2013年8月30日 星期五
BRIEF: Two Bolingbrook men charged with child pornography possession
Source: Chicago TribuneAug.儲存 30--Two men who once lived in the same Bolingbrook apartment complex have been arrested and charged with child pornography possession.Thomas M. Fees, 52, of 14G Fernwood Drive, was arrested Aug. 14 and charged with three counts of child pornography possession, according to the Will County state's attorney's office. Fees' bond was set at $200,000.Thomas J. Goforth, 33, formerly lived at 15G Fernwood but had since relocated to Olathe, Kan., according to state's attorney's office spokesman Charles Pelkie.Goforth was arrested and charged in Kansas on child pornography possession, according to Pelkie, and the Will Coun新蒲崗迷你倉y office is reviewing evidence to determine whether Goforth will also face charges in Illinois.The arrests are the culmination of separate two-month investigations into the downloading and distribution of child pornography, according to Pelkie.The investigation involved Will County's High Technology Crimes Unit, the state's Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, the U.S. Secret Service, as well as the Bolingbrook and Wheaton police departments, Pelkie said.geoffz@tribune.comTwitter: @JournoGeoffZCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Chicago Tribune Visit the Chicago Tribune at .chicagotribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
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