2013年8月31日 星期六

Greening the brownfields

A French architect demonstrates the sustainability of redeveloping, rather than replacing, China's existing structures.迷你倉 Shi Jing reports in Shanghai.China is discovering brownfields can be green, and some think they'll become the new black for the country's urban planning.It's a rethinking of redevelopment that could prove crucial to its breakneck urbanization.As China's galloping economy slows to a stride, experts are realizing the economic and environmental benefits of extending existing buildings' use by up to 20 years rather than destroying them and building hundreds of new towers in their place.This is what French architect Thomas Austerveil says he has learned over two and a half years of dealing with Chinese customers. A specimen of his vision is the Jing'an Design Center, tucked in a quiet corner of downtown Shanghai.The four-story loft was sired by the renovation of two factory buildings.The original windows were enlarged. Wooden spiral staircases were installed. A black-and-white color scheme was introduced. And vegetation, terraces and public spaces were infused into the structures.Austerveil believes constructing sustainable buildings can be expensive and requires much advance planning. So simple tweaks can easily and cheaply increase sustainability. Jing'an Design Center's windows were enlarged but in such a way as to avoid sunlight from streaming in directly, for example. Austerveil connected the two buildings with an atrium. It traps sunlight to keep the buildings 10 degrees warmer in the winter, reducing heating and lighting needs."You can already save 30 percent of energy by just doing very simple things," Austerveil says.Austerveil teaches a course on low-tech sustainability at Tongji University.This kind of sustainability costs no more than a regular building, he says."In that aspect, there is an interest, as soon as you say it's the same amount of mon自存倉y you need to design from the very beginning." He has also noticed the central government is pushing such large sustainable projects as wind farms, solar fields and water treatment facilities."In China, when the government decides to do something, it proceeds very quickly," he says.Austerveil has noticed problems with what he calls "China speed", in which high rises are built after a short decision-making period and are run down in five to 10 years."In Europe, especially the Germans, (people) try to build for like 60 years," he says. "In France we try to build for 35 years, which is already very difficult. If you build with a little bit of quality, it lasts for a much longer time, which goes back to the story of this place (Jing'an Design Center)." It took his team four and a half months to complete the center's design and renovation."That was very fast. In Europe, it would take four years."Austerveil believes more Chinese are slowing down and enjoying strolls in cities' nicer areas. That's why he introduces public areas in his works. He cites the Jing'an Design Center's rooftop vegetable garden as his favorite."When people go up and take care of the vegetables they grow, they can meet new people," he explains. "Nice international cities always have places where people can take a walk and discover." Austerveil grew up next to Paris' Chinatown. He recalls enjoying listening to music and watching people doing all sorts of things in the area.He arrived Shanghai in 1997, as a Cornell University student."I was in London, New York and Paris. Shanghai is all the same but different, a bustling metropolis," he says. "You can meet many different people here, and all different kinds of food and bars. It's a fun place to live." Contact the writer at shijing@chinadaily.com.cn.You can already save 30 percent of energy by just doing very simple things."Thomas AusterveilFrench architect迷你倉新蒲崗


●玉泉路路東路西兩重天玉泉路從復興路到阜石路計兩公里,迷你倉擴建八年,終於竣工。路東路西分別歸屬海澱區和石景山區,路東樹林又茂又密,林蔭大道,而路西光禿禿,寸草不生。烈日炎炎,路東路西陰陽兩重天,路西行人叫苦不迭,呼請有關部門盡早種植樹木,造福行人,美化環境。———手機尾號0464讀者海霞回信:植樹造林,不僅可以美化環境,更主要的還能降低城區空氣汙染。有空地儘量多植樹吧,別讓空地荒著,北京寸土寸金。●關愛殘疾人感謝郵局張師傅我父親是個殘疾人,東高地郵局郵遞員張文軍師傅知道後,每天主動把訂閱的報紙送到樓上我父親手里,我們全家都非常感動。在此我對張文軍師傅表示感謝!———手機尾號6935讀者海霞回信:給殘疾人以關愛是社會文明進步的表現,大家都該向張師傅學習。●內幕交易散戶損失誰來賠 光大"烏龍指",證監會確定為內幕交易,罰款5.2億。似乎完事了,可"信譽"呢?散戶的損失誰來賠償?———手機尾號6089讀者海霞回信:依法監管,依法賠償。內幕交易,罰款應該。股民基民的損失也該給個說法吧。●語音來電有詐小心騙子8月30日,接到自稱是聯通的語音電話說:"本部座機停機保號業務將永久停機!如有疑問請按……人工請按'0'",故馬上按"0"詢問,一男士接聽,問:"機主姓名",我報名之後他說幫助查一下,緊接著又問詳細信息,我猛然警覺,掛機儲存倉自行撥通10010人工查詢,確認是騙子電話。特提醒大家警惕。———手機尾號6848讀者海霞回信:騙子無處不在,大家一定要小心。昨天我的VIP 郵箱接到"新浪"發來的中獎信息,頁面做得非常精美,有客服電話有驗證碼,跟真的一樣,其實是騙子發來的。騙子橫行破壞社會秩序,希望公安部門嚴厲打擊。●老父母被騙買了兩萬保健品8月27日,家住通州的老母親接到自稱中華醫學會的電話,說從通州幾萬人中篩選30位,老母有幸在內。說給老母親辦了張卡,用此卡可到醫院直接就醫,免去排隊掛號之勞。28日晨,90高齡的老父母冒雨趕到通州某賓館,經過一番游說勸慰恐嚇,二老花了2.2萬買了"藥",回到家老父戴上眼鏡才看清,根本不是藥是保健品!不知騙子怎麼搞到姓名和電話,利用老人今春腦出血、急於恢複的心理行騙。希望有關部門管管,同時也告誡老人別再上當。———手機尾號3885讀者海霞回信:個人信息外泄給騙子帶來可乘之機,一方面老人應提高警惕,另一方面公安部門應給予打擊。●食品安全監督機制應完善一農民收購4萬斤病死豬肉,加工成熟食後流入四省九市縣,可總覺得該被問責的不僅是地方政府有關部門,還有管理制度及監督機制。改革也許是劑良藥!———手機尾號8198讀者海霞回信:好像管理部門越多越不容易管好,不如指定一家機構監管食品安全或許有效。中國的食品安全該出狠招了。迷你倉價錢

Sino Group of Hotels to Operate its First Serviced Apartments

The Johnston Suites in the Heart of Wan Chai, Hong KongHONG KONG, Sept.新蒲崗迷你倉 1, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Sino Group of Hotels, the hospitality management arm of Sino Group and an affiliate of Sino Land Company Limited (HKSE: 083), operates and manages a growing portfolio of hotels, a yacht club, serviced apartments and residential club houses. Sino Group of Hotels announced today the naming of The Johnston Suites, the first serviced apartments under its management, situated in a prime location where business travellers can experience the vibrancy and excitement of Hong Kong, the diverse and attractive heritage that parallels the evolution of the city, weaving together history, tradition, and new developments.(Logo: .prnasia.com/sa/2013/08/30/20130830215635289560-l.jpg )(Photo: 2.prnasia.com/xprn/sa/2013/08/30/20130830103213312434.jpg )Opening on 1 September 2013, The Johnston Suites serviced apartments located on 74-80 Johnston Road, was formerly named as Fraser Suites Hong Kong. Situated in the heart of Hong Kong's famous Wan Chai business district and in the vicinity of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, the bustling hubs of Causeway Bay, Admiralty and Central, The Johnston Suites offers 87 apartments, with unit sizes from 566-1,010 square feet. The special monthly rate starts from HK$36,500."Hong Kong is an international metropolis being backed up by a strong and well-structured economy and it serves as a strategic gateway for multinational corporations to tap and penetrate into the ever-growing and vast mainland Chinese market," Nicholas Yim, Executive Director & Group General Manager of Sino Group of Hotels remarks. "We see the rising demand for the serviced apartment market in Hong Kong and foresee an average occupancy rate at an uptrend of 85 to 90 percent for The Johnston Suites."The Johnston Suites Hong Kong serviced apartments tower offers a complete array of facilities, amenities and an integrated entertainment system. Residents can enjoy a host of recreational and leisure facilities such as current jet pool, whirlpool, gymnasium, outdoor terraces and rooftop leisure areas. Each apartment is fully furnished with a separate spacious living room, dining room, kitchen and bedroom. A home at The Johnston Suites is a step into the city's most celebrated entertainment, shopping, dining venues and a link to its rich cultural heritage. Demini storageigned with the corporate traveller in mind, this contemporary serviced apartment tower offers premium comfort, dedicated benefits and privileges to all guests.Riding on the success of Sino Group in developing and managing an award-winning, widely diversified portfolio, Sino Group of Hotels strives to expand its development in Hong Kong and regional gateway cities, and consistently deliver quality services. The launch of The Johnston Suites signifies a strategic phase of development in Sino Group of Hotels that will synergise positively and enhance promising and better results for Sino Group.The Johnston Suites Hong Kong Serviced Apartments74-80 Johnston Road, Wan Chai, Hong KongTel: +852-3966-0000Fax: +852-3966-0100info@thejohnstonsuites.com( mailto:info@thejohnstonsuites.com ) .thejohnstonsuites.comAbout Sino Group of Hotels (.sino-hotels.com)Established in 1994, Sino Group of Hotels is the hospitality management arm of Sino Group and an affiliate of Sino Land Company Limited (HKSE: 083). The Hotel Group owns and manages four prime hotels, namely City Garden Hotel, Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel, Island Pacific Hotel, The Royal Pacific Hotel & Towers, as well as the Gold Coast Yacht & Country Club and The Johnston Suites serviced apartments in Hong Kong. The Group will launch a city luxury boutique hotel in Central, Hong Kong in 2014.About Sino Group (.sino.com)Sino Group is one of the leading property developers in Hong Kong. Widely diversified, the Group comprises private holding companies owned by the Ng family, along with three publicly listed companies, Tsim Sha Tsui Properties Limited( .sino.com/eng/default.asp?xid=ci_mp_tstp ) (HKSE: 247), Sino Land Company Limited( .sino.com/eng/default.asp?xid=ir_sl_fr_1011 ) (HKSE:083), Sino Hotels (Holdings) Limited( .sino.com/eng/default.asp?xid=ci_mp_sh ) (HKSE: 1221)Sino Group's core business is developing residential, office, industrial and retail properties for sale and investment. It is also a major player in hotel investment and management, club management, property management, car park operations, cleaning and security services.Sino Group owns the award-winning The Conrad Hong Kong and two leading prestigious hotels in Singapore, The Fullerton Hotel and The Fullerton Bay Hotel. Far East Organization, the Group's sister company, is Singapore's largest private property developer.Sino Group of Hotelsself storage

Atlanta adds jobs at the top and bottom

Source: The Atlanta Journal-ConstitutionSept.儲存 01--Karen Spellman's realization came this year, after her job as a marketing and production manager for a small hotel chain was eliminated.The kinds of jobs she'd be a good fit for, she said, mostly aren't there to be had. And when they are, she's among a mob of applicants straining to catch the attention of a potential employer. The 49-year-old Forsyth woman has applied for about 100 jobs. She's landed two interviews.Four Labor Days have come and gone since the official end of the recession. And, while metro Atlanta has been slowly adding jobs, the recovery has been uneven. At one end of the spectrum, there's hiring for lower-wage jobs in retail, restaurants, hotels and warehouses; at the other, well-paid positions for those with skills and experience in engineering, information tech and finance.It's not just that the job market is weak; it seems to have a missing middle."We have seen a return of the higher end of the pay scale and the lower end," said Jim Link, manager director at Randstad U.S. "Those things that are relatively in the middle are still lagging behind."Definitions differ, but, according to the Georgia State Economic Forecasting Center, any sector averaging salaries more than $50,000 is deemed high end. A sector that typically pays below $27,000 is defined as low-end.Spellman is doing what she can to stay afloat. "I'm selling stuff on eBay just to make ends meet," she said. "It's a scary situation."The American middle class has long been fueled by decent-paying jobs -- both blue- and white- collar. Some were private sector -- supervisors in manufacturing or other businesses, office workers in a not-for-profit company. Some were government service -- police, firefighters and teachers.Economists have debated the reasons behind the "hollowing out" of the market, with some arguing that globalization is the villain or that technology has eliminated many jobs. Economist Josh Lehner, at the Oregon Office of Economic Analysis, says growth has been weakest where work can be done by computer or machine.Others say the surge in lower-wage jobs is just the result of slow growth overall. Previous recoveries also tended to start with disproportionate hiring of low-wage workers. Then, as the economy picked up steam, so did hiring across the board.So far, hiring in metro Atlanta has followed the first part of the template.There was a time when seemingly anyone who wanted to teach could find workThat time is past, said Jovonna Rodriguez, 27, Decatur, who was trained as a social studies and math teacher for the fourth through eighth grade. She cannot find a job, although she has a bachelor's degree from Emory and a master's from Mercer. "But there's nothing like doing what you like and what you went to school for."Daryl Jekir, 27, of Dunwoody, went to Georgia Southern and has a double major in International Studies and French.He has sold suits and shoes in a department store, done database work for a large corporation and volunteered at the Salvation Army. He's been job-hunting for about nine months while working as an intern at Alliance Francaise d'Atlanta, a non-profit organization committed to the study of French language. "It is basically now a full-time job that I don't get paid (much) for."His fingers are crossed: He's has had two interviews with a large local company for a job as a client manager that would pay at least $45,000.Jenny Hamilton, 50, was a campus police officer until she left her job in late winter after a dispute with her boss. "I was making a pretty good living, making almost $40,000 a year."Since then, she has applied to be a security guard, a customer service representative, a supp新蒲崗迷你倉rt analyst for police and a "loss prevention" position with two large department stores. As she searches, she collects unemployment benefits of about $300 a week -- and the federal sequester has trimmed those checks by $35 a week.She gets no response to most of her applications, she said. "I put all these applications online and it is like they get swallowed up. I don't know what the secret is."From his parents' home in Panama City, John Grady Jones, 22, has been looking for work as a business analyst. He has the Georgia Tech imprimatur, but some potential employers say he doesn't have enough experience. Most don't answer at all."It has been slow so far, but hopefully better things will come."The middle is just an awkward place to be, said Barry Bynum, 51, of Atlanta.The former business owner was managing a doctor's practice before the physician was injured in a car accident and had to stop working. "Now, I'm in a spot where I am overqualified for menial work but not quite qualified to be considered for the kind of work I did for two years."He has been searching for a little more than a year.In contrast, it took Matt Olson, 26, of Sandy Springs, less than six weeks to move from one good position to another. He is now director of client development at Alpharetta-based Edge Solutions, which offers high-tech consulting. Olson knew the company founders, which helped, he said."There were other places that I talked to," he said. "There are a lot of great places to work in technology. It was all networking and referrals."Edge is small, but growing fast."In this industry, I think there is negative unemployment -- there are more people working two jobs than people out of work," Olson said.Most jobseekers don't have the right skills for the industries that are growing. And even the tech-related companies that are growing are comparatively small.For instance, FactoryMation in Canton is averaging 15-20 percent-a-year growth and pays about $50,000 to entry-level marketing employees, but it has only 30 employees right now, said Russ Sanders, president. The firm sells electrical equipment to manufacturers.Some of the blame for the missing middle rests on the housing crash. That collapse destroyed many decent paying construction jobs, but was also painful for architects, designers, decorators, real estate lawyers and accountants.Atlanta has lately seen a boomlet in building and an encouraging rise in home values as well as hiring. But it's still not the kind of engine that powered the economy before the bubble's burst.Some economists say that growth in the middle will come when growth overall picks up. It can't come too soon for Carla Darby, 44, of Snellville.She had a business remodeling homes, a company that went under after the housing market crashed. She got a part time job. It didn't pay enough to meet her bills. She lost her home. She lived in a car. Now she is searching for any work that will bring in a paycheck."I'm pounding the pavement. I'm going on interviews. And I keep looking -- what else are you going to do?"------I.Metro AtlantaAverage annual wageGrowth since 2009Information$75,300 11.6 percentGovernment$43,200 -9.3 percentLeisure and Hospitality$21,200 20.3 percentSource: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Georgia State Economic Forecasting Center________________________II.National job growthAverage annual wageGrowth, 2010-2012Healthcare Practitioners$73,540 303,350Teachers$51,210 -82,960Personal Care$24,550 385,530Source: Oregon Office of Economic Analysis_______________Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) Visit The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) at .ajc.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage


Cloud 9Joint show showcasing sketches, paintings, installations, embroideries, body art and sculptures created by five recent Chinese University graduates – Ho Kwun-ting, Shum Kwan-hon, Iris Tsang See-wan, Wong Sze-mei and Ann Tong Kam-ting.迷你倉 Sept 1, 1pm-7pm, EC Gallery, 72A Hollywood Rd, Central. Inquiries: 2519 6178. Ends Sept 1Exquisite Craftsmanship: Japanese Cloisonn� Enamels and Embroideries of the Meiji PeriodThe Ise Foundation presents a collection of 56 cloisonn� enamels and 16 embroidered textiles typical of works from the Meiji period (1868-1912). Sept 1, 1pm-6pm, University Museum and Art Gallery, University of Hong Kong, 90 Bonham Rd, Pok Fu Lam. Inquiries: 2241 5500. Ends Sept 1Gundam Docks at Hong KongLargest showcase of Gundam model robots outside of Japan, includes replica of the RX-78-2 Gundam battle versus Char's Zaku II and other noteworthy robots. Daily, 10am-10pm, Times Square Open Piazza and 2/F Atrium, 1 Matheson St, Causeway Bay. Inquiries: 2118 8900. Ends Sept 1Light Before Dawn: Unofficial Chinese Art 1974-1985Little-known works by China's most influential contemporary art groups: Wuming (No Name), Xingxing (Stars) and Caocao (Grass Society). Sept 1, 10am-5pm, Asia Society Hong Kong Centre, 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty, free (Asia Society Hong Kong Centre members), HK$30 (non-members). Inquiries: 2103 9508. Ends Sept 1One Eye ExhibitionGraphic designer and typography expert Ahn Sang-soo photographs individuals covering one eye with their hands, as a comment on the increased sensation of viewing the world with one eye. Sept 1, noon-10pm, K11 art space, K11 Art Mall, 18 Hanoi Rd, TST. Inquiries: 3118 8070. Ends Sept 1Paris R�troThematic recreations of historic shops in Paris based on French photographer Maron Bouillie's images. Sept 1, 10am-10pm, Central Atrium, G/F Olympian City 2, 18 Hoi Ting Rd, West Kowloon. Inquiries: 2132 8646. Ends Sept 1Photographer of the YearOne hundred pictures from last year's Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition, which was co-organised by the Natural History Museum in London and BBC Worldwide. Includes works by Steve Winter, Jordi Chias and Charlie Hamilton James. Sept 1, 10am-9pm, Hong Kong Science Museum, 2 Science Museum Rd, TST East, HK$25, free on Wed. Inquiries: 2732 3232. Ends Sept 1Opera ModernisationLocal photographer Chow Kar-hoo incorporates modern elements into the traditional art of Chinese opera in his photography works that highlight the benefits of being immersed in both Eastern and Western cultures. Mon-Sat, 1pm-8pm, Sun, 1pm-6pm, Concept Square Gallery, On Hing Bldg, 1 On Hing Terrace, Central. Inquiries: 2427 7779. Ends Sept 19Intelligence Infinity: Inspiration through ArtInteractive kids' exhibition featuring 16 local artists, from fields such as architecture, painting, design, music and illustration, which brings the viewer into the creative process. Mon, Wed-Fri, 10am-6pm, Sat, Sun and public holidays, 10am-7pm (closed Tue except public holidays), Hong Kong Heritage Museum, 1 Man Lam Rd, Sha Tin, HK$10, free on Wed. Inquiries: 2180 8188. Ends Sept 23A Gentle Blow to the RockMarie Torbensdatter Hermann showcases monocrome ceramic works composed of simple utilitarian forms. Tue-Sat, 10am-7.30pm, Sun, 1pm-6pm, Galerie NeC nilsson et chiglien Hong Kong, 218 Hollywood Rd, Sheung Wan. Inquiries: 2547 0000. Ends Sept 28Nuclear EnchantmentJapanese-American artist Patrick Nagatani showcases a collection of 30 tableau photography works created by layering photos with culturally symbolic images. Thur-Sun, noon-7pm (closed on public holidays), The Salt Yard, B1, 4/F Jone Mult Industrial Bldg, 169 Wai Yip St, Kwun Tong. Inquiries: 3563 8003. Ends Oct 20Radiant Legacy: Ancient Chinese Gold from the Mengdiexuan CollectionIn celebration of its 50th anniversary, Chinese University exhibits some 300 Eurasian and Chinese gold artefacts from the Mengdiexuan collection. Mon-Sun, 10am-5pm (closed on public holidays), Gallery II, Art Museum, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Inquiries: 3943 7416. Ends Oct 27A Hundred Chinese Paintings from the Hong Kong Museum of ArtSelection of 100 paintings from a variety of artists from the late Ming dynasty to modern times. Mon-Wed, Fri, 10am-6pm, Sat-Sun and public holidays, 10am-7pm (closed on Thur except public holidays), Hong Kong Museum of Art, 10 Salisbury Rd, TST, HK$10, free on Wed. Inquiries: 2721 0116. Ends Oct 30Interactive Jam with Digital Art ProIn celebration of their 21st anniversary, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre and LCSD present new media artist Hung Keung's works that incorporates Chinese calligraphy into digital creations. Daily, 10am-9pm (closed on Tue), Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre, 7A Kennedy Rd, Central, free. Inquiries: 2521 3008. Ends Oct 31Conceptual Walk ThroughChinese conceptual artists Gao Weigang and Kingsley Ng display 14 pieces composed of a variety of media. Daily, 10am-10pm, Espace Louis Vuitton Hong Kong, Louis Vuitton Maison, 5 Canton Rd, TST. Inquiries: 8100 1182. Ends Jan 31, 2014Maritime Porcelain Road: Relics from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau MuseumsThis show features 174 sets of items related to the cultural and historical significance, product development and trade of Chinese porcelain. Mon-Wed, Fri, 10am–6pm, Sat-Sun and public holidays, 10am-7pm (closed on Thur except public holidays), Hong Kong Museum of Art, 10 Salisbury Rd, TST, HK$20, free on Wed. Inquiries: 2721 0116. Ends Feb 16, 2014Performing ArtsSwan LakeHong Kong Ballet's rendition of the classic ballet about a prince who falls for a princess under the spell of an evil sorcerer. Sept 1, 2.30pm, 7.30pm, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Rd, TST, HK$140-HK$1,500 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2105 9724The ProofPart two of the Nonsensemakers' adaptation of Agota Kristof's novel. In Cantonese. Sept 1, 3pm, Yuen Long Theatre, 9 Yuen Long Tai Yuk Rd, New Territories, HK$120-HK$200 Urbtix. Inquiries: 6859 9790The ProfessorA play about a professor who engages in heated debates about morality with his students. In Cantonese with Chinese and English surtitles. Sept 1, 3-8, 10-11, 7.45pm, Sept 1, 7-8, 2.45pm, Hong Kong City Hall, 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, HK$180-HK$280 Urbtix. Inquiries: 3103 5900The Addams FamilyBroadway adaptation of the television series that centres on a young girl falling for a boy she wants to keep secret from her mother. Sept 1, 3-5, 8pm, Macau Cultural Centre, Ave Xian Xing Hai, Macau, HK$350, HK$480 macauticket.com. Inquiries: macauticket@kongseng.com.moAnthony LunThe local singer-songwriter performs hits in Cantonese, Mandarin and English. Sept 1, 8.15pm, Queen Elizabeth Stadium, 18 Oi Kwan Rd, Wan Chai, HK$280-HK$480 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2331 3220Stabil EliteGerman electronic three-piece in concert, with supporting act A Roller Control. Sept 1, 8.30pm, Hidden Agenda, 2A Wing Fu Industrial Bldg, 15-17 Tai Yip St, Kwun Tong, HK$220 (advance), HK$250 (door) ticketflap.com. Inquiries: 2802 0088Zhao Qun Ying Cantonese Opera TroupeThe troupe performs a series of operas. All in Cantonese. Sept 2, 7.30pm: Dik Ching Crashing Through Three Passes, Ko Shan Theatre, 77 Ko Shan Rd, Hung Hom, HK$100-HK$260 Urbtix; Oct 4, 7.30pm: The Sounds of Battle, Tsuen Wan Town Hall, 72 Tai Ho Rd, Tsuen Wan, HK$100-HK$240 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2268 7325Good Music This LunchFree chamber concert featuring members of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta playing Kummer's Cello Duet, No1, and Faur�'s Piano Quartet No2 in G minor. Sept 3, 12.45pm, Hong Kong City Hall, 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, free. Inquiries: 2836 3336Judy Collins & Julienne TaylorThe two folk music legends in concert. Sept 3, 8pm, Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Rd, Chai Wan, HK$280-HK$680 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2791 9103Young Cantonese Opera Artists Series: Hong Kong Young Talent Cantonese Opera TroupeThe troupe stages three Cantonese operas. Sept 4, 7.30pm: The Nymph of the Luo River, Yau Ma Tei Theatre, 6 Waterloo Rd, HK$90, HK$140 Urbtix; Sept 7, 7.30pm: The Outburst of a Shrew, Tai Po Civic Centre, 12 On Pong Rd, Tai Po, HK$90, HK$120 Urbtix; Sept 25, 7.30pm: A Comedy of Mistaken Heroes, Sheung Wan Civic Centre, 345 Queen's Road Central, HK$90-HK$140 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2268 7325The OceanThe Berlin-based progressive metal band in concert. Sept 4, 8.30pm, Hidden Agenda, 2A Wing Fu Industrial Bldg, 15-17 Tai Yip St, Kwun Tong, HK$220 (advance), HK$250 (door). Inquiries: 9170 6073The BeautyTianjin People's Art Theatre presents playwright and director Tian Qinxin's drama about two legendary women in modern Ch文件倉na – Sai Jinhua and Liu Xiaoqing. In Putonghua with Chinese and English surtitles. Sept 6-8, 7.30pm, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Rd, TST, HK$120-HK$420 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2268 7325Will You Remember Me? (rerun)Trinity Theatre pays tribute to Canto-pop singer Leslie Cheung Kwok-wing with this drama about a romance between two of his diehard fans. In Cantonese. Sept 6-8, 10-15, 7.45pm, Sept 8, 15, 2.45pm, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Rd, Wan Chai, HK$220, HK$280 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2695 4682The Island of Golden FishHKRep's drama about two lonely souls who form an unlikely relationship. In Cantonese. Sept 7, 10-15, 8pm, Sept 8, 14-15, 3pm, HKRep Black Box Theatre, 8/F Sheung Wan Civic Centre, 345 Queen's Road Central, HK$160 Urbtix. Inquiries: 3103 5900The Saxophone Journey Concert 2013Charity music concert with the Face Saxophone Ensemble. Sept 8, 7.30pm, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, 1 Gloucester Rd, Wan Chai, HK$120 HK Ticketing. Inquiries: 9269 8095Israel in EgyptJonathan Cohen conducts the Die Konzertisten Choir, the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong and various vocalists performing Handel's epic oratorio (1756 version). Sept 8, 8pm, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Rd, TST, HK$120-HK$320 Urbtix. Inquiries: 6070 2552CinemaThe Last Reef: Cities Beneath the SeaOmnimax documentary about plentiful underwater cities that serve as homes to an abundance of sea creatures. Until Oct 31. English shows: Mon, Thur, 7.20pm; otherwise in Cantonese. Narration in English, Cantonese, Putonghua and Japanese are also available through headphones. Mon, Wed, Thur-Fri, 3.50pm, 7.20pm, Sat, Sun and public holidays, 12.20pm, 3.50pm, 7.20pm, Hong Kong Space Museum, 10 Salisbury Rd, TST, HK$24, HK$32 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2734 9009Wildest Weather in the Solar System 3DThree-dimensional show that delves into the incredibly turbulent and extreme weather conditions that exist within our solar system. Until Dec 30. English shows: Wed, Fri, 6.10pm; otherwise in Cantonese. Narration in English, Cantonese, Putonghua and Japanese are also available through headphones. Mon, Wed, Thur-Sun and public holidays, 2.40pm, 6.10pm, Sun and public holidays 11.10am, Hong Kong Space Museum, 10 Salisbury Rd, TST, HK$24, HK$32 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2734 9009Korean Showcase 2013Programme of six Korean-language films, including the following two. Until Sept 5. Palace apm, level 6, Millennium City 5, 418 Kwun Tong Rd, HK$75 cinema.com.hk. Inquiries: 2388 0002Confession of MurderMystery-thriller about a cop who's haunted by his failure to catch a serial killer 15 years ago, and the arrival of a novelist claiming to be the culprit. In Korean with Chinese and English subtitles. Sept 1, 2pm, Sept 5, 7.40pm, Palace apmHorror StoriesOmnibus horror comprising five individual episodes by six directors. In Korean with Chinese and English subtitles. Sept 3, 9.50pm, Palace apmRestored TreasuresThe Leisure and Cultural Services Department presents a continuing series of films that have undergone restoration work, including the following one. Hong Kong Film Archive, 50 Lei King Rd, Sai Wan Ho, HK$50 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2734 2901Downhill (aka When Boys Leave Home)Drama-thriller about a schoolboy falsely accused of impregnating a woman and his descent into a series of misadventures. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Silent with score and English intertitles. Sept 1, 2pm, Oct 1, 7.30pm, Hong Kong Film ArchiveHKIFF Cine FanThe Hong Kong International Film Festival Society presents films to broaden audience appreciation, including the following two. UA Langham Place, 8/F-11/F Langham Place, 8 Argyle St, Mong Kok; The Grand Cinema, 2/F Elements, 1 Austin Rd West, Kowloon, HK$75; HK Science Museum, 2 Science Museum Rd, TST East; Hong Kong Space Museum, 10 Salisbury Rd, TST; Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Rd, Wan Chai, HK$65 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2970 3300The White BalloonJafar Panahi's drama about a little girl who sets off to buy a goldfish on New Year's Eve but has to ask strangers for help after she loses her money. In Persian with English subtitles. Sept 1, 2.30pm, Oct 6, 7.45pm, Hong Kong Arts CentreThe Saragossa ManuscriptWojciech Has' dramatic adaptation of Jan Potocki's novel about a Napoleonic-era officer who finds an old manuscript written by a Spanish captain about people he met during his voyages. In Polish with Chinese and English subtitles. Sept 6, 7.30pm, Oct 5, 5.45pm, Hong Kong Arts CentreNational Opera of ParisA programme of screenings from the National Opera of Paris, including the following one. Broadway The One, 6/F-11/F The One, 100 Nathan Rd, TST, HK$120, HK$150. Inquiries: 2388 0002; Palace IFC, Podium Level 1, IFC Mall, 8 Finance St, Central, HK$150, HK$190 cinema.com.hk. Inquiries: 2388 6268The Tales of HoffmannOpera based on three short stories by German writer E.T.A. Hoffmann. In French with English subtitles. Sept 1, 3.50pm, Broadway The One9th InDPanda International Short Film FestivalInDBlue presents a selection of three short film programmes from around the world, including the following one. Ends Sept 9. Broadway Cinematheque, Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square St, Yau Ma Tei, HK$65 cinema.com.hk. Inquiries: 2572 7202Berlinale, Venice and moreProgramme of six shorts, including Her Out, about a reporter researching writer Eileen Chang's 1960 visit to Taiwan. Various languages, all with English subtitles. Sept 4, 9.40pm, Broadway CinemathequeAround TownCaf� ScientifiqueUniversity of Hong Kong professor Will Hayward discusses ways we see with our brains and not our eyes. In English. Sept 2, 7.30pm-9pm, Maritime Museum, Central Ferry Pier No 8, Central, free. Inquiries: cafescihk@gmail.comContemporary Dance Appreciation WorkshopLCSD presents Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts speaker and instructor Vanessa Cheung Sau-mei delivering a series of workshops to help audiences better appreciate and understand dance. In Cantonese and supplemented with English. Sept 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Oct 7, Oct 14, 7.30pm, Oct 19, 2.30pm, Tsuen Wan Town Hall, 72 Tai Ho Rd, Tsuen Wan, HK$50 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2268 7323Taylor Guitars Road ShowThe American guitar maker gives a talk and puts on demonstrations of its products. Sept 3, 7.30pm, Tom Lee Academy Hall, level 2, MegaBox, Kowloon Bay, free. Inquiries: 2737 7602Hong Kong Watch & Clock FairThe Hong Kong Trade Development Council presents the world's largest timepiece fair featuring seminars and product launches for both buyers and sellers, and the general public. Trade visitors can obtain free pass with registration at hktd.com. Sept 4, 10.30am-6pm, Sept 5-7, 9.30am-6pm, Sept 8, 9.30am-5pm (public session), HKCEC, 1 Harbour Rd, Wan Chai, free. Inquiries: 1830 668Drink for GoodHandsOn Hong Kong hosts a fundraising event to raise money for disabled children. Participating bars will donate HK$5 for each drink purchase. Sept 4, 5pm-10pm, at select bars in SoHo, Lan Kwai Fong and TST. Inquiries: hohk@handsonhongkong.orgSwing Jazz Music & DancingHong Kong's longest established seven-piece jazz ensemble, the Victoria Jazz Band, plays swing, blues and trad jazz. Sept 4, 8pm-11pm, Grappa's Cellar, 1 Connaught Place, Central, free. Inquiries: 2521 2322The Life of Bishop Ting Kuang-hsun and the Future of Christianity in ChinaReverend and Professor Dr Philip Lauri Wickeri speaks about the late-celebrated Anglican bishop's tumultuous times living and preaching in China. Sept 5, 6pm (drinks), 6.30pm (lecture), Garden Room, The Helena May, Garden Rd, Central, HK$75 (Royal Asiatic Society members), HK$125 (guests). Inquiries: 6590 7523Contemporary Arts, Crafts and Designer SaleHong Kong-based artist Sascha Camille Howard opens the doors of her studio on the first Friday and Saturday of each month for a series of sales involving art, handmade ceramics, crafts, jewellery and fashion accessories such as clothing and shoes from select designers and local small businesses. Sept 6, Oct 4, Nov 1, Dec 6, 10am-7pm; Sept 7, Oct 5, Nov 2, Dec 7, noon-6pm, Art Studio Sascha Camille Howard, 787 Po Tung Rd, Sai Kung, free. Inquiries: 9254 8803Cambridge English Examination SeriesThe British Council's series of free seminars for parents and candidates to gain a better understanding of the Cambridge examinations. In English. Sept 7, 2.30pm-3.30pm: Young Learners (YLE); Sept 7, 4pm-5pm: Key/Preliminary for Schools (KET/PET for schools). British Council, 3 Supreme Court Rd, Admiralty, free. RSVP at britishcouncil.org.hk/cambridgeseminar. Inquiries: 2913 5100存倉


【記者鄭沾誠/花蓮報導】花蓮縣政府為行銷觀光局於去年舉辦二○一二團餐大車拚」花蓮五家優選餐廳,迷你倉花蓮縣政府特別策畫「經典團餐,盡在花蓮│『呷好康抽大獎』」活動。昨(三十一)日在花蓮火車站旅遊服務中心旁舉行現場公開抽獎活動,旅遊觀光暨公共事務處處長蘇意舜從三千多張摸彩券中抽出六十五吋液晶電視得主是余秀香(花蓮縣吉安鄉),貳獎兩名分別為陳筱麗、鄭春松,獲得HT C智慧型手機,為此次活動劃下完美的句點。在去年在激烈競爭中,花蓮縣五家餐廳入選分別為石庭客家小館、永豐活海鮮餐廳、櫻田野餐廳、新光兆豐農場豐年餐廳、及銘師父餐廳勇奪全國第一名,縣政府為鼓勵這五家優選餐廳,凡是今年七月十五日至八月十三日,到這五家優選餐廳用餐,消費滿一千元者即贈送一張摸彩券。這次活動受到全國鄉親們的熱烈支持參與,約有三千二百張摸彩券投入箱中。動最大獎項為HERANLED電視一台,另外還有HTCDESIRE200手機二台及德利豆乾禮盒一百份,合計有一○三份獎品(見圖)。石庭客家小館林運松表示:「在短短四十五天內在石庭投入摸彩券七百張,三分之二儲存倉為外地客,餐廳預估消費將近百萬,相信這五家餐廳一定有創造數百萬元的經濟效益。再次感謝花蓮縣政府用心帶動花蓮的餐廳與觀光產業。」感謝全國鄉親對於團餐大車拚優選餐廳的支持與鼓勵。觀光暨公共事務處長蘇意表示,非常恭喜得獎的鄉親朋友,更感謝大家支持此次花蓮經典團餐抽獎活動。這些傑出的大師傅們為花蓮作出最好的行銷,讓更多人了解花蓮的美食,也讓全國鄉親看見花蓮這顆太平洋最明亮的珍珠。蘇處長進一步表示,觀光局舉辦的「二○一三台灣團餐大車拼」已在全台起跑,今年以吃得飽、吃得巧、吃得雅的超值餐特色餐廳進行全國性評選,計有一二一家餐廳參賽,入圍一一四餐廳,目前花蓮以高達十家入圍名列第三,分別是奇業檜木館、花蓮理想大地渡假飯店風味餐廳、三國一餐廳、竹陽海鮮餐廳、祝樂海鮮餐廳、立川漁場-蜆知館、新光兆豐農場豐年餐廳、老邵小館、石庭客家小館、富興客棧(花東縱谷),這十家團餐業者除秉持在地消費的精神,選用在地米魚蔬食材外,更設計美味具有地方與餐廳特色的團餐佳餚,希望全國鄉親朋友也能夠給予支持與受護,更希望能成為遊客旅行中不可錯過的選擇。迷你倉價錢

香格里拉地震 四死六傷斷電阻路

雲南著名觀光勝地香格里拉昨晨發生五點九級地震,新蒲崗迷你倉山石滾落,道路、電力一度中斷。地震造成包括一大巴司機在內的四人死亡,六人重傷,二十二戶房屋倒塌,十七名遊客一度被困國道,後經營救成功脫險。  據雲南省地震局消息,昨晨八點零四分,雲南省迪慶藏族自治州香格里拉縣、德欽縣、四川省甘孜藏族自治州得榮縣交界發生五點九級地震,震源深度十公里。隨後三縣交界又發生三點六級地震mini storage截至下午四點,該地已發生二百六十多次餘震。   當地居民指,地震發生時,震感強烈。部份人在睡夢中被震醒,裹�被子跑出家門逃生。民眾隨後聚集在街上躲避,氣氛緊張。有旅遊車被落石砸中,一名駕駛員死亡,三名遊客重傷,另有三輛遊客車、十七名遊客一度被困。  地震還造成德欽縣城全城停電、部份通信中斷,國道二一四線香格里拉縣城至香格里拉縣尼西段中斷,沿途有山體垮塌現象。 self storage


本報記者 林湧泉 本報實習生 蔣琳蕓"快來看,新蒲崗迷你倉這是我們在去年博覽會上展銷老撾啤酒時的熱鬧場面!"一進門,記者便被老撾啤酒中國代理商、廣西鑫虎商貿有限公司董事長揭文熱情邀約至電腦前,一起欣賞他在第九屆中國-東盟博覽會上與老撾總理的合影、老撾啤酒受到中外賓客關注的照片。隨後,他又興致勃勃地來到辦公桌對面牆上的一幅中國地圖前,豪情萬丈地說:"你看這幅中國地圖上,所有貼上小紅旗的城市,都有老撾啤酒經銷商。可以說,現在全中國各省會城市都能喝到老撾啤酒——這得歸功于中國-東盟博覽會!mini storage揭文說:"博覽會是老撾啤酒發展的助推器,是老撾啤酒的營銷大平台,是中國與老撾、中國與東盟國家友好合作的堅實橋樑,感謝中國-東盟博覽會!"揭文告訴記者,作為老撾啤酒中國代理商,他曾多次參加中國-東盟博覽會,其中兩次作為博覽會的參展商參加。他代理的老撾啤酒獲得2013中國-東盟博覽會10周年紀念啤酒、2013中國-東盟汽車拉力賽惟一指定啤酒、2012年南寧·東南亞國際旅遊美食節指定啤酒等多項榮譽。"酒香不怕巷子深",現在老撾啤酒擺在中國-東盟博覽會這個"大巷子口",已經名揚萬里。self storage

美國旅館設立圖書館吸引旅客 多數人成回頭客

  設想一下這樣的場景:你卸下沉重的旅行背包,儲存倉放鬆地穿梭在排列整齊的書架中挑選感興趣的書。你身邊或許站著志同道合的人,時不時和你討論著新書,或者旅途中的趣事。挑好書,你來到閱覽區坐下,桌前擺好一杯咖啡,還在冒著醇厚的香氣。你捧著手中的書,以一個最舒服的姿勢讀了起來,旅行中的勞累全被拋諸腦後。  這樣愜意的場面可不是發生在小說或者電影里。據美國自然母親網絡(MNN)報道,美國許多旅館開始在大堂擺放圖書或者設立專門的"圖書館",來吸引更多的旅客。而對正在遭遇新媒體衝擊的實體書店來說,今後或有望在旅館里找到"又一春"。  或許不少人會感到驚訝,如今旅館已經成了最新的藏書地點。享譽盛名的美國圖書館旅館就有十四層樓、60間"藏書室"。每個樓層分放不同種類的圖書,同一樓層的房間再以不同小類命名,客人可以挑選自己喜歡的樓層入住,隨意徜徉在文學的海洋。  曼哈頓的圖書館旅館,紐黑文市的學習旅館等用書作為裝飾,並把圖書館作為他們主題的精品旅館紛紛出現。對旅館來說,為了給旅客營造出一段難忘的經歷,書成了他們的最新方法。它們設立了專門的圖書室或者在大堂擺放圖書,從而營造出更親密的共享空間。有趣的是,它們中的大部分都是商務旅館,試圖以此舉來吸引年輕顧客。因為在人們看來,一個擺滿書籍的大廳看起來少了一些正式和嚴肅,多了些魅力,尤其是對"千禧一代"來說。  德勤旅遊休閒組的副董事長亞當·韋森伯訴《紐約時報》記者,"我的總體印象就是,這關係迷你倉價錢發展的人口統計學。年輕的旅客更喜歡融入這個集體。"  除了感到更加自在舒適,圖書館式的旅館對每個旅客來說這都是個吸引點,即使他們不是狂熱的讀者,許多人來過之後都會成為回頭客。它們就像是出版業的恩惠,也是作者接觸讀者的新地點,比如,一些出版商和連鎖旅館有合作關係,蘭登書屋也和鄉村旅館進行了合作。在過去的一年,隨著越來越多的旅館加入其中,給旅館供應圖書的書店的營業額不斷增長,也有越來越多的讀者重拾起書本。  這一舉措對讀者、旅館和書店來說,無疑是個多贏策略。如今越來越多的人開始在網上買書,讀者已經有甚少的機會可以在某處接觸到那些不熟悉的作者的書。盡管如今電子書十分火爆,但根據調查,只有三分之一,甚至更少的人沉浸于電子書,超過七成的人都表示他們更喜歡紙質書。能在旅途中辟出一塊安靜的角落坐下來,捧起書本靜靜咀嚼文字,對於旅客來說既是一種放鬆的方式,也拓展了他們的閱讀渠道。對於旅館來說,開設圖書館不僅能提高酒店整體文化氛圍,還能吸引更多熱愛文學的旅客,這一措施本身于酒店來說不需要承擔什麼風險,因此更多的酒店加入了這個行列。而對於出版商來說,在酒店放入圖書可以刺激購買,如果能在圖書中植入廣告,也能找到更大的商機。  自然母親網絡的一名記者就表示對這類的旅館有很大的興趣,"如果我經常因公出差,我一定會選那些有閱覽室或者圖書館的旅館,這樣我即使不在客房里也能感到很放鬆。" 本報實習生 高潔標簽:旅館 可不是 看起來 美國 圖書館迷你倉

各組別政綱在八十個地點備索 葉迅生籲各候選組守法

 【特訊】新聞局消息:第五屆立法會選舉競選活動期於今(卅一)日零時啟動,迷你倉價錢立法會選舉管理委員會主席葉迅生表示,昨日下午與治安警察局、交通事務局等部門舉行聯席會議,商討啟動儀式的秩序及交通安排,以及宣傳期間的規範事宜等具體安排。 葉迅生稱,儘管今屆立法會選舉選情激烈,惟候選組別向市民宣傳政綱及參選理念時,應嚴格遵守相關法律法規,須在避免影響及騷擾市民日常生活下進行。選管會已就此問題與各候選組別作充分溝通,包括集會時的音響及遊行集會時間等。按照相關規定,遊行集會時間不能於凌晨二時至早上七時三十分進行,否則當局有權中斷遊行集會,此外,禁止於晚上十一時至早上九時使用擴音器等音響設備,以免影響市民休息。 葉迅生又提及,選管會接到市民有關涉嫌偷步宣傳的查詢及投訴時,會即時作出跟進,同時會主動跟進報章的報導。選管會將繼續依法辦事,將個案送交廉政公署及檢察院跟進。目前,相關個案已進入司法程序,不宜透露個案數目、性質及組別名稱等資料,按照選舉法,相關組別仍可進行競選宣傳。選管會迷你倉信廉政公署於宣傳期內,會就疑似賄選及利益輸送作出相應部署。 葉迅生表示,由今日開始,選管會於本澳八十多個地點陸續擺放各候選組別的政綱概要供市民索閱。另外,選管會為配合參選組別政綱宣傳無紙化,除如往常在選舉網站內發放各參選名單的政綱外,更會以手機版的網站作為其中一個發佈平台,藉此增加立法會選舉的宣傳渠道及覆蓋面,讓市民更便捷獲得選管會發佈的資訊,從而加強宣傳正確的投票方式。 市民只要用智能手機連上互聯網,登入.eal.gov.mo,就能自動轉接上手機版的立法會選舉網頁。該網站配合智能手機顯示螢幕的大小及特性等,向市民發放最新及最熱門的選舉資訊。選管會期望,手機版網頁能提升立法會選舉各項資訊發佈的即時性,讓市民可隨時隨地以智能手機取得立法會選舉的相關資訊。 另外,選管會已就有傳媒收到以「選管會」名義發出的虛假電郵事件,向司法警察局舉報,他指出,冒充公權機構發佈虛假消息是非常嚴重的刑事行為,除了擾亂選舉活動正常進行,更會誤導及困擾市民與傳媒,選管會必定會追究到底。◇儲存

BRIEF: Drive-in to scale back to weekends only next week

Source: Tulsa World, Okla.迷你倉Aug. 30--The Admiral Twin Drive-in's movie season will continue showing movies into the fall for as long as mild weather prevails. That could be October or November.But this is the final full week of movies at the historic drive-in, which will be open through Monday for the Labor Day holiday before next week going to a weekends-only schedule of films on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights."We will close when the weather makes us close. The longer the weather is good the longer we stay open," said the Admiral Twin staff on its Facebook page, announcing the seasonal schedule change.After some of the mild文件倉st summer temperatures the drive-in has ever enjoyed, the heat is on this weekend with highs in the upper 90s through the holiday but with little chance of being rained out.This weekend's Admiral Twin Drive-in schedule for double-features is as follows: "Getaway" (a car-chase movie starring Ethan Hawke and Selena Gomez) followed by "Pacific Rim" on one side, with the animated "Planes" followed by "The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones" on the other side.tulsaworld.com/iseemoviesCopyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉

2013年8月30日 星期五

Officials study remedies for I-75 congestion - made worse by UF, FSU game days

Source: Tampa Tribune, Fla.新蒲崗迷你倉Aug. 30--TAMPA -- Cynthia Holloway and her husband Todd Alley planned to leave Tampa five hours before the kickoff of the Florida Gators season football opener Saturday to tailgate at The Swamp and beat the Interstate 75 traffic.If Florida State University were also playing at home in Tallahassee, interstate traffic would be really bad, Holloway said."And when Florida plays FSU in Gainesville, traffic is intolerable," she said. "We don't go up I-75. We go up the Suncoast Parkway through Homosassa and across. It's a little long but it works well."While Holloway and her family plan for game-day congestion, state highway officials are searching for year-round remedies for ever-increasing traffic between Tampa and the Georgia state line. They predict, for example, I-75 will need 16 lanes through Gainesville by 2035."But we can't do that," said Bob Romig, FDOT's state transportation development administrator. Instead Romig and others are trying a new perspective to address the state's travel options.That involves planning for geographical corridors and considering some alternatives to driving rather than simply focusing on highway expansion projects that don't keep pace with growth.FDOT's Future Corridors Initiative includes study areas between Tampa Bay and Northeast and Central Florida, with an outlook toward growth projected by 2060.I-75 is the key element northbound from Tampa today, and doubtlessly into the future.Completing six projects in Pasco, Hernando and Sumter counties with contracts let in 2014 and 2015 will give the state a continuous six-lane highway from the Georgia state line to the Tampa Bay region, where some portions of I-75 are eight lanes. Coupled with advances in projects in Sarasota and Charlotte counties, I-75 will become a six-lane highway all the way to Naples, where the interstate heads east to Hialeah.Potential improvements include truck only lanes; managed lanes that charge tolls to cars bypassing slower moving vehicles on regular I-75 lanes; extensions to the Suncoast Parkway, Florida's Turnpike and an I-75 reliever from the Suncoast Parkway to the Gainesville/Ocala areas; and improved connections between I-75 and Jacksonville.In addition, FDOT is studying parallel freight rail corridors, passenger rail services, intra-regional bus services, carpools and van pools along with adding capacity to I-75 with more interchanges and lanes, although each option has benefits and drawbacks.FDOT's looking at whether rail freight can replace some truck shipments."We are in regular communication with FDOT as the agency explores transportation options," CSX spokesman Gary Sease said."CSX's expanded S line (from Jacksonville through Ocala to Plant City and Lakeland and an intermodal terminal under construction at Winter Haven) will provide opportunities to convert long-distance freight from highways to the railroad."Rail offers an environmentally friendly and fuel-saving alternative to truck travel and funding for highway improvements, which generally depend on state and federal sources."While these traditional funding sources struggle during this present economic climate, funding for the development of alternative options along the I-75 corridor will be a challenge and may require alternatives to general revenue from user fees to help support operating and maintenance costs," FDOT's I-75 Transportation Alternatives Study states.Population growth, construction costs, traffic volumes, accident rates and an exceptionally heavy truck volume are key factors in planning I-75 improvements, FDOT reported.* More than 5.2 million people and 2.2 million jobs are located within FDOT's 19-county study area between Tampa and Jacksonville, figures that do not include visitor generated traffic.If mini storageecent trends continue, the region's population could expand by more than 80 percent by 2060, with four of five new residents locating in the Tampa Bay area or near Jacksonville.* Construction costs to widen an interstate from six to eight lanes jumped from $2.9 million a mile for urban sections in 2000 to about $7.8 million by 2009, FDOT's I-75 Sketch Interstate Plan Summary Report stated. Costs of similar rural interstate widening increased from $2.5 million a mile to $4.5 million a mile.* Current traffic volumes range from about 127,500 vehicles per day north of Interstate 4 at Tampa to 75,100 vehicles per day near Ocala to 35,000 vehicles per day in Hamilton County.FDOT projects 2035 traffic volumes to increase significantly, with the largest increase in Pasco County north of County Road 41 from 34,500 vehicles per day in 2011 to 75,000 vehicles a day in 2035. A Hillsborough County I-75 stretch north of Bruce B. Downs Boulevard is expected to increase by more than 66,000 vehicles between 2011 and 2035.* I-75 crash rates near Gainesville and between Ocala and Wildwood are as high as those along the Interstates in the state's largest urban areas, reflecting the mix of cars and trucks and local and long-distance travel, an April FDOT report stated. Some segments exceeded a rate of 50 crashes per mile over the five year period between 2006 and 2010.* Truck traffic of 20 percent to 40 percent on I-75 is significantly higher than most interstates, which average about 15 percent trucks. Trucks can account for 60 percent of the vehicles at some points on I-75 during peak periods.Jim Kimbrough, vice chairman of SunTrust's Tampa Bay region which encompasses five counties and parts of a sixth, is a former Florida Transportation Commission member and current board member of the Tampa Bay Area Regional Transportation Commission well versed in transportation dynamics and the state's business and economic development prospects."As long as the sun keeps shining and the tax benefits exist for living in Florida, people will continue to come here," Kimbrough said. "But people have moved in so fast over the past 30 years, the infrastructure and roads have not been able to keep pace with population growth."And people who have moved here have not been willing to be taxed in one shape or form to pay for more roads, with the obvious net result of all this new congestion."Kimbrough said the state needs a north-south alternative to I-75."One possibility is the under-utilized portion of U.S. 19 south to Crystal River, which could accommodate toll lanes in the broad medians the state owns, " he said. "That could provide an improved connection to the Suncoast Parkway 2 Expressway extension from Hernando County through Citrus County."Kimbrough also endorses widening a 15-mile stretch of State Road 50 from Ridge Manor to Mascotte into four lanes, providing an additional link from west central Florida -- including Tampa -- to the Orlando area and beyond.For those who only occasionally use I-75, good planning can be helpful, although an accident can tie traffic up for hours."I don't know what it's like 30 minutes before kickoff, because we go a little earlier," said north Tampa resident Caryn McDermott, a Gators season ticket holder who will take I-75 to the Gainesville football game with her husband Patrick."It was a lot worse in the Tim Tebow years ... when the games were selling out. You could count on a lot of traffic and if there was an accident, you're sitting there like a parking lot."Tribune reporter Yvette C. Hammett contributed to this report.tjackovics@tampatrib.com(813) 259-7817Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Tampa Tribune (Tampa, Fla.) Visit the Tampa Tribune (Tampa, Fla.) at .tampatrib.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

陸工信部牽線 宏達電攜手3中有望 拼市佔 中國電信 中移動 中聯通通路擴點合作

另闢戰場【陳俐妏╱台北報導】中國工信部昨參訪宏達電(2498),迷你倉據悉由宏達電董事長王雪紅出面接待,儘管宏達電對參訪內容未透露,但近日外電曾報導,宏達電已與工信部協商,針對中國消費者開發新作業系統,此次工信部參訪,更引起外界聯想,相關官員透露,雙方洽談內容可能與開發新作業平台、甚至與3中(中國電信、中國移動、中國聯通)在通路擴點的合作事宜有關。 中國工信部副部長劉利華率領工信部參訪團昨拜會宏達電,由王雪紅親自出面接待,據相關人員透露,此次參訪新店總部,宏達電秀出工業設計強項優勢,例如影音處理的、UI(使用者介面設計)等,至於洽談合作方向正如外界提及,工信部想要開發新整合作業系統平台,甚至可能與中國電信3雄的通路合作。 差異化布局很合理 近日《華爾街日報》曾報導,宏達電為搶攻中國智慧型手機市場,將針對當地消費者設計、開發作業系統,目前宏達電與中國工信部已進行協商,雖然宏達電對此消息已否認,但高盛證券分析,開發新作業系統對宏達電中國市場差異化布局是關鍵和合理策略,不過對提升近期營運影響有限。 營運提升效果有限 高盛證券科技產業分析師嚴柏宇指出,宏達電如著手開發中國當地作業系統也不令人意外,因為早在20自存倉2年,宏達電管理階層就提過新作業生態系統的可能性。高盛證券分析,如果真的著手新作業系統開發,對宏達電未來在中國差異化布局,及產品軟體開發掌握是關鍵和合理的一步。嚴柏宇進一步指出,新作業系統能否成功取決多樣因素,包括營運商能否加深使用者服務和學習體驗的經驗,軟體開發商及其他代工廠是否跟進支持等。其中,軟體開發商加入更是提升新作業系滲透率的關鍵,不過目前不能確定新作業系統是否與Android相容。而其他代工廠在更多裝置跟進,也能加速新作業系統滲透率,進而能吸引消費者使用,擴大客戶群。高盛證券團隊認為,考量目前宏達電營收及產品策略的改造,獲利能見度不佳,即便有新作業系統挹注,近期營運動能提升效果有限。 Zara mini網站曝光 不過,宏達電布局中國市場腳步不停歇,中國工信部網站出現1款型號為hTC 301e的新機,根據科技網站報導,這款新機可能為One及Desire 系列混合的hTC Zara縮小版hTC Zara mini,具4.3吋液晶螢幕、雙核心1GHz處理器、500萬畫素鏡頭,售價約1299元人民幣(約6430元台幣),為中低階機種。由於hTC 301e已獲得中國工信部入網許可,代表在中國上市日期已不遠。迷你倉新蒲崗

Minnesota suicides jump 13 percent, white middle-aged men at highest risk

Source: Pioneer Press, St.新蒲崗迷你倉 Paul, Minn.Aug. 30--Minnesotans are facing a deadly new enemy -- themselves.Suicides surged in 2011 for the steepest increase in more than 13 years, according to a report released Friday by the state Department of Health. The total of 684 suicides is a 13 percent jump in a single year."We need to sound the alarm," said Jon Roesler, epidemiologist supervisor in the department's Injury and Violence Prevention Unit.The alarm should be ringing loudest for white middle-aged men, he said. The suicide rate in that group is soaring, while the rate for teenagers is stagnant.The 2011 numbers are the latest available.Roesler said Minnesota's rates mirror national suicide rates, which show high suicide rates for white men. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that in 2010, white men had a suicide rate of 34 per 100,000 -- almost three times the overall average for Minnesota and the nation.People who manage suicide hotlines are swamped with calls. The state hotline managed by Canvas Health of Oakdale handled 800 additional calls in 2012, according to manager Laura Weber.About 3,800 of the 39,000 calls were text messages, Weber said.Texting is a new program, and an effective way for people to get help, she said. "It is geared to kids," she said. "People have the means, right in their hands."As grim as the statistics are, Roesler said they also contain some good news -- prevention programs seem to work.He said in 2000 the state launched programs aimed at reducing suicides in teenagers and the elderly. Those rates have increased only slowly.The new numbers, he said, show a need to apply the same urgency to middle-aged people.The report contains other details of how and where Minnesotans kill themselves:-- The suicide rate is 31 percent higher in rural areas than in the seven-county metro area.-- In 55 percent of male suicides, guns are used. Poisons and overdoses are used in 47 percent of female suicides.-- The male suicide rate in Minnesota is four times higher than the female rate.Dan Reidenberg, director of Suicide Awareness Voices of Education of Bloomington, said suicides are twice as common as murders.Suicides happen, he said, because of "multiple stressors" in a person's life -- such as the loss of a job, a failing marriage or health problems.Mental illness also is a factor. As many as 95 percent of adults who kill themselves are mentally ill -- far higher than the 60 percent to 65 percent for youth.In all suicides, hopelessness is an essential condition. "People with hope do not die of suicide," Roesler said.Baby Boomers, who are now middle-aged, have alwamini storages had above-average suicide rates.Hotline manager Weber said they have a reputation for being more independent, separated from society and cynical about authority.They tend to have a strong sensitivity to failure. So when a Baby Boomer loses a job, that person is more likely to consider suicide, she said."Typical is an older retired man who loved his job, and his kids don't need him any more," Weber said.Men feel pressure not to fail at suicide, which is one reason they are more likely to use guns than pills.The result, according to the department's report, is that the male suicide rate is 20 per 100,000 population, compared with 5 for women.Women attempt suicide more often, however. For women, the leading cause of being hospitalized with an injury is attempted suicide, said Roesler."With women, it is the proverbial cry for help," he said. "Women can have more of a suicidal career."But women do not have the same aversion to seeking professional help. "Women are more prone to talking about feelings," said Weber.Suicides by young people are different.Minnesota's suicide rate for people younger than 25 has stayed roughly level for 13 years and remains less than half the rate of older groups.Weber said suicides happen when teens face a personal crisis that seems trivial to outsiders but is overwhelming to them. "They are in the flux of the trauma in their lives," Weber said.The public response to teen suicides is intense. When a child dies, the grieving is public. Schools react to suicides with schoolwide counseling."Teens are prompted by their peers. They connect with services," Weber said.It's much easier for a single middle-aged person to live a life of solitude and slide into depression without anyone intervening."Adults might not have any family," said Reidenberg of Suicide Awareness. "The media does not pay attention to them."Bob Shaw can be reached at 651-228-5433. Follow him at twitter.com/BshawPP.HOW TO GET HELPCrisis Connection, 612-379-6363, is the suicide hotline for Minnesota, managed by Canvas Health of Oakdale. It is staffed 24 hours a day.Volunteers to answer calls are always needed. To volunteer, call 612-852 2200.For more information about preventing suicides, visit:-- save.org (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education)-- health.state.mn.us/divs/cfh/connect/index.cfm?article=suicideprevention.welcome (Minnesota Department of Health Suicide Prevention)-- sprc.org/states/minnesota (Suicide Prevention Resource Center).Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minn.) Visit the Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minn.) at .twincities.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

Modern rhythmic dancers sparking tap revival

Source: Standard-Examiner, Ogden, UtahAug.迷你倉 30--Groups like Rhythmic Circus, appearing at Layton's amphitheater next week, have helped spur a revival in tap dancing throughout the country.No one is certain exactly where or how tap began, but it is a uniquely American art form. What is known about the style is that it started sometime in the 1800s in America, and has its roots in the African-American culture."We think maybe bottle caps were first put on shoes to accent the soft-shoe style, but no one really knows for certain," said Erik Stern, a professor of dance at Weber State University, who teaches a technique class in rhythmic tap.Two major styles of tap exist today, commonly referred to as rhythmic tap and Broadway style. Rhythmic tap is much freer in form, and came first.Though its early years are mostly lost in the mists of time, one thing is certain about rhythmic tap, said Stern. The dance style and another American-born art form, jazz, grew up together. The tap shoe itself was used as a percussive instrument."In the earliest history of jazz, those first 30 or 40 years, tap dancers and drummers worked together," Stern said. "They were all working together to challenge each other rhythmically. Tap was an integral part of a major musical form."Of course, they separated eventually, but there was a time they were very closely connected, and one influenced the other. Regardless of whether the tap dancer was interested in pushing the jazz drummer, or they were worrying about their presentation -- if they were good at tapping, they contributed to the whole musical idea."Utah tapSalt Lake City tapper Debby Robertson lives and breathes tap. The proprietor of SLC Tap!, Robertson holds a bachelor's degree in modern dance from the University of Utah, as well as a masters in dance education from Columbia University in New York.Tapping since 1979, Robertson has appeared in numerous shows, including dancing experimental works for choreographer Anita Feldman, and helping found and dance in the companies The American Tap Dance Orchestra and NYC Tapworks. She moved back to Utah several years ago, where she has continued to teach and preach the art of tap.It is sometimes challenging in Utah, Robertson said, to get people to think beyond the big stars of tap -- and to understand that every shoe that makes a noise when it hits the stage is not tapping."People tend to just know the major names here, I think," Robertson said. "Then there are the people who think things like 'Riverdance' is tap, but it is not. Really, the tap renaissance has been going on since about 1980, long before groups like Tap Dogs came along. But it has been a gradual thing in many places, I think."Rhythmic or Broadway?The two major styles of tap sometimes overlap, but are most easily defined this way: Broadway tap is tightly choreographed and mostly a visual experience. Rhythmic tap focuses more on the musicality.Said Stern: "There have been Broadway tappers that are great tappers. But in general, Broadway tap is more associated with chorus line -- 自存倉 lot of people doing it together, very controlled movement. Rhythmic tap, or jazz tap, as it is also called, has to do with the auditory nature of it, and the musical nature."For instance, Gregory Hines was pure rhythm tap. You will not see him in a chorus, or doing position-oriented movement. The greatest purveyor of rhythmic tap today is probably Savion Glover."Robertson, a rhythmic tapper by nature and training, said most people don't differentiate -- tap is tap to them."I don't think there is enough of a sophisticated audience to distinguish whether you are seeing show tap -- which is relatively easy -- or really complex, syncopated rhythm tap like you see in Rhythmic Circus," she said.Robertson has had the opportunity to work with Rhythmic Circus dancers. The troupe's Nick Bowman has also presented master classes for her students."He brings inspiration," she said of Bowman. "He is very encouraging, and is able to get the message across to young people. He tells them anyone can do this, but it takes a lot of work and discipline. He is also an incredible dancer, and very handsome, too, and really friendly -- a sweetheart, and a great teacher."And he tells them of all the sacrifices Rhythmic Circus made to get to where they are. The Rhythmic Circus dancers are tops in their field. They dance circles around most people. Really inspiring."Tap is coolThough many dance studios now don't, or only occasionally, offer tap classes, the demand seems to be growing.Elizabeth Shively, of Dance Arts Movement Center in Ogden, said she does not offer a straight tap class at this time."We incorporate a bit of tap in our Broadway dance class -- just the basics. We are still mostly ballet and modern dance," said Shively. "But I am seeing a trend of tap becoming more popular with high-school-age dancers. I think groups like Rhythmic Circus and Tap Dogs make tap more approachable to older students. And I do have more phone calls looking for tap classes than I did just a few years ago."Said Stern: "Because of Savion and other acts like that, people have become more aware of tap as a musical form; it is more on their radar. And I love teaching tap class, because I get both dancers and theater students, with interest in both styles. What I teach the good tappers, regardless of style, is technique. A good tapper, in either style really, has to confront fundamental things that are very difficult, and that a lot of students haven't been able to address in other classes. So that is what I focus on, regardless."Robertson is hopeful that her passion is becoming that of many other dancers, too."People are starting to thing tap dance is cool," Robertson said. "I think there are more people doing it now, and that is heartening for me. And I am getting more students. I am starting a new beginning tap class, and people are finding me, even though I haven't really advertised."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) Visit the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) at .standard.net Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉新蒲崗

Local gas rates hiked as crude soars

Shanghai’s pump rates will go up by about 2.迷你倉新蒲崗5 percent from today after China adjusted its fuel prices for the first time in more than a month amid rising crude costs.Unrest in the Middle East, particularly in Syria, has sent the WTI crude to its highest in more than two years and Brent futures to a six-month high earlier this week.At local pumps, the ceiling price for 93-octane gasoline is now 7.89 yuan (US$1.29) per liter, up from 7.70 yuan, while 97-octane gasoline will cost 8.39 yuan, up from 8.19 yuan. Zero-grade diesel is 7.79 yuan from the previous 7.60 yuan.But rates vary among provincial areas.Nationwide, gasoline price goes up by 235 yuan per ton and diesel 225 yuan per ton, or 0.17 yuan per liter for the benchmark 90-octane gasoline and 0.19 yuan per liter for zero-grade diesel on average, according to the National Development and Reform Commission, which sets energy prices.The NDRC, which reviews fuel rates every 10 working days, last adjusted them on July 20.Domestic fuel prices are adjusted when international crude prices reflect a change of more than 50 yuan per ton for gasoline 迷你倉出租nd diesel over a period of 10 working days.The NDRC did not adjust prices in the previous two reviews because the changes in crude prices were not big enough. But the rising oil prices may pave the way for more rate hikes in the near future.Fuel rates are likely to keep an upward momentum when the NDRC meets again on September 13, analysts with the ICIS C1 Energy said in a report.“Should tensions in the Middle East ease and crude prices retreat a bit, the NDRC will stick to the rates, rather than reduce the prices,” they said.While the new prices will hurt motorists, airlines and manufacturers, the higher refined oil product prices will benefit China’s two big refiners, Sinopec Corp and PetroChina Co.Separately, the NDRC also announced better-than-forecast on-grid tariffs for electricity generated from solar power as it works to encourage the development of renewable energy.The on-grid prices, charged by power generators to grid companies, will be set at three benchmark levels — 0.90 yuan, 0.95 yuan and 1 yuan per kilowatt-hour — nationwide, the commission said yesterday.迷你倉

PREP FOOTBALL: Week 1 Preview Capsules

Source: The Telegraph, Alton, Ill.存倉Aug. 30--FRIDAY'S GAMESAlton at PekinTime: 7 p.m. Place: Pekin High SchoolThe 110th season of Redbirds football kicks off at Pekin against the Dragons. Alton had played Quincy in every season opener since 1994 and the Redbirds ended that series holding a 13-6 edge despite the Blue Devils winning the last four meetings. Quincy defeated Alton 40-12 last season when the Redbirds finished 2-7. The Dragons and Redbirds last met in 1992 when Alton won 43-29 to account for the lone postseason victory in the program's history. Pekin finished 6-4 last season, losing a first-round Class 7A playoff game at Edwardsville 49-7.Hazelwood West at EdwardsvilleTime: 7 p.m. Place: District 7 Sports ComplexThe Tigers are coming off a 10-2 season that began with a 56-0 victory at Hazelwood West. The Wildcats cross the river for the home opener at Edwardsville. West went 0-10 last season after posting a 1-9 record in 2011.Newton at Civic MemorialTime: 7 p.m. Place: Hauser FieldThe Eagles gave coach Justin Winslow a win in his head coaching debut last season at Newton with a 27-6 victory. That was CM's first 1-0 start since beating Collinsville in 2005 and ended a streak of six straight losses in season openers. Both CM and Newton went on to finish 4-5 in 2012.Decatur MacArthur at JerseyTime: 7 p.m. Place: Snyders Sports ComplexAfter ending its Week 1 series with Jacksonville -- the Crimsons won seven of nine dates with the Panthers since 1999 -- Jersey opened 2012 at Decatur and beat MacArthur 10-7. That triggered a run of 10 consecutive victories for the Panthers in a 10-1 year that halted a streak of seven successive losing seasons. MacArthur returns to play the Panthers after finishing 3-6 last year.EA-WR at ColumbiaTime: 8 p.m. Place: Columbia High SchoolThe Oilers open under new coach Joe Parmentier and draw a tough assignment on the road in Columbia. East Alton-Wood River entered the 2012 season with a school-record 28-game losing streak that was snapped at 29 with a Week 2 victory and the Oilers went on to finish 3-6. Columbia beat EA-WR 49-13 last season in Wood River and finished 9-2 to make the playoffs for the eighth time in coach Scott Horner's 12 seasons.Carlinville at RoxanaTime: 7 p.m. Place: Charles Raich FieldA key Week 1 matchup between two teams hoping to contend in the South Central Conference is on tap at Raich Field. The Cavaliers shared the SCC title with Greenville last season and finished 9-2. Roxana was one win shy of the playoffs with a 4-5 record. The Cavs beat the Shells 56-20 in Carlinville in 2012 after winning 50-7 in 2011. Carlinville has won nine straight against Roxana and 13 of the last 14 in the series.Southwestern at HillsboroTime: 7 p.m. Place: Sawyer FieldThe Piasa Birds debut under new coach Brian Borkowski against a Hiltoppers squad coming off a 1-8 season that was its worst since 1-8 in 1997. Hillsboro has labored through three consecutive losing seasons after making the playoffs in 10 of the previous 11 years. Southwestern beat the Toppers 28-6 last season and have won three of the last four in the series. The Birds went 3-6 in 2012.Vandalia at GillespieTime: 7 p.m. Place: Alumni FieldThe Miners open with high hopes with most of its starters returning from a 3-6 team in 2012. Vandalia posted a 7-3 record last season, opening with a 42-14 home win over Gillespie. That was the first meeting between the Miners and Vandals since 2006迷你倉 Gillespie's last win over Vandalia came in a 48-20 triumph in 2005.Pana at StauntonTime: 7 p.m. Place: Staunton High SchoolStaunton saw its run of consecutive playoff appearances end at five straight with a 4-5 record in 2012. The year began with a 49-7 loss to Pana in the first meeting between the two teams since 2008. The Panthers and Bulldogs have split their last four games. Pana went 5-5 last season and has reached postseason in fifth successive seasons.St. Louis Priory at MarquetteTime: 7 p.m. Place: Public School StadiumMarquette Catholic opens it second season in the Prairie State Conference after 19 years in the South Central with a second straight season opener at home against non-league foe Priory. The Explorers beat the Rebels 55-34 last season. Both teams went on to big years, with Marquette finishing 10-2 and Priory going 9-3. It is the debut for Explorers coach Matt Bucher.Bunker Hill at Metro East LutheranTime: 7 p.m. Place: Metro East Lutheran High SchoolBunker Hill defeated Metro 38-32 in overtime last season to end a 25-game losing streak. That is the Minutemen's lone victory in their last 34 games. The Knights have similar struggles with the only win in their last 18 games coming by forfeit. Last year's matchup was the first between the Knights and Minutemen since Metro won all five games in a stretch from 2001-05.Carrollton at Jacksonville ISDTime: 7 p.m. Place: Jacksonville ISD High SchoolWhat appears to be the WIVC's biggest Week 1 mismatch unfolds in Jacksonville where South favorite Carrollton takes on an ISD program that has lost 29 straight games and 52 of its last 53. The Tigers and Hawks last met in 2010 with Carrollton winning 54-0. The Hawks have eight shutouts in a run of 12 straight wins over ISD.Greenfield at Brown CountyTime: 7 p.m. Place: Mount Sterling Brown County High SchoolThe Tigers lost at Brown County 25-20 in Week 8 last season and make another trip to Mount Sterling to open 2013. The Hornets went 5-5 in 2012 and made a ninth straight playoff appearance. Greenfield finished 5-4 and was left out of postseason. Brown County has won the last five dates with Greenfield since the Tigers won 29-0 in 2007.Jacksonville Routt at CalhounTime: 7:30 p.m. Place: Calhoun High SchoolBoth the Warriors and Rockets are coming off disappointing 2-7 seasons. Aaron Elmore, a Calhoun alum, makes his debut as Warriors head coach. It is the first meeting between Calhoun and Routt since 2009 when the Rockets won 24-6 in a Class 1A second-round playoff game. The teams last met in the regular season in 2008, with Routt winning 48-0.Camp Point Central at North GreeneTime: 7 p.m. Place: Spartan FieldDefending WIVC North champion Central travels to White Hall where the Panthers beat the Spartans 42-0 in a Week 8 matchup last season. Central went on to finish 12-1, while North Greene went 4-5. The Spartans are seeking their first playoff berth since 2005.SATURDAY'S GAMESOblong at Mount OliveTime: 6 p.m. Place: Mount Olive High SchoolThe Wildcats went 6-4 to reach the playoffs following back-to-back 1-8 seasons. The Oblong Panthers make the 120-mile journey to Mount Olive coming off a 6-4 year that ended a string of 17 consecutive losing seasons. The Panthers and Wildcats met in the 2012 opener with Oblong winning 43-6.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Telegraph (Alton, Ill.) Visit The Telegraph (Alton, Ill.) at .thetelegraph.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉

Matt Honkonen finds a new beat as a singer-songwriter

Source: The Knoxville News-Sentinel, Tenn.mini storageAug. 30--Matt Honkonen knows how to keep the beat. Through the years he's been best known as the drummer with Llama Train, The Tenderhooks and the Tim Lee 3. It's only recently, though, that Honkonen has been known as a singer-songwriter.Subscribe to read the full storyCurrent Subscribers -- Activate NowAlready subscribe to the News Sentinel? Unlimited access to KnoxNews.com on the web, your smartphone, tablet, Knoxville.com and GoVolsXtra.com is included with your subscription. All you need to do is ACTIVATE now!Activate NowNew Subscribers -- Subscribe NowWant to keep reading?KnoxNews now offers Premium and Digital Subscriptions. Subscribe now and select how you want to keep up-to-date on local news, reader comments, photos, videos, blogs and more.Subscribe NowLoginUsername / Email *Password * Can't remember? Reset PasswordLoginSubscription Center-- A message from our publisher-- News for subscribers-- News for non-subscribers-- Frequently asked questions-- Help downloading your app?Ready to be a News Sentinel subscriber?We're sorry. We currently do not support purchasing of new products in Internet Explorer 7. Please update to another browser.Premium SubscriptionA Premium Subscription to the News Sentinel includes:-- Home delivery service-- Unlimited Access to the KnoxNews.com, Knoxville.com and GoVolsXtra.com.-- Unlimited Access to the Knoxville News Sentinel for the iPad-- Unlimited Access to KnoxNews for iPhone and AndroidAs low as 3 months for the price of 1 Subscribe NowDigital SubscriptionA Digital Subscription the News Sentinel includes:-- Unlimited Access to the KnoxNews.com, Knoxville.com and GoVolsXtra.com.-- Unlimited Access to the Knoxville News Sentinel for the iPad-- Unlimited Access to KnoxNews for iPhone and AndroidAs low as 2 months for the price of 1 Subscribe NowPremium Subscription -- How often would you like your newspaper delivered?Special offer. Get 3 months for the price of 1.Delivery AddressAddress (Line 1)*Address (Line 2)City*State*ZIP*Check delivery address Choose different productCreate your new loginThe information entered below will be used to access your subscription to KnoxNews on the web, smartphone and tablet.Choose a different subscriptionFirst Name*Last Name*Phone Number*Email*Password*Password (Verify)*Create account BackPreparing paymentself storageoptionsWe're so close!Success! Your Digital Subscription has been activated.Success! Your Premium Subscription has been activated.Hold on for just a moment while we finish setting up your account..Your Digital Subscription to the Knoxville News Sentinel is now available. Enjoy unlimited access to KnoxNews on the web, on your smartphone and tablet, Knoxville.com and GoVolsXtra.com.Note: Your log-in information will be needed the first time you access your subscription on another device. Use this log-in to access KnoxNews.com, Knoxville.com, GoVolsXtra.com, and all News Sentinel apps.Your Premium Subscription to the Knoxville News Sentinel is now available. In addition to your home delivery service, enjoy unlimited access to your home delivery service, enjoy unlimited access to KnoxNews on the web, on your smartphone and tablet, Knoxville.com and GoVolsXtra.com.Note: Your log-in information will be needed the first time you access your subscription on another device. Use this log-in to access KnoxNews.com, Knoxville.com, GoVolsXtra.com, and all News Sentinel apps.Begin ReadingCurrent delivery subscriber?Please help us find your account by entering all of the requested information below. Questions? Please call customer service at1-877-304-7769.First NameLast Name*Email*Phone Number*House Number*Street NameAptFind your accountCreate your new loginAwesome! We found your Premium Subscription information. Almost there. Please verify the email address listed and then create a password. This login information is how you will access KnoxNews on the web, smartphone and tablet.Make note of your new login information for future use.This email will be used as your login.Choose a passwordPassword*Password (Verify)*Complete BackSuccess! Your subscription has been activated.Your Premium Subscription to is now active. In addition to your home delivery service, enjoy unlimited access and browsing on your computer, smartphone and tablet.Note: Your log-in information will be needed the first time you access your subscription on another device. Use this log-in to access KnoxNews.com, Knoxville.com, GoVolsXtra.com, and all News Sentinel apps.Begin ReadingCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Knoxville News-Sentinel (Knoxville, Tenn.) Visit the Knoxville News-Sentinel (Knoxville, Tenn.) at .knoxnews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

From the Free Press Test Kitchen: 5 recipes to make your Labor Day sizzle

Source: Detroit Free PressAug.迷你倉新蒲崗 30--Don't let this Labor Day weekend go by without getting your grill on. Here are five mouth-watering recipes -- from chicken and ribs to salmon and steak -- that will make your cookout sizzle.Tequila-Marinated Chicken ThighsServes: 6 / Preparation time: 10 minutes (plus marinating time) / Total time: 1 hour, 15 minutesIngredients-- 12 bone-in chicken thighs (4 1/2 to 5 pounds total), skinned if desiredMARINADE-- 1/2 cup orange juice-- 1/4 cup tequila-- 2 tablespoons lime juice-- 1 tablespoon finely chopped canned chipotle pepper in adobo sauce-- 1 teaspoon snipped fresh oregano-- 2 cloves garlic, peeled, minced-- 1/2 teaspoon salt-- 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper-- 2 lemons, cut into 1/4 -inch slices, optionalDirectionsPlace chicken in a sealable plastic bag set in a large bowl. In a small bowl, combine all the marinade ingredients and pour over chicken. Seal bag and turn it to coat chicken. Marinate in the refrigerator for 4 to 6 hours, turning bag occasionally. Remove chicken, reserving marinade.Place the marinade in a small saucepan, bring to a boil or over high heat and boil 5 minutes.Prepare or preheat the grill. Oil the grill grates 5 minutes before grilling.Place chicken, meaty sides down, on grill rack over drip pan. Cover and grill for 50 to 60 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink, brushing occasionally with the reserved marinade. Halfway through grilling, turn the chicken over so the skin side is down and grill, watching carefully so the skin doesn't char, until the skin is nice and browned.Discard remaining marinade.If desired, brush the lemon slices with a little bit of oil and sprinkle with a little salt and black pepper. Grill the slices about 3 minutes on each side or until lightly browned. Place the chicken on a platter and garnish with the grilled lemon slices.Adapted from "Grill It! Secrets to Delicious Flame-Kissed Food" by Better Homes and Gardens (Wiley, $24.95).Tested by Susan M. Selasky for the Free Press Test Kitchen. Analysis includes skin.275 calories (63% from fat), 17 grams fat (5 grams sat. fat), 3 grams carbohydrates, 20 grams protein, 214 mg sodium, 96 mg cholesterol, 0 grams fiber.Bourbon-Marinated Tri-TipServes: 8 / Preparation time: 15 minutes (plus marinating time) / Total time: 1 hourYou can grill the tri-tip whole or cut the roast into individual thick steaks.IngredientsMARINADE-- 3 tablespoons olive oil-- 2 tablespoons Dijon-- 1/4 cup bourbon whiskey-- 1/3 cup reduced-sodium soy sauce-- 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar-- 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce-- 1/4 cup light brown sugar-- 2 tablespoons minced red onion-- 1 tablespoon minced garlic-- 1 tablespoon kosher salt-- 2 teaspoons black pepperBEEF-- 1 tri-tip roast (2 to 2 1/4 pounds)Oil for the grill gratesDirectionsIn a glass measuring cup, whisk together all the marinade ingredients. Puncture the beef all over with a fork and place in a sealable plastic bag. Pour about two-thirds of the marinade over the beef; reserve remaining marinade to use as a sauce. Seal bag, squeezing out the air. Massage the outside of the bag to work the marinade in. Refrigerate at least four hours or overnight.About 30 minutes before grilling, remove the beef from the marinade (discard marinade) to a platter and set aside while the grill is heating.Preheat the grill to medium-high. Oil the grates and heat another five minutes. Add the tri-tip and sear on all sides to get nice grill marks. Move to indirect heat (no heat source under the beef) and finish cooking to desired degree of doneness, about 35 minutes (depending on the size) for medium-rare or until an internal temperature reaches 125 degrees. Remove from the grill and let it rest. The temperature will continue to rise to about 130 degrees.Heat the reserved marinade briefly, thinly slice the tri-tip against the grain and drizzle with the sauce.Adapted from "The Complete Meat Cookbook" by Bruce Aidells and Denis Kelly (Houghton Mifflin, $35).Tested by Susan M. Selasky for the Free Press Test Kitchen. Analysis based on about 5 ounces cooked tri-tip.285 calories (44% from fat), 14 grams fat (5 grams sat. fat), 3 grams carbohydrates, 34 grams protein, 520 mg sodium, 107 mg cholesterol, 0 grams fiber.Tamarind-Glazed Country-Style RibsServes: 6 (generously) / Preparation time: 10 minutes / Total time: 1 hour, 30 minutesLook for tamarind juice in the ethnic aisle of most grocery stores.IngredientsMARINADE-- 1 cup tamarind juice-- 1/3 cup reduced sodium soy sauce-- 3 cloves garlic-- 1/3 cup light brown sugar-- 1/4 cup water-- 2 tablespoons canola oil-- 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper-- 1/4 teaspoon ground cayenne pepperRIBS-- 12 country-style pork ribs with bone, about 4 pounds totalDirectionsIn a medium bowl, whisk together the marinade ingredients. Set aside 1/2 cup of the marinade in the refrigerator for brushing on the ribs during grilling. Put the ribs in a sealable plastic bag and pour the remaining marinade over them. Marinate 4 hours and up to overnight.Prepare the grill for indirect grilling over medium heat, about 325 degrees. (The heat will be on one side of the grill and the ribs off to another side.)Remove the ribs from the marinade (discard the marinade) and let the ribs sit at room temperature for 20-30 minutes before grilling.Brush the cooking grates clean and oil them. Place the ribs on the grill over indirect medium heat with the lid closed for 20 minut迷你倉出租s. Turn the ribs over, brush with some of the reserved marinade and continue to cook for another 25-30 minutes or until cooked through.Remove the ribs from the grill, tightly wrap with foil and let rest for 30 minutes. Serve warm.Adapted from "Weber's Way to Grill: The Step-by-Step Guide to Expert Grilling" by Jamie Purviance (Sunset, $24.95).Tested by Susan M. Selasky for the Free Press Test Kitchen.551 calories (51% from fat), 31 grams fat (10 grams sat. fat), 13 grams carbohydrates, 52 grams protein, 328 mg sodium, 179 mg cholesterol, 0 grams fiber.Grilled Salmon Steaks with Orange-Ginger SauceServes: 4 / Preparation time: 15 minutes / Total time: 30 minutesBefore eating, lift out the small circular bone from the center of each salmon steak.Ingredients-- 4 salmon steaks (1 to 1 1/2 inches thick) about 6 to 8 ounces each-- Salt and pepper-- 2 tablespoons olive oil-- 1 teaspoon grated orange zest-- 6 tablespoons orange or tangerine juice-- 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into 3 pieces-- 1 tablespoon grated ginger-- 1 tablespoon reduced-sodium soy sauce-- 1 (13-by-9-inch) disposable aluminum roasting pan-- 1 thinly sliced green onionDirectionsPreheat or prepare a grill for medium-high heat, then turn one burner to low. Or prepare a charcoal grill for indirect grilling.Pat salmon steaks dry with paper towels. Working with one steak at a time, carefully trim 1 1/2 inches of flesh from the belly flap. Tightly wrap the other flap around the skinned portion and tie the steaks with kitchen twine. Season salmon with salt and pepper and brush both sides with oil.In the foil tray, combine the orange zest, orange juice, butter, ginger, soy sauce and 1/8 teaspoon salt.Oil the cooking grate on the grill. Place the salmon on hot part of grill. Cook until browned, 2 to 3 minutes per side. Meanwhile, set the foil tray on a cool part of grill and cook until butter has melted, about 2 minutes. Transfer salmon to the tray pan and gently turn to coat. Cook salmon (covered if using gas) until center is still translucent when checked with tip of paring knife and registers 125 degrees (for medium-rare), 6 to 14 minutes. Halfway through grilling, flip the salmon and rotate the pan. When salmon is done, remove twine and transfer salmon to platter. Off the heat, whisk the green onion slices into the sauce. Drizzle sauce over salmon and serve.Adapted from Cook's Country Magazine, June 2011 issue.Tested by Susan M. Selasky for the Free Press Test Kitchen.440 calories (62% from fat), 30 grams fat (10 grams sat. fat), 3 grams carbohydrates, 38 grams protein, 428 mg sodium, 130 mg cholesterol, 0 grams fiber.Caribbean Pineapple Baby Back Ribs with Chile RubServes: 8 / Preparation time: 25 minutes (plus marinating time) / Total time: 2 hours, 45 minutesYou will need a spray bottle for this recipe.IngredientsRIBS-- 4 racks of baby back ribs (about 2 1/2 pounds each)RUB-- 1/4 cup light brown sugar-- 1 tablespoon kosher salt-- 1 teaspoon freshly black pepper-- 2 tablespoons favorite chile powder-- 2 tablespoons sweet paprika-- 1 tablespoon dried minced onion-- 1 tablespoon garlic powderSAUCE-- 1 1/2 cups pineapple juice-- 1/4 cup white vinegar-- 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce-- Oil for the grill grates-- Favorite barbecue sauceDirectionsTo prepare the ribs: Pull the white membrane off the back (nonmeaty side) of the ribs. Start it at one end and then grab it with paper towel and peel it off in one piece. Discard the membrane. Cut each slab in half. Place the ribs on a sided baking sheet.In a bowl, combine all the rub ingredients. Taste the rub and adjust seasonings as needed. It should have a sweet, salty and slightly spicy taste. Sprinkle some of the rub on the back sides of the ribs, rubbing it in. Flip the ribs over and generously sprinkle the meaty side with the remaining rub. Pat the rub into the ribs. Place the ribs in the refrigerator for at least one hour or as long as overnight, before grilling.In a spray bottle, place the pineapple juice, vinegar and Worcestershire sauce.Remove the ribs from the refrigerator at least 30 minutes before grilling.Preheat the grill with all burners on high. Oil the grill grates. Reduce the heat to medium-low and place the ribs on the grill. You want to maintain a temperature of about 300 degrees. You may have to shut one burner off.After about 25 minutes, spray the ribs with the pineapple mixture. This helps keep the outside moist during cooking and gives the ribs a little flavor. Continue grilling the ribs, spraying with the pineapple mixture every 25 minutes, about 1 to 1 1/2 hours longer. The ribs should be nicely browned and the meat should have shrunk some from the ends of the bones and be tender.Give the meaty side of the ribs a light brushing of barbecue sauce. Turn meaty side down and grill about 5 to 8 minutes just so the sauce caramelizes a bit. You can lightly sauce the back (nonmeaty side) if desired.Remove the ribs from the grill and let stand about 5 minutes before cutting into individual ribs. Serve with additional sauce on the side.From and tested by Susan M. Selasky for the Free Press Test Kitchen. Analysis per 1/2 slab ribs with rub.510 calories (67% from fat), 38 grams fat (14 grams sat. fat), 9 grams carbohydrates, 31 grams protein, 290 mg sodium, 150 mg cholesterol, 1 gram fiber.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Detroit Free Press Visit the Detroit Free Press at .freep.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

6 tips for surviving youth sports travel

Source: St.迷你倉新蒲崗 Louis Post-DispatchAug. 30--Your friends without kids don't get it. Heck, most of your friends with kids don't get it.Your family is heading to Memphis after work on Friday night. Because your 12-year-old is in a baseball tournament."How many games will they play?"At least three. More likely four, possibly five, with an outside chance for six. And the sixth game wouldn't start until 6 o'clock on Sunday. And then you'll drive home."Are you guys going to do any sightseeing?"Probably go to a Memphis Redbirds minor-league game with the team."So you are going to seven baseball games this weekend?"Only if we're lucky."Graceland? The Civil Rights Museum? Ducks at the Peabody?"We're staying at a Courtyard by Marriott. In the suburbs. So, probably not."What is your younger child going to do?"He's going to watch a lot of baseball games. He might help keep score for some of the games. At the hotel, he will play baseball in the hallways with the boys until the hotel manager threatens to kick us out."Well," says your friend. "Enjoy."Are you the parent of a young athlete on a club or select sports team? Then you may have already had this chat. Want to know why people think you're crazy for driving 12 hours to watch seven baseball games? Because it is crazy. But you can rationalize it. Some families do this every weekend. Those people are crazy. We're just doing it three or four times a year.Your family can survive that. In fact, it can even bring everyone a little closer. And it will make great memories for your little athlete.Here are six tips for surviving the youth sports trip.REMEMBER, IT'S ABOUT RELATIONSHIPSYour friends are at home riding the Katy Trail, playing golf, perfecting briskets, tossing washers in the backyard by the barbecue. So, who are these people clutching cans of beer at the hotel pool at 10 o'clock?You have nothing in common with them. You were thrown together because your kids play a game. They are liberals, conservatives, fundamentalists, atheists, doctors, construction workers. Get to know them and learn to love them because you signed up for this. These are your friends now.They love your kid. They encourage him. They believe in him. They make him feel good.That makes them your friends.Here comes the waitress with your order of nachos. What the heck? It's Cheez Wiz on potato chips."Hey, try this, it's not bad.""Help yourself to a beer. There is a cooler in my room."Wait a minute, look at the pool. The boys lost a tough game today but there they are working on a synchronized diving routine. And now they are doing the Harlem Shake underwater. I don't think I'll ever get that vision out of my mind.REMEMBER, IT'S NOT ABOUT WINNINGThe kid on the mound for the Arkansas Monsters is pitching like he's double-parked. He probably drove the team here. No way is he 12 years old. He is 6 foot 3. He's blowing kisses to the bleachers ... is that Vanessa Hudgens?Look at my kid holding the runner on at second base. He comes up to the other kid's shoulder blade.Something about going south. Everything is just bigger. And it's the same when you head north for hockey.No matter how good your team is, they won't win every game. They aren't going to win this game.Ouch, mercy rule in effect in the fourth inning. The final score in 11-3.You say, "That was a good team, but your team is good, too. You didn't give them anything. They just hit the ball hard."And, "The best baseball teams don't win every day."And, "We'll get 'em tomorrow."And, "We have the rest of the day free. Who is up for mini golf?"LIMIT YOUR ALCOHOL CONSUMPTIONFor your 12-year-old to do his best, you have to do your best. Your player needs a good breakfast in the morning, and he needs to get to the field on time. He needs to be hydrated, he needs to have his mind clear.His sleep number has to be determined and entered.If he's crabby, or hungry, or dehydrated, too fatigued from synchronized diving, or kicking himself after an error, he's going t迷你倉出租 play poorly.Problems spin out of control when you're in a hotel room instead of home.And even though this is about relationships -- and everyone loves your kid -- if your kid is not playing well, that's going to put some stress on those relationships.The players and their siblings need to be supervised. The hotel manager is not thrilled about the game of hotbox underway in the sixth floor hallway.What this means is, don't drink too much.Saying no to that fourth drink is a good idea, and saying no the third drink is an even better idea.Skipping the first two drinks is not advisable, however. See building relationships section, above.REMEMBER NUTRITIONHave you tried the pulled pork on nachos? They are so clever with barbecue in Memphis.But what's the plan for making sure your athlete and his siblings are nourished for the rest of the day?Seasoned coaches and team managers know to book hotels that offer hot breakfast.Breakfast at the hotel can be the best time of the day for making sure members of your family and your team get a healthful meal. Some yogurt, some berries, some whole-grain bread, poached eggs, bacon and 10 ounces of milk should provide your player with more than enough energy for the day.And it will make you less likely to sneak over to the concession stand during the tournament to fill up on nachos or burgers.Some sports parks have rules against bringing food inside because they want you to buy the food at their concession stands. If you are going to be there for six to eight hours on any given day, you need to break that rule and sneak some better food in.Fill up a small cooler with fruit. Strawberries, blueberries, cherries, apples, oranges. Bananas for potassium. And some cold chocolate milk.When your player asks for nachos, hand him an apple instead. Point to the other team and say, "They're filling up on garbage right now, and it will show. You're eating food that will keep you hydrated and provide energy."You can forget about monitoring nutrition at dinner. The adults tend to sit together at one table and the kids at a separate table. You don't know what they've ordered and you don't want to. Your job is done.REMEMBER THEYOUNGER SIBLINGThe younger sibling is getting a raw deal this weekend.This is about forging relationships with your older child's teammates' families. This is about your older child gaining confidence.Just embrace it. The whole weekend is about your older child.You can spin this. This weekend is about this family celebrating the talents of the elder child. We'll support him and his teammates together, as a family. Because that's what families do.Sounds better, right?Teams that function well have everyone pitching in to do jobs. Some parents handle dinner reservations, others set up shade tents or keep the scorebook. Siblings can have roles, too. Some teams use younger siblings as bat boys or girls.Keeping score is a great way to keep a younger child engaged in the game -- and sitting at your side instead of roaming around looking for trouble.If your younger child is feeling sad about being dragged halfway across the country for his older sibling's sports tournament, offer this chestnut:Your day will come. And all this glory will be yours.PLAN AN EXTRA DAYYou've already made the trip. Why rush home on Sunday night? Why not see what your destination has to offer besides baseball fields?For just one more hotel night -- and, likely, a personal day from work -- you can turn this into a fun family vacation.Better to tack the extra day on after the tournament rather than before. That way, your athlete can focus on the family time instead of stressing out about the games.And you can brag to your friend -- the one who can't understand why you travel for youth sports -- about how you DID manage to find time for non-baseball activities.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Visit the St. Louis Post-Dispatch at .stltoday.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

Movie review | Getaway: Late chase scene innovative, but waiting for it is a drag

Source: The Columbus Dispatch, OhioAug.自存倉 30--Simple concepts sometimes yield great art.Getaway doesn't.The plot puts Brent Magna (Ethan Hawke), a washed-up race driver, in a race against time.His wife has been kidnapped. To save her, he must steal a car and drive like a maniac through Bulgaria under orders issued by an austere presence who spies on Magna via cameras installed in the car.The mysterious voice seems to be playing a video game with Magna at the wheel, making him crash through crowded parks and smash into squadrons of police cars.The hero is mortified by the chores but willing to do them for the sake of his beloved.Fortunately, his driving skills are sharp enough not to leave a huge body count.Magna is eventually joined by a reluctant young adult known simply as the Kid (Selena Gomez), who, like every other teenager depicted in the movies, is tech-savvy beyond belief.The heroes bicker predictably before bonding during the course of one night of careening through the city. What is the villain's plan? How can they thwart said plan when their every move is being monitored?If the screenwriters really wanted to mimic something, is Speed (1994) the best choice?The baddie is framed only in suffocating close-ups featuring his yellowing teeth and two-day beard growth. Anyone could have played him, but produce迷你倉新蒲崗s landed Jon Voight, who might as well have sent in his performance via tweets.Ditto for Hawke, whose acting chops have been lauded for decades. He gives the hero the requisite rage, anxiety and helplessness, but his character is woefully underwritten.He mumbles, "I did things I'm not proud of."Cars smash and explosions shower the night sky with needed color, but they can't obscure the fact that director Courtney Solomon and the script treat viewers like idiots.The baddie says, "You're running out of time."Thanks for reminding us -- as if the numerous shots of the dashboard clock weren't sufficient.The real game is whether audiences can retain interest in the endless chase scenes until they learn the point of the game.If you have the patience, a late chase features a terrific bumper's-eye view of two vehicles weaving in and out of danger -- the only shot worth watching closely. It's striking because it's different and cohesive.It also takes advantage of the wide screen, making it seem -- if only briefly -- that the director isn't creating something intended for a tiny screen.Too late, simplicity works in the film's favor.sgowans@dispatch.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio) Visit The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio) at .dispatch.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉出租