教育。港人不一定要借助人脈,也可直接與政府部們接觸,辦理生活所需手續。但葡國政府行政效率低,貪污嚴重,加上沒推行葡文教育,華人生活遇上困難,需靠愛國社團「出頭」。余振等學者舉例,澳門以前民間嫁娶要放煙花,棺木要運回內地埋葬,也要靠社團向葡政府周旋才獲得批文。故此,澳人習慣左派社團「庇護」,到了選舉支持社團背景議員亦順理成章。回歸後,香港經濟表現未如澳門,亦可能引發「港人抗爭,澳人順從」兩種心態。澳門民主派議員歐錦新和吳國昌均指,香港回歸後經濟一般,港青面對「下流社會」,薪金沒上升,更要住�房,易生怨氣;相反,澳門回歸後因賭權開放,財源滾滾,二○○六年澳門人均國民生產總值更首次超越香港,澳門人自覺「站起來」,濠江似乎進入了「盛世」,物質生活充裕,民主變得不重要。澳門年輕人跟我說:「祖國對澳門很好,回歸後開放賭牌,又成功申請世遺,經濟大好,要比『衰到貼地』葡國佬好很多。」也有一說:「以前向葡政府申請證件拖很久,現在政府效率好,公務員『面色』(服務態度)也好了。」當香港青年懷念港英時代,高舉英國旗;澳門華人極少懷念葡萄牙,類似「港獨」或「本土自治」論述,難以在澳門生根。一個澳門人的心路歷程在澳門土生土長,後赴香港讀大學,現於香港傳媒工作的L,跟我解釋「一個澳門人的心路歷程」。她說,小時候在澳門只知努力讀書,對社會毫不關心:「六四,我覺得不關我事,好似旁觀者,覺得香港好煩。」即使澳門人大量收看香港傳媒,但大家總有辦法「視而不見」。我問她,澳門人不抗爭,是害怕打壓嗎?她努力回憶:「連害怕也說不上,更接近是『沒感覺』。」L來港求學工作後漸漸發現自己開始認同香港價值,覺得澳門愈來愈陌生,心�頗難受:「覺得自己兩邊不是人」。今次特意回澳門投票,結果民主派失利,很失望:「澳門如今『窮得只剩下錢』,跟北韓人活在極權下仍自覺『我們最幸福』的心態差不多。」怕涉政治飯碗不保澳門人怕涉足政治,其中一個原因是擔心飯碗不保。在澳門期間,不同場合有人認真問我:「為什麼戴耀廷不會因佔中丟掉教席?」「為何學校不向黃之鋒施壓?」聽到這些問題我訝異不已。問的人,一個是留學回來的澳門人,另一個也是知識分子。原來,澳門是一個小城,數十萬人口,大家互相認識,行頭很窄,一旦因政治原因失工作,很難東家唔打打西家。近日活躍澳門政治的甘雪玲老師說,已感到學校給她壓力,有心理準備丟工作。我跟澳門人解釋,在香港若戴耀廷被解僱,黃之鋒無書讀,媒體必群起採訪。但澳門人說,若有人因參政被炒,犧牲會是靜悄悄的,因澳門主流傳媒不會報道。事實上,澳門傳媒噤聲,已不是新聞。余振等學者也發現,過去澳門選舉,傳媒會多點報道建制派,少點報道民主派。澳門民主派議員吳國昌說,近年他愈來愈難登上澳門主流媒體,有選民說:「今屆不投你,因為在傳媒看不到你,覺得你冇做�,我寧可投給陳明金。」今次選舉傳媒寵兒,要數拉票招數甚有台灣味的「福建幫」生意人陳明金,其名單取下三席大勝,有人分析,財雄勢大商家有資源派禮物,且打「福建人」同鄉牌吸引新移民,香港應引以為鑑,並指向香港同樣龐大的新移民票源,以及建制派「蛇齋餅�」攻勢,悲觀地預言:今日澳門,明日香港。然而,我卻從澳門故事,看到港人更應堅持。相比澳門,香港幸運得多。我們有更廉潔的政府、更開放的傳媒、更有牙力的議會(澳門立法會直選議席少,權力亦不及香港)。連基本法,香港那一張也寫得較寬鬆。原來,澳門基本法條文上沒寫「普選」,香港基本法卻因當年草委爭取而寫入「最終達至普選」。可見,濠江的戰場更艱難,香港卻比澳門擁有更多有利爭取民主的籌碼:如廉政、司法獨立、新聞自由等,這些橋頭堡,港人未來必須捍衛,半寸不能讓。港澳命運脣齒相依澳門不是沒希望的。這次往澳門採訪遇到很多有心人,他們都是土生土長、有學歷的年輕人,寧可放棄賭場或政府工等高薪厚職,在小城涉足吃力不討好的政治,或幾個有心人搞獨立媒體,為的是對澳門的一份感情,我在他們身上看到理想、衝勁和希望。看到澳門朋友在那麼艱難的條件下仍然堅持�,香港人更沒藉口放棄。誠如澳門民主派議員吳國昌說過:「香港二○一七年會否有真普選,不是澳門人能干預的。反而,香港二○一七政改的過程和結果,對澳門政改下一步,必有重大影響。」作為一個港人,寫這篇文章我是膽怯的。無論做幾多訪問,讀幾多史料,我仍是一個外人,對澳門的理解或有偏差。然而,澳門同路人都希望我下筆,因為你們說過:「澳門人只能透過港媒『出口轉內銷』知道澳門消息」。作為香港記者,我有內疚,香港傳媒多年忽略了澳門,除了四年一次選舉,五一遊行看看有沒有亂象,平日濠江根本進入不了香港媒體的視角。我想說,香港遊客將來到訪澳門,水蟹粥是要吃的,角子老虎機可以繼續拉,然而大家不要忘記,以澳門為家的六十萬人,和香港這邊七百萬人,有�唇齒相依的命運。參考資料:余振、婁勝華、陳卓華《澳門華人政治文化縱向研究》吳國昌《民主派?濠江論政》Moises Silva Fernandes Macau in Chinese Foreign Policy during the CulturalRevolution, 1966-1968梁潔芬「非殖民地化:港澳天主教會的回應」文譚蕙芸 攝譚蕙芸網上圖片迷你倉
mini storage 自9月中旬以來,陽朔縣除了做好常規的工作外,縣整治辦還從公安、市容、交警、運管、旅遊等部門抽調骨幹力量組成聯合執法組,對縣城主要路段車輛亂停亂放、占道經營等進行了專項整治,縣城環境大為改觀。乾淨、整潔、有序的陽朔城鄉在國慶節前就吸引�多中外遊客湧入。圖為9月27日,大批老外走進陽朔鎮西街的情景。 賀振敏/攝迷你倉
葛萬金指三年後人力資源會重新分配 冀關注博彩業與社區發展
【專訪】澳門社會綜合研究學會、澳門大學校友會及青委會昨舉辦『博彩與社區發展關係』研討會,迷你倉最平澳門大學校友會理事長葛萬金認為,三年後澳門將面臨第二批大企業落戶,豪華酒店加上為數不少的賭檯增加,勢必再度引起人力資源的重新分配,人口增加數目未能完全滿足博彩業及酒店業發展的需要,外勞數目預計將再創新高,社會基礎設施、房屋、交通、醫療、教育能否配合實際需求,社會應予充分關注。 昨日下午,該研討會在皇都酒店舉行,澳門大學博彩研究所所長馮家超,澳門大學校友會理事長葛萬金,澳門大學校友會青委會副主任梁君傑,港澳時事評論員,澳門科技大學助理教授譚志強,澳門幸運博彩業職工總會副理事長梁孫旭,澳門社會綜合研究學會理事長吳焯峰等出席。 與會各嘉賓各抒己見,對博彩業未來的發展及其對本澳社區的影響展開交流探討。葛萬金表示,澳門回歸十四年,經濟急速發展,賭權開放是主要原因,加上中央「自由行」政策,令澳門近年的成就舉世矚目。但繁榮背後,社會亦因此而承擔了不少問題,物價高漲,房價飛升,人力資源短缺,外勞人口增加,社會生態差距擴大等問題,雖儲存特區政府努力改善,仍有不足的地方。 他指出,每年來澳旅客數目遞增,令澳門地區承受的壓力亦不少,大部份來澳旅客的目的都離不開博彩活動,令人關注。加上博彩業的發展令本澳大部份年輕人投入此高產行業,他們耳濡目染,稍一失慎,就產生嚴重的病態賭徒問題。 同時,社區發展亦因產業分配不平衡而出現極大的落差;有賭場的地區,人流多,生意旺盛,沒有娛樂場的地區,店舖生意發展極度困難,導致不少澳門存在已久之行業或店舖,自動關門。此情況以舊城區,特別是北區、草堆街及新馬路中下段等都面臨同樣的問題。 葛萬金認為,三年後離島區正面臨第二批大企業落戶,豪華酒店加上為數不少的賭檯增加,將再度引起人力資源的重新分配,人口增加數目未能完全滿足博彩業及酒店業發展的需要,外勞數目預計將再創新高,社會基礎設施、房屋、交通、醫療、教育能否配合實際需求,值得大家充分關注。 故此,他表示,社會各界應密切關注博彩與社區發展關係的問題,多關注本地區龍頭產業的發展,符合澳門整體的利益,真正落實(澳門人、澳門事、多關注,齊得益。)令博彩業的收益能真正造福社會。◇mini storage
【本報訊】高中學生上網愛娛樂多於在網上學習。香港中華基督教青年會於今年三月至六月進行資訊及通訊科技使用取向及習慣調查,迷你倉最平成功收回來自九十五間中學、共三千七百二十二份由中三至中六學生填寫的問卷。調查發現,七成四受訪者通常使用搜尋引擎來搜尋「娛樂或休閒」資訊。在使用互聯網進行娛樂活動方面,最多受訪者每天一次或多次用以「下載或聽音儲存」,佔五成九。相反,學生利用互聯網進行學習活動方面的表現則稍遜,只有一成半受訪高中生每天「進行網上遙距學習」。調查單位分析指,調查結果反映不少高中生的網絡時光雖大多花在網絡遊戲上,但普遍仍抱有獨立思考精神或懷疑心態,亦解釋到本港流行「起底文化」的原因。調查單位建議,教育界應善用本港學生的好奇心或八卦心態,延伸發展探究式學習。mini storage
Veteran Camarillo stunt driver teaches others on an asphalt classroom
Source: Ventura County Star, Calif.self storageSept. 28--Student stunt driver Erica Arrias jammed on the accelerator of the battered Ford Escort and roared toward a cluster of orange cones standing on a remote stretch of runway at Camarillo Airport.Arrias sped several hundred feet, hit the brakes, then snapped the steering wheel to the right. The tires screamed as the Ford slid sideways into the car-sized space marked off by the cones. The car rocked to a stop in a burst of scorched rubber.Veteran stunt driver Jim Wilkey of Camarillo strode over to the car and righted one toppled orange cone."Gotta turn loose of that wheel," he said to Arrias, then motioned for the next student to skid his car into the space.Such is Wilkey's asphalt classroom. A trailer on the runway; an awning shading a table and plastic chairs; a pile of torn tires from the two-day class; and several Ford Escorts he got at a good fleet price."I used to use rental cars," he said. "I don't do that anymore."With a 35-year career of stunts from more than 200 TV shows and movies on his resume, Wilkey is training others how to get behind the wheel and perform stunts in cars and trucks for big and small screen.Wilkey performs other stunts, such as lighting people on fire, jumping from buildings and riding horses, but he's especially good behind the wheel of a car, or a semi-truck. Such as the one he turned end-over-end in the 2008 Batman movie, "The Dark Knight.""It was a little dicey because it had never been done before," Wilkey said. "We did it in downtown Chicago. The street was maybe 60 feet wide between the buildings."Wilkey said he fell into stunt work while growing up around Sacramento. He learned how to ride and wrangle horses when visiting his uncle's ranch in Texas. He also loved to race cars, but it never occurred to him to pursue a career in stunt driving."Back then, most people didn't know what a stunt driver was," he said.Wilkey worked a number of jobs, all of them outdoors -- including a stint as a heavy equipment operator for the Navy Seabees.He was able to break into motion pictures as a wrangler and became friends with stuntman Edward "Tap" Canutt, son of high-profile stuntman Yakima Canutt. A rodeo cowboy, Yakima performed stunts in the silent Westerns and later doubled for stars like Clark Gable and John Wayne."We were really good friends," Wilkey said. "We hung out. He was a huge help to me. He did open a few doors for me."Wilkey married into the Canutt family after meeting and falling in love with Tap's daughter 27 years ago. Wilkey said his father-in-law gave him some of his best advice when Tap sensed a change in the world of movie stunts."He said 'Get rid of the cowboy boots and the hat and a get a pager and a pair of Adidas tennis shoes,'" Wilkey said. "'Westerns are on their way out and you don't want to get locked into that cowboy image.'"Wilkey continued to evolve as a stuntman, incorporating his love of cars and driving into more than three decades of TV and movie work, including "Christine" (1978), "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" (2005), "Space Cowboys" (2000), "2 Fast, 2 Furious" (2003)," "The Fugitive" (1993) and "Die Hard With a Vengeance (1995).""Last year I was in Africa doing 'Mad Max 4'," he said. "The year before that I was in Thailand doing 'The Hangover II.'"About five years ago, Wilkey was asked to teach for Sebring, Fla.-based Bobby Ore Motorsports."I didn't think I'd like it at all at first," Wilkey said. "I had to learn how to teach."Wilkey holds two- to three-day classes in Camarillo for those wishing to learn professional stunt driving. A two-day session costs $1,650 and a three-day session costs $2,500.Which aspiring stunt drivers like Erica Arrias, 35, of Woodland Hills, believes is well worth the money."I'm obsessed with this. This is the most exhilarating thing I've ever done," she said. "It's exciting to sit next to the men who run the world of entertainment car stunts."Wilkey teaches each student some basic elements so that they can maintain control of mini storagehe car while making it perform. The idea, Wilkey said, is to master the steps of stunt driving to live to see another stunt."There is a huge distinction between daredevil and stuntman," Wilkey said. "A daredevil is a guy who wants to take his motorcycle and jump the Salt River or the Grand Canyon. They may make it, they may not make it. We create the illusion of danger. We try and prepare everything so we can walk away. The idea is, I want to be able to get up in the morning and go to work."Staying safe while creating the illusion of danger includes basic steps such as "shuffling" the steering wheel; learning how to negotiate a "Box 90," a "180" and a "Reverse 180.""Shuffling" the steering wheel involves transferring the grip from one hand to the other as the wheel is turned, a technique taught to many law enforcement officers which helps them maintain control of the car at high speeds. A "box 90" is stepping on the brakes and skidding the car 90 degrees into a tight area. A 180 involves skidding the car completely around before screeching to a stop and a "reverse 180" involves driving the car backward and spinning it 180 degrees to a nose-first position."You have to become one with the car," said student Alli Beckman, 24, of Hermosa Beach, when asked what she learned.Stunt driving lessons were a birthday gift to Beckman, whose dad is a stunt man."It's something I've always wanted to do," Beckman said. "I was in 'The Green Lantern' running through alleys and cities throwing myself on top of cars. This is the first time I've done stunt driving. It's awesome. It takes some serious skills. It's such an adrenaline rush."Actor/stuntman Thyme Lewis, 47, of Marina del Rey, wanted to keep his skills fresh by taking a course with Wilkey. Lewis, perhaps best known for his role as Jonah Carver on the daytime soap "Days of Our Lives," also appeared in 2011 on "American Horror Story" on FX with Dylan McDermott."Most people just drive, but Jim's thinking about a mile in front of him," Lewis said. "It can make you superior to most people on the road."Circling the cars on a foldable bicycle with his signature Tootsie Pop in his mouth was Wilkey's assistant, veteran stunt man Harry Wowchuk, 64, of Canoga Park, who has worked with Wilkey for years. Now and then, Wilkey would pull out a plastic container of gas and fill up a tank, or replace a blown tire."We're just a little off," Wowchuk said, when asked why stuntmen risk life and limb to do what they do.Wilkey and Wowchuk are often asked about injuries, and both have had their share. Wilkey's meaty hands are rough and scored with scar tissue and there's hardly a bone in his body he hasn't broken, including his arms, legs and back."My foot's been torn off, sewn back on," he said.A stuntwoman taking the class, Jessie Graff of Santa Monica, said stunt people are hesitant to talk about injuries."You don't' want to be seen as fragile," Graff said. "You don't want to be seen as a liability."When Wilkey married Tap's daughter, she was divorced with three children and he had one child, but Wilkey said none of their four children has gone into stuntwork, which ends the legacy at three generations.Wilkey wonders about the overall fate of the stuntman or stuntwoman with the proliferation of computer-generated graphics."The business is changing. (Computers) are encroaching on our end of the business," he said. "Movies will all be cartoons. It's very sad. I like directors like Chris Nolan who insist on having real stunts."As Wilkey trains the next generation, he plans to continue working in movies as long as he can. His most recent work coming out soon is the movie "Mad Max: Fury Road," due out in 2014, and ABC-TV's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."Let's face it, it's a young man's game," Wilkey said, breaking into a grin. "But I've still got some moves in me."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Ventura County Star (Camarillo, Calif.) Visit Ventura County Star (Camarillo, Calif.) at .vcstar.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
黃金周將增巴士班次疏導乘客 交通局加強打擊的士違規
【特訊】十.一黃金周假期將至,mini storage預料將有大批旅客訪澳,交通事務局於10月1日至7日期間,加派稽查人員監察各出入境口岸的士站、的士違規黑點、旅遊景點及各大酒店,嚴厲打擊的士業界違規行為;同時亦會與三間巴士公司保持緊密溝通,適時調度班次,疏導乘客。為打擊的士違規行為,由10月1日至7日期間交通事務局將加派的士稽查人員,前往本澳各出入境口岸的士站、的士違規黑點、旅遊景點及各大酒店進行不定時的巡查,同時,亦會與治安警員採取聯合行動,藉以加強打擊的士濫收車資、拒載等違規行為。另外,又會派出交通輔導員在各主要口岸及新馬路的士候客站,協助維持乘車秩序。交通事務局強調,絕不姑息的士違規行為,呼籲的士self storage界切勿以身試法。乘客如遇到任何的士違規行為,可致電交通事務專線88666363,提供聯絡資料、車輛編號、時間、地點、事發經過、收據、的士專業工作證等資料,以便局方盡快作出跟進和處理。若與有關司機發生爭拗或衝突時,亦可即時致電治安警察局尋找協助。巴士方面,交通事務局會密切監察巴士的營運情況,加強與三間巴士公司溝通,因應路面及客流狀況適時作出班次調度,以回應公眾的出行需要。此外,交通控制及信息中心會如常運作,密切監察本澳的道路狀況,並與警方保持密切溝通,如有任何意外事故,即時通知警方跟進,並會適時透過道路LED顯示屏、網站的特別信息或交通資訊站(APPS)推送服務向外發佈最新的交通消息。mini storage
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