2013年8月30日 星期五

Paper Talk

Sunday, Apple DailyHow to get your daily coffee fix in one easy hit Apple Daily commissioned a laboratory test on six brands of canned coffee and found the Georgia brand contained the most caffeine.存倉 A 280ml can of Georgia iced coffee, sold at City'super stores, contained 229mg of caffeine, or 76 per cent of the 300mg daily upper limit recommended for an adult by the European Union. Platinum Aroma, a black coffee sold under the UCC brand, came second with 192mg of caffeine. That means one should drink no more than two cans of such coffee. Dieticians say an excessive intake of caffeine can increase the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis.Monday, Ming Pao DailyHongkongers endure about 100m junk calls a month The problem of junk calls is getting out of hand, with a survey commissioned by Ming Pao Daily finding the public receives about 100 million direct sales calls every month from banks, beauty salons and telecom service operators. That means the average citizen receives about 150 such calls a year. One victim of such cold calls said he had received 2,500 in a three-month period. A lawmaker is calling for legislation to address the problem.Tuesday, Apple DailySex141 site makes life even tougher for 'advertisers' Increasing numbers of sex workers have complained to Zi Teng and Action for Reach Out – organisations giving assistance to sex workers – that the operators of sex141.com, Hong Kong's largest pornographic website, had been using different tricks to extort money from them. One sex worker in Kwun Tong said the website had launched a section showing the most popular sex workers, but in fact sex workers could pay to be featured in the section. The website is also accused of allowing customers of sex workers to write negative remarks about their 迷你倉ervice in a section where most comments in fact came from writers hired by the website. Sex workers can have their bad comments removed by paying the website or providing free service to the writers.Wednesday, HK Economic TimesTesting times for parents as new school year nears Some parents are getting increasingly anxious as the new school year looms as they are worried their children might not have trouble adjusting. This is especially the case for parents whose children are going from kindergarten to primary or primary to high school. According to a social worker at counselling organisation St James' Settlement, one parent was so anxious that she packed her children's schoolbags as many as four times a day. In another case, a parent whose child is switching to Form Three at a Band One school suddenly dropped in the teachers' room one day to ask them for exam papers from last year so that her child could start preparing.Thursday, Oriental DailyRising food and accommodation prices at local universities Food and accommodation at universities will be more expensive this academic year. Food prices at the canteens at the HK Institute of Education, Lingnan University and Baptist University have risen 5 per cent. The student union at the HKIEd has complained that set lunches will now cost HK$25. Boarding fees at five of the universities are rising by up to 10 per cent.Friday, Ming Pao DailyLeslie Cheung fan leaves her mark on the Avenue of Stars An ardent fan of the late Cantopop star Leslie Cheung Kwok-wing burnt 30 red candles arranged in the shape of heart at Cheung's memorial plaque on the Avenue of Stars in Tsim Sha Tsui. The woman, who is said to be from Sichuan province, left without cleaning the wax, sparking a series of complaints on the internet.自存倉

