2013年8月28日 星期三

World TV & New video services markets

NEW YORK, Aug.新蒲崗迷你倉 28, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:World TV & New video services markets.reportlinker.com/p01605756/World-TV--New-video-services-markets.html#utm_source=prnewswire&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=VODDescription: This database provides its users rapidly with all core data about linear TV & new video services - covering 27 countries, 9 regions & world consolidated. The tracked indicators are: Consumption, Access and Revenue data and forecasts 2008-2017Region: Asia Pacific: Australia, China, India, Japan, South Korea - BRIC - Europe Top 5 - Europe: Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Scandinavia, Spain, Switzerland, The United Kingdom - EMEA - Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico - MENA - Middle-East Africa: Egypt, South Africa, Turkey - North America: Canada, USA - Subsaharian AfricaKeywords: 3G Mobile subscriptions, 4G Mobile subscriptions, ad revenue, Advertising revenue, audience share, Blu-ray rentals, Blu-Ray retail, Blu-ray sales, cable, Cable subscribers households, catch-up programming, catch-up TV, DVD rentals, DVD retail, DVD sales, Fixed Internet subscriptions, free-to-air channels, home video, Home Video market, Home video revenue, IPTV, IPTV households, Linear TV market, Linear TV revenue, Live linear TV viewing time, live TV, Managed broadcast only networks, managed services, Managed two-way networks, Mobile OTT on demand video , On demand video market, On demand video on managed networks, On demand video revenue, online video, Online video viewing time, OTT, OTT on demand video , OTT video, pay-TV , pay-TV revenue, Pay-TV subscriptions, Public funding, satellite, Satellite households, Structure of on demand video market, SVoD, television, television access mode, terrestrial, Terrestrial households, terrestrial network, Timeshifted TV viewing time, TV households, TV revenue, video market, video on demand, Video viewing time, viewing time, VoDMETHODOLOGYIndicators by countryConsumption indicators-- Viewing time: live TV, catch-up TV, video on demand (VoD) on managed services and OTT-- The top free-to-air channels' audience share-- Number of transactions: DVD and Blu-ray sales and rentalsAccess indicatorsGeneral access indicators: TV households, fixed and mobile internet accounts, 3G and 4G mobile subscribers-- Households' main television access mode: terrestrial, satellite, cable, IPTV-- Digitization levels: analogue/digital split for each access mode-- Pay-TV penetration: pay-TV/free-to-air only split-- Customer numbers for the main pay-TV services-- Audience figures for the top TV channels for a selection of countries Revenue indicators-- GDP: TV revenue, home video and video on demand's share of GDP -- Income from public financing/licensing fees-- TV and online video (in-stream adverts) ad revenue-- Pay-TV revenueType of data-- Background data 2010-2011-- Estimates as of the end of 2012-- Forecasts for 2013-2017Geographical coverage-- The global TV market is broken down into five main regions: Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific and Africa-the Middle East. -- Regional aggregate data include all countries in the regionEurope: Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Scandinavia, Spain, Switzerland, The UKNorth America: Canada, USALatin America: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, MexicoAsia-Pacific: Australia, China, South Korea, India, JapanAfrica & The Middle East: South Africa, Egypt, TurkeyDefinitionsBreakdown of video viewing time:Live TV viewing time: average time spent per day watching live TV programming on a television over a managed network, by all individuals that make up the population being examinedTime-shifted TV viewing time: average time spent per day watching programmes recorded on a DVR or using a catch-up TV service on a television, over a managed network and in the week following its original broadcast, by all individuals that make up the population being examined Online viewing time: average time spent per day watching OTT videos, i.e. on the open access web. This includes catch-up programming watched on a TV broadcaster's website, VoD and SVoD, and videos from social media sites viewed on a connected device (computer, smartphone, tablet, smart TV).Indicators on the retail market for physical media (DVD & Blu-ray). This includes DVD and Blu-ray retail sales and rentals.We distinguish four main types of access to live TV programming:-- The terrestrial network. "Terrestrial TV households" refers to all TV households receiving only or mainly television channels using a rooftop antenna.-- Satellite. "Satellite TV households" refers to all TV households receiving only or mainly television channels using a satellite dish.-- Cable. "Cable TV households" refers to all TV households receiving only or mainly television channels from a cable operator.-- IPTV. "IPTV households" refers to all TV households receiving only or mainly television channels using ADSL or optimini storage fibre access networks.For the purposes of this study, we only considered the main television in the household. Therefore, the sum of terrestrial, satellite, cable and IPTV households is always equal to the total number of TV households (no double counting). We also distinguish between: -- analogue households, receiving only analogue television channels, and digital households, receiving primarily digital television channels;-- free-to-air households: households receiving only free television channels and "paying" households, i.e. households receiving television channels through a pay-TV subscription. Television broadcasters and pay-TV providers derive their revenue from three main sources:-- Public funding, here we include all public investment dedicated to funding the television sector, including licensing fees and State financing.-- Advertising. Here we measure the ad revenue earned by TV broadcasters, from both commercials on live TV and adverts on their catch-up services on managed networks (in-stream ads only). This includes public and commercial broadcasters, free-to-air and pay-TV channelsPay-TV revenue, which includes income from subscriptions and pay-as-you-go (PAYG) schemes. Here we measure the income that commercial pay-TV providers earn from subscriptions and pay-as-you-go sales.Video on demand (VoD) revenue is broken down into four types of service:-- VoD services: pay-per-view buys that include video sales (i.e. permanent ownership of the content) and time-limited rental;-- S-VoD services: subscription-based VoD services that give customers unlimited access to a library of content;-- Ad revenue: the income generated by in-stream ads on OTT (i.e. openly available online) video services-- Mobile video services: income earned on OTT videos watched on a mobile device over cellular network.PAY-TV segmentationWe distinguish two types of pay-TV service in the main markets:-- Access services. This refers to offers made up chiefly of free-to-air channels, with viewers being charged only for access to the service. Some premium products may be included, usually thanks to local partnerships between broadcasters and the service provider or a special promotional offer. The "access services" segment therefore includes cable companies' CATV services and ISPs' basic IPTV packages which are included in internet access + landline calling bundles at no extra charge, or when sold as an optional add-on to access services. -- Premium services. This refers to live programming channels or packages that can only be viewed by customers who subscribe separately from their telecom service or through a pay-as-you-go scheme.The "premium services" segment therefore includes optional pay-TV channels and packages that are generally available over various systems: terrestrial, satellite, cable and IPTV.A household may subscribe to both an access and a premium solution for the main TV set in the home. We therefore draw a distinction between those households that subscribe only to access services (access-only households) and those that subscribe to at least one premium TV offer (premium households). Households that subscribe to both are therefore counted as premium households.Access and premium service revenue therefore includes:-- For access services: rights of access to CATV services, paid via subscription to a cable company or included in utility bills; the TV service's share of the price of a bundle according to the provider (including a lower VAT rate) and income from access options.-- For premium services: income from the sale of subscriptions and pay-as-you-go cards.SOURCESHistorical data are based on the following sources of information:-- publications from national regulatory authorities, ministries and national statistical organizations, -- operators' financial reports, -- press releases.These various sources have been confirmed and corroborated as necessary by our own expert estimates. Adjustments may have been made to figures from previous editions (new information available, error corrections, change in a country's territorial borders, etc.)Our forecasts are based on hypotheses on the expected changes in penetration rate for the various distribution networks (% of population) in the various markets and changes in ARPU. The hypotheses are rooted in several factors:-- actual level of market development, -- perceived market potential based on the general rate of economic growth, -- national industrial context (especially planned rollouts), -- changes in consumer behaviour.As concerns monetary and GDP data:-- Country market data are presented in local currency and converted to euros and to dollars. Conversion rates (average International Monetary Fund exchange rate for 2012) are listed at the top of each tab.-- Background data and forecasts for national and regional GDP (based on IMF 2013 data) are converted to euros.To order this report:VOD Industry: World TV & New video services marketsContact Clare: clare@reportlinker.com US:(339) 368 6001Intl:+1 339 368 6001ReportlinkerWeb site: .reportlinker.com/self storage

